Illegal sand mining in coastal Ghana: The drivers and the way …
Abstract. The study examined the drivers of illegal sand mining operations in coastal Ghana and the way forward. Underpinned by common pool resource theory and guided by interpretivist research philosophy, qualitative data were collected from 67 relevant actors in coastal sand mining operations in selected communities.

Stop mining | Inquirer Opinion
Stop mining. By: Peter Wallace - @inquirerdotnet. Philippine Daily Inquirer / 05:06 AM May 20, 2021. I agree with those who oppose mining; it's not good for the environment. But we have a choice: We can ban mining, or accept it in a responsible manner. If we ban it, we go back to the land of the Luddites. A simple life with no modern ...

3 Ways to Take Action to Stop Illegal Logging
Illegal logging refers to any business practice in which trees are harvested or extracted without proper clearance or oversight. Though it may sound harmless, illegal logging is a leading cause of deforestation around the world, creating disruptions that can permanently destroy ecosystems. Thankfully, the past 40 years have seen major …

How to overhaul mining and build an ethical …
The thirst for green batteries is fuelling exploition in countries like the DRC. Exploitation is deeply rooted in the cobalt industry, but it is not inevitable. The connection between the battery driven green economy …

New strategies for sustainable closure of mines
The strategy highlights food and non-food agricultural projects as one of the possible post-mining economic activities. Mining companies and the government will have to work together in assessing the full social and environmental impacts of any proposed new mining project and drafting sustainable closure plans for the proposed mine.

Illegal Mining in Venezuela: Death and Devastation in the
This rainforest is being illegally logged to make way for mines, roads, and mining camps. In the four years after the creation of the Arco Minero, over 2,821 square kilometers (approximately 1,090 square miles) of forest have been destroyed, 50 percent of that area in "protected territories.".

A call to halt destructive, illegal mining in Zimbabwe
artisanal mining in 2006 6 has largely failed to stop this pover ty ... Illegal mining was prevalent throughout the three land use classes, with mercury (Hg) being detected in 35 sites (71.5 % ...

TECH NEWS: How to stop illegal mining in South Africa
Firstly, to seal the shaft permanently as a mitigating factor, thereby preventing unauthorised access by illegal miners or, secondly, to rehabilitate the mining footprint fully, rendering the area safe for public use. Another challenge is that various shafts are often interconnected, such as a live shaft and a redundant shaft linking …

Response Framework on Illegal Mining and the Illicit …
on Illegal Mining and the Illicit Trafficking in Precious MetalsI N T R O D U C T I O NThe objective of this framework is to (i) briefly outline the global challenges related to illegal mining and traficking. n precious metals, as well as to (ii) provide an overview of UNODC's role and response. In the context of this framework, UNODC puts ...

Illicit Mining: Threats to U.S. National Security and
The investigation uncovered a conspiracy responsible for the importation of over $3.5 billion dollars of gold derived from numerous illicit activities, including narcotics trafficking, illegal ...

DENR stops 144 illegal mining ops in '21 | Jonathan L.
Jonathan L. Mayuga. January 3, 2022. 3 minute read. AMID the pandemic, the government stopped 144 illegal mining operations in 2021, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR ...

How to stop illegal sand mining
Sand is a mineral as defined under Section 3 (e) of Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation Act, 1957 (MMDR Act). This act empowers government and state to make any laws to prevent illegal …

How to 'stop mining before it starts': Interview with …
The most important point, Zorrilla says in an interview with Mongabay, is to stop mining before it starts. Carlos Zorrilla is a leader in what locals say is the longest continuous resistance ...

Sand mining: Stopping the grind of unregulated supply chains
Despite the seemingly massive natural 'stocks' of sand, shortages of sand are increasing worldwide, leading to a growth in both domestic and international trade of sand, which amounted to about $2 billion in 2019 (2021). 3 An estimated 42 – 55 billion tonnes of sand are mined every year around the world, from quarries, sand dunes ...

Illegal Mining News, Research and Analysis
Artisanal gold mining in South Africa is out of control. Mistakes that got it here. Tracy-Lynn Field, University of the Witwatersrand. Artisanal gold mining is highly organised and rule-bound. Men ...

Mining: should it be banned, or are there alternative ways?
Although mining is responsible for 10% of the deforestation in the Amazon, the World Bank estimates that 44% of all mining operations in the world are in our forests. In particular, Brazil mining deforestation have increased more than 90% between 2017 to 2020 reaching 101.7 k㎡ annually in 2020 compared to 52.9 k㎡ annually in 2017.

Afro-Colombian Activist Francia Márquez, 2018 Goldman …
Francia Márquez helped organize the women of the community of La Toma, Colombia's Pacific southwest region, in Cauca, to stop illegal gold mining by multinational corporations and other illegal ...

Africa's growing illegal mining: Financial drain and …
The avoidance of taxes involved in mining operations in many African countries, on its own, is claiming a growing proportion of affected states' income, says the IMF. According to an IMF report on the problem, Sub-Saharan countries are losing from $450 to $730 million a year in corporate income tax revenues shifted to other lower-tax ...

Solutions to prevent mining accidents and …
The environmental risks of mining include: the formation of sinkholes. the contamination of soil and groundwater. loss of biodiversity. chemical leakages. In addition to environmental risks, mining activities …

UNODC Supports Efforts to Combat Illicit Mining in …
Pretoria (South Africa), 3 November 2020 — The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and its partners are exploring innovative solutions to prevent and combat illicit trafficking in precious metals, including technology-based solutions that strengthen the integrity of the precious metals supply chain. Illegal mining and the illicit ...

The devastating impact of illegal gold mining in Latin …
A 2016 assessment by INTERPOL and the United Nations Environment Programme estimated illegal mining to account for up to USD 48 billion a year in criminal proceeds. Latin America is especially affected by this crime area, experiencing one of the world's largest illegal gold extraction rates, according to INTERPOL's findings.

Peru looks for reforms after mining decimates …
Gold mining leaves heart of Peruvian Amazon a wasteland. In February, Peruvian authorities were sent in to the Amazon Rainforest to disrupt environmental devastation brought on by illegal gold ...

The Illegal Airstrips Bringing Toxic Mining to Brazil's …
The illegal mining on Yanomami land near Brazil's border with Venezuela is a window into what's playing out across the Amazon rainforest, which covers about 60 percent of the overall country ...

Stopping Illegal Logging in Africa | Stories | WWF
The importance of stopping illegal logging WWF predicts that most forest loss will occur by 2030 in 11 regions around the world—one of which is East Africa and includes Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya—if we do not change the way we address major forest threats. A loss of nearly 30 million acres is expected between 2010 and …

Environmental Justice Foundation | Stop Deep …
Deep-sea mining has to be stopped. The deep sea is still a pristine ecosystem, largely untouched by human activity. It covers 65% of the Earth's surface and makes up more than 95% of the Earth's biosphere. …

How to control illegal mining
The President, John Dramani Mahama, set up a taskforce to move in to put a brake on the alarming increase in illegal mining. Unfortunately, nothing concrete has come out of the work of the ...

Crackdown on illegal mining has unforeseen consequences
A controversial police crackdown on illegal mining late last year, followed by an environmental rehabilitation project in which small-scale farmers in central Zimbabwe were forced to participate, has left them struggling to find their feet and adversely affected food security. Police arrested more than 20,000 "illegal miners" across the country ...

Frontiers | "Illegal" Gold Mining Operations in Ghana: …
The problem of illegal mining has been a matter of concern for a long time but it appears the challenges have been enormous and more visible in recent times (Amankwah, 2013; Obeng et al., 2019; Atta and Tholana, 2021). Thus, illegal mining results in extensive land cover changes leading to loss of forest and farmland (Prosper …

Illegal Mining Fuels Crisis for Indigenous Tribe in Brazil's …
The Amazon's Largest Isolated Tribe Is Dying. Illegal mines have fueled a humanitarian crisis for the Yanomami Indigenous group. Brazil's new president is trying to fight back. Members of ...
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