Assessing livelihood and environmental implications of …
The study investigated the livelihood and environmental implications of artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Akango, a mining community in the Nzema East Municipality of Ghana.

IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Environment Degradation, Health
Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) activities, despite offering numerous economic incentives, inflict negative impacts on the environment and public health due to the use of mercury or cyanide. This study aims to compare three ASGM locations in Indonesia in terms of environmental impacts and potential health problems …

Gendered mining landscapes and health implications in Ghana…
In Ghana, fewer than 5% of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) licenses are held by women (Buss et al., 2021). The industry reflects "a growing number of women at the bottom of the labor hierarchy, carrying out highly-manual work, and a small group of what would be considered elite concession holder" ( Buss et al., 2021 : 6).

A Review of Health Issues Related to Child Labor and …
In effect, they transform traditional small‐scale artisanal mining into an illegal, larger‐scale mining enterprise. Profit comes by extorting a share of the gold or commodities produced (Soud, 2019) and the cash flows in local economies, and by controlling the supply chain.

Integrated Assessment of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana …
In the latter part of the 20th century, the independent Government of Ghana realized the loss of revenue to neighboring countries from illegal trade in precious minerals and created a department within the Minerals Commission which was responsible for licensing, regulating, and supporting small-scale mining in Ghana.

Public Administration, Governance, and Illegal Small-Scale Mining in Ghana
Illegal mining in Ghana is an archetypical complex problem as it is cross-scalar, involving public, private, nonprofit sector actors interacting at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of government. The relevant public agencies regulating the sector are the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, the Minerals Commission, and the …

Human health and safety in artisanal and small-scale mining…
1. Introduction. Mining is a notoriously dangerous occupation. Where reliable national statistics exist, mining generally ranks in the top three occupations for related diseases and fatal accidents (Vingård and Elgstrand, 2013: 6).In large-scale mining endeavors, the management of health and safety largely relies on governmental …

(PDF) Large scale mining in Ghana: A review of the
the implications of large-scale mining in Ghana. Fin dings revealed that, mining activities gravely affect the quality of wa ter in most mining. communities due to the u se of toxic substanc es ...

Women In Mining
Employment and Supply Chain. 1990 - 2014, ASM produced 9,717,730 oz, 34% of the total gold mined in Ghana. Gold mining is a part of the Ghanaian identity - forms a part of our culture and history - we were known as the Gold Coast. Mining's contributes 1.7% to GDP and 1.1 % direct employment.

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Ghana
for ASM activities, the policy framework for Ghana's mining sector has largely prioritised the development of large-scale activities. o ne of the questionable moves made has been the Inter-Ministerial t ask Force on Illegal Mining, which conducts sweeps of illegal mining operations to arrest miners and seize equipment.

Perception of Small-Scale Miners on Interventions to …
on Interventions to Eradicate Illegal Small-Scale Mining in Ghana Rejoice Selorm Wireko-Gyebi1, Michael Osei Asibey2, Owusu Amponsah2, ... bate the risks of unsafe mining activities on human health and the environment. There are, however, divergent views on the licensing pro-cess within Ghana's mining sector. Whereas some argue that

Frontiers | "Illegal" Gold Mining Operations in Ghana: …
According to Morelli (2011, p. 24), "environmental sustainability is defined as a condition of balance, ... Illegal small-scale gold mining in Ghana: a threat to food security. J. Food Secur. 4, 112–119. doi: 10.12691/jfs-4-5-2. CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar. Darimani, A., Akabzaa, T. M., and Attuquayefio, D. K (2013). Effective ...

Impacts of illegal Artisanal and small-scale gold mining on …
Introduction. In the heartland of Ghana's cocoa (Theobroma cacao) production, there is a profound and intricate interplay between agriculture, particularly cocoa farming, and Illegal Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM).This issue has emerged as a subject of paramount concern. The Amansie West District, nestled within …

Spatial distribution patterns of illegal artisanal small scale …
Spatial distribution patterns of illegal artisanal small scale gold mining ( Galamsey ) operations in Ghana: A focus on the Western Region February 2018 Heliyon 4(2):e00534

Available Legal Regime and The Use of Mercury for …
Available Legal Regime and The Use of Mercury for Small- Scale Gold Mining in Ghana David Asumda 1, Prof. Francis D. P. Situma 2, Dr. Kariuki Muigua 2, Dr. Shirazu Issahaku 3

Effects of the government's ban in Ghana on women in …
Artisanal and small-scale gold mining operations have been conducted in Ghana for centuries. Over time, technological advances in the industry occurred and miners separated from large-scale mining and applied this knowledge to small-scale or individual mining practices. In March 2017, the government responded to a media campaign …

Why is Ghana losing the war against illegal gold mining
Ghana, like most resource-rich countries, is saddled and inundated with resource curse challenges. Key among them is the problem of illegal small-scale gold mining activities (ISSGMAs), which is mercilessly robbing the nation of its ecological integrity, despite attempts by successive governments to remedy the situation. In the …

Perception of Small-Scale Miners on Interventions to Eradicate Illegal
Downloadable! The proliferation of illegal mining in Ghana, coupled with its environmental impacts, especially on water bodies has compelled the government to ban all artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) activities in the country. The ban is intended to promote environmental sustainability while the government takes steps to provide sustainable …

Ghana's Small-Scale Mining Menace
The use of small-scale, artisanal mining practices in gold-rich districts in Ghana date as far back as 2000 years. After encountering the budding trade and abundance of gold on these shores of the Gulf of Guinea in the 17th century, European colonists named today's Ghana the Gold Coast. True to the symbolism of the yellow in …

Golden Migrants: The Rise and Impact of Illegal Chinese Small‐Scale
While the engagement of Chinese migrants in small-scale mining in Ghana has gained traction in scholarship, the extant literature pays little attention to how the relationship between the so-called formal institutions (e.g., the Minerals Commission and Ministry of Land and Natural Resources) and informal institutions (e.g., the chieftaincy and …

Golden Migrants: The Rise and Impact of Illegal Chinese Small‐Scale
This article investigates factors that attract Chinese migrants into illegal small-scale mining in Ghana, their role in the supply chain, and the impact of their involvement. This is accomplished via mixed qualitative techniques involving interviews with illegal small-scale Chinese and Ghanaian miners, and relevant Ghanaian stakeholders.

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Ghana – …
2006 (Act 703). This requires that a small-scale mining license applicant must be a citizen of Ghana and must be at least 18 years old. The duration of a small-scale mining license is five years and renewable upon satisfactory performance during the first term (Minerals Commission 2015). Note that artisanal and small-scale

Improving awareness of mercury pollution in small-scale gold mining
Institutionally and legislatively, significant progress has made by the Ghanaian Government to formalize small-scale gold mining since the establishment of the Small-Scale Mining Project 3 in the early-1990s (Tsikata, 1997).. Finally, in-depth analysis of the Ghana experience promises to provide valuable guidance to policymakers …

Gold mining's environmental footprints, drivers, and future …
From 2008 to early 2017, the third phase of gold mining in Ghana witnessed a significant upsurge in small-scale mining activities due to the escalating gold prices (Hausermann et al., 2018; Barenblitt et al., 2021). This era marked a significant environmental impact as advanced technology such as excavators and wash plants …

Ghana's battle against illegal mining: A call for sustainable …
Illegal mining in Ghana encompasses both surface mining and small-scale operations. With little regard for environmental regulations and the absence of proper authorization, these activities leave ...

Rethinking small-scale gold mining in Ghana: A holy grail …
Ghana is fast losing its ecological health to illegal gold mining (IGM), since the last two decades. ... Rising unemployment rate coupled with worsening economic conditions in Ghana is forcing many people into IGM activities. ... These fester the mushrooming of small-scale illegal mining sites in mineralized areas with bold …

Galamsey In Ghana And Its Health Implications
The Small Scale Gold Mining Law, PNDCL 218, the Mercury Law PNDCL 217, and the Precious Mineral Marketing Cooperation Law, PNDCL 219 provided for small scale mining that involved the use of ...

Spatial distribution patterns of illegal artisanal small scale …
The observed decreasing trend in new illegal mining areas suggests that efforts at stopping illegal mining yielded positive results in the period investigated, and further investigation in other geographies and climatic regions is needed to ascertain the susceptibility of Sentinel-1 data to atmospheric conditions.

Relationship between small-scale gold mining activities
1. Introduction. Ghana, Africa's leading gold producer, has recently been in the spotlight for concerns of unlicensed mining activities polluting surface water sources (Akotey, 2023).Although mining has contributed significantly to the West African nation's economic fortunes and is in some ways a significant part of the country's post-colonial …

The impact of illegal mining in Ghana: A looming …
Conclusion. The impact of illegal mining in Ghana is vast and multifaceted, touching upon environmental, public health, and social aspects. The detrimental consequences of this activity are far-reaching and demand immediate attention and intervention from the government, policymakers, and society as a whole.
- Health Conditions Of Illegal Small Scale Mining In Ghana
- Safety And Health In Opencast Mines
- Termsterms And Conditions Stone Crusher In Himachal
- Mining Equipment Physical Conditions
- Health Hazards Of Quarry Duet
- Terms And Conditions Stone Crusher
- Aggregates Mining Health Concerns
- Calcium Silicate Health Risk
- Enviroment Health Crushing In Mines
- Illegal Stone Crushing In Ganga
- Ways Of Stopping Illegal Mining
- Policie Aganist Illegal Mining In Ghana
- Effects Of Illegal Mining In Ghana
- Health Safety Amp Environment Hse Program Mainland Machinery
- Powerpoint Presentation On Illegal Mining