Review on mathematical models for travelling-grate iron oxide pellet
Hasenack et al. [4] recognized the necessity to account for losses to the grate bars and pellet cars, whilst these were not implemented into the model. Thurlby [6] uses a two-layer domain for calculating the heat transferred to the grate bars, but use the same heat transfer coefficient and surface area for the pellet bed.

Scheme of gas flow among the pellets distributed …
The induration process of a single pellet in a travelling grate furnace was investigated by Vitoretti and Costro [3] to obtain temperature distribution within pellets during the induration ...

Grate Bars for Pallet and Sinter Cars
Grate Bars for Pallet and Sinter Cars. CSP's Grate bars are expertly designed to maximize airflow while maintaining mechanical strength and …

Grate Bar Casting | Thermal Process Development
Grate Bars. Thermal Process Development provides access to Kablitz's customized cast iron and high chrome alloy casting foundry. Kablitz is one of the few companies in the world that sells biomass fueled energy systems as well as casts all of their own grate bars. Having their own foundry allows for the highest quality control and assures the ...

Mathematical model for a straight grate iron ore pellet …
A hearth layer of fired pellets is used in the former to protect grate bars from excessive heating. Fresh pellets are charged onto a hearth layer of the fired ones. Hot gas is blown through the layer to dry-out and fire the pellets at about 1300 °C. In the grate-kiln process, the green pellets are charged onto the grate to form a bed of ∼180 ...

Dynamic simulation of pellet induration process in straight-grate …
Fig. 1 depicts schematic of a typical straight-grate induration system. The grate bars fixed on a moving strand are first covered with a layer of burnt pellet, known as hearth-layer. The green pellets containing 7 to 9 wt.% free moisture and 10 to 14 mm in size are then fed onto this layer and travel together with the sub-layer through several …

Increasing the service life of pellet car grate bars
Intercrystallite corrosion (ICC) is the main reason to decrease service life of pellet car grate bars made of steel 40Х24Н12СЛ. In the process of the study of microstructure of pellet car ...

Sintering and pelletizing services Pallet cars for sintering …
temperatures up to 1,350 °C. Pellet bed heights up to 550 mm can be realized. The grate bar design was further improved for long service life and low pressure drop. The material of the spring-loaded sealing elements is selected to optimally match with the slide rails of …

A Mathematical Model for Straight-Grate Iron Oxide …
development of straight-grate iron oxide pellet induration furnace. Tushar et al.14 conducted a plant scale experiment by inserting thermocouple near the side wall of the pellet car and validated their 1-D model results against experimental data. Zhou et al.15,16 used computational fluid dynamics as tool to analyze the drying process of the ...

Grate bar material and production method thereof as well …
The invention relates to a production method of a grate bar material of a sintering machine. The production method mainly solves the problems that a high-alloy grate bar is complex in production process, relatively high in production cost, difficult in casting flaw control, non-uniform in performance and the like in the prior art. The …

Assessment of iron ore pellets production using two charcoals …
Those materials were applied to the experiments as collected. The anthracite fines were subject to drying and grinding prior to the green mixture. After fuel grinding, all raw materials were set for mixing (green mixture production), pelletizing (balling) and at last burning tests of green pellets in a scale pot grate furnace.

Failure Analysis and Improvement Measures of Grate Bars …
Stainless steel grate bars are one of the important components of pallet cars used in straight grate iron ore pelletizing plant. Their service life has a major influence on plant productivity and pellet quality. The objective of this work is to find the root cause of grate bars premature failure and suggest preventive measures. To reach this objective, failed …

Grate bar and Side wall, Wear Parts on pallet cars and sinter/pellet cars
1. Casting process: Shell mold precision casting 2. Steel grade: 1.4777 1.4823 1.4837 1.4848 3. Dimensional Tolerance of cast: DIN EN ISO 8062-3 grade DCTG8 4. Geometrical Tolerance of cast: DIN EN ISO 8062 – grade GCTG 5 5. Application: Wear Parts on pallet cars and sinter cars. We are the...

Travelling Grates&Chain Grate&wear plate on Grate-kiln
Casting process: Shell mold precision casting. 2. Steel grade: 1.4777 1.4848 1.4837. 3. Dimensional Tolerance of cast: DIN EN ISO 8062-3 grade DCTG8. 4. Geometrical Tolerance of cast: DIN EN ISO 8062 – grade GCTG …

Study of the induration phenomena in single pellet to traveling grate
The induration process using straight-grate, grate-kiln, and vertical shaft kiln systems can be divided into four different stages drying, preheating, firing, and cooling [10, 11]. During the ...

Investigation of Performance Reduction in Grate Bar …
High temperature applicant steels containing 3 main properties as: 1- resistance to oxidation and scaling, 2- constancy preservation within working temperature and 3- …

Dynamic simulation of pellet induration process in …
Description of Induration Process in Straight-Grate Machine Fig. 1 depicts schematic of a typical straight-grate induration system. The grate bars fixed on a moving strand are …

Pallet Cars & Sinter Cars
Pellet bed heights up to 550 mm can be realized. The CSP Sinter Car for sintering is used to air-sweep ore fines and sintering concentrates through the charge layer during sintering belt movement. The car consists of a split or one-piece cast steel body, steel sealing plates, and lattice grate. Use of the seal assembly on the roller adds ...

Study of the induration phenomena in single pellet to …
The thermo physical and chemical phenomena that occur inside the pellet during the induration process were considered in this model as the gas solid contact, gas flow, grate motion and phase transformations coupled with heat and mass transfer within the particles that forms a packed bed inside the pellet.

Dynamic simulation of pellet induration process in straight-grate …
The role of the heart layer pellets is to act as a neutral heat absorbing media and protect the grate bars from excessive gas temperatures. The induration process in travelling grate typically consists of four distinct phases: drying, preheating, firing, and cooling. The first stage of drying is updraft to prevent condensation of water and ...

Influence of particle diameter and material properties on …
Grates are able to burn a broad range of fuels with only little or even no requirement for fuel preparation [1], [2]. Depending on the grate type the solid material is transported by a conveyor belt (travelling grate), by moving bars (forward-acting, reverse-acting grate) or by rotating rollers (roller grate).

What's the Best Type of Grill Grate Material?
Most grill grates are made of cast iron, stainless steel or one of those base materials covered in an enamel coating. There is some debate about which grill grate material gives the best results, so we'll be covering each one in detail and providing a list of pros and cons. 1. Stainless steel grill grates. Stainless steel grates are the most ...

Review on mathematical models for travelling-grate iron oxide pellet
The h eat transferred to the pellet cars and grate bars is the only source of loss accounted for in the travelling-grate models. Nevertheless, several papers do not consider this factor explicitly ...

Working temperature variation of Grate bar through the …
The study also includes laboratory corrosion simulation tests on fresh grate bar samples using 1M Na2SO4 solution, 1M NH4Cl solution and water associated with coal tar used in pellet plant. Failed ...

Grate Bars
Grate Bars. Ash Extractor Chains for Pulverized Coal Combustion -for Waste-to-Energy (WTE), Sinter & Pellet Plants. AcmeCast is a stainless steel and high alloy foundry with CNC machining facility. With growing need to lowering COxand NOxemission levels and reducing garbage landfills, there has been growing trend across the world for producing ...

Schematic overview of the Grate-Kiln process (to the left) …
It also resulted in a significant decrease in specific consumption of grate bar from ~ 120 g/ton of pellets to ~ 10 g/ton of pellets. View Thermal cycling of grate-link material for iron ore ...

NextGen Pelletizing
This process produces pellets with excellent physical and metallurgical properties for a wide range of plant capacities up to >9 Mtpa. It ensures high performance and quality, low investment and operating costs, as …

(PDF) Virtual indurator: A tool for simulation of induration of …
The mean diameter and moisture content of wet pellets, composition and temperature of inlet gas, firing Fig. 8. Comparison of pot grate (䊉) and predicted temperatures (—) at different bed heights: (a) 48.8 cm, (b) 38.4 cm, (c) 28.8 cm, and (d) 11.8 cm above the grate bar. Experimental data are from Thurlby et al. (1979).

`Mathematical Modelling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Hematite Pellet
The paper presents a software that allows one to simulate the traveling grate furnace, evaluating product and process characteristics. The simulation follows a deterministic, fundamental-based mathematical model of the TGF, which considers the gas network, predicts pellet properties and energy consumption and productivity ofthe process.
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