acquisition of vocabulary is essential for successful foreign language use and plays an. important role in the formation of complete spoken and written texts. Learning vocabulary. ite ms plays a ...

Viewpoints on learning and teaching German as a foreign language
In 1998, the Goethe-Institut's Language Advisory Board published its "Theories on the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language", a paper which for the first time outlined key issues relating to the learning and teaching of German as a foreign language (GFL). Requirements for foreign language teaching have evolved further in the meantime.

Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language: Origins, …
This study is focused on the genesis, developments and current directions of the discipline called Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL) within the Arab world between 1958 and 2018. The goal of this research is to outline a historical overview of the evolution of the discipline from the onset to the present.

Exploring the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Foreign
Foreign language teaching, because of its special characteristics, can receive more attention and changes, and can produce a process from quantitative to qualitative changes. How to make a good ...

Language Teaching Strategies and Techniques used to …
implement their unit of inquiry to children learning English as a foreign language or additional language. 2. To create a resource bank of language teaching strategies, ideas and techniques for teachers to use when implementing units of inquiry. 3. To help raise teacher awareness of language learning through the programme of inquiry.

How does artificial intelligence empower EFL teaching and …
So far, few reviews have been deployed to explore how AI empowers English as Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning. This study attempts to give a brief yet profound overview of AI in the EFL context by summarizing and delineating six dominant forms of AI application, including Automatic Evaluation Systems, Neural …

The use of ICT in teaching English as a foreign language.
The use of ICT in teaching English as a foreign l anguage. Dilek ÇAKICI . ELT Department, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey. Abstract. During the last two decades, the integration of ICT ...

Teaching English Abroad 2024: The Ultimate Guide
Step #1: Get your ESL certificate. Takeaway: If your goal is to teach English abroad, then TEFL is the most commonly recognized of the four options above in the eyes of international employers. You will need to make an initial investment in the necessary training before you can get a job teaching abroad.

Research on flipped classrooms in foreign language teaching …
Since its introduction in foreign language teaching (FLT) in China in 2011, the FC has attracted increasing research attention and has been welcomed by foreign language teachers (Yan and Zhou, 2021).

The Difficulties of Teaching English Language: …
Learning English as second or foreign language has received a lot of attention, so teachers have to find some well-planned and organized ways to facilitate the process of learning and teaching ...

Innovation research on foreign language teaching theory …
Since China's reform and opening up, foreign language teaching (FLT) in China has achieved rapid development under the guidance of foreign language teaching theories both at home and abroad. However, problems such as 'time-consuming and inefficient foreign language learning' and the presence of 'dumb foreign languages' in …

Teaching foreign language and culture: Social impact and …
List of illustrations Acknowledgements Note on spelling Preface PART ONE: PRACTICAL LANGUAGE TEACHING TO 1800 1. The early years 2. 'Refugiate in a strange country': the refugee language teachers in…. Expand. 685. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Teaching foreign language and culture: Social impact and political …

Emerging Challenges of Teaching English in Non …
Teaching English as a foreign language means that English is learned in non-native English-speaking countries. Braine (1999 as cited in Chun, 2014) states that a native speaker—not English as the specific context, will create a better teacher than a non-native speaker. By this statement, an English teacher must have many challenges when ...

(PDF) Teaching English as Foreign Language …
Teaching English as Foreign Language (Teaching and Learning Strategies) October 2017. October 2017. Publisher: FKIP UMT Press. ISBN: 978-602-5559-10-5. Authors: Ikhfi Imaniah.

Cross-cultural Communication and Foreign Language Teaching
The concept of communicative competence in teaching foreign languages stipulates development of students' knowledge, skills and abilities that enable them to join the ethno-cultural values of the ...

What is TEFL | Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Teaching English as a foreign language involves being able to convey the English language in an articulate and interesting manner. TEFL educators encourage students to improve their English skills through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. TEFL is often facilitated through the use of course books, audio-visual aids, and technology-based ...

Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: A …
This arti cle aims to provide some guidelines for teachers on how to conduct vocabulary. instruction in their class because one of the m ain issues faced by Indonesian students recently is. the l ...

Editorial: Teaching and learning Chinese as a foreign or …
1 Introduction. Chinese, as a globally significant language widely used both within and outside of China, has witnessed a remarkable increase in the number of learners worldwide (Gong et al., 2018, 2020).By the end of 2021, the number of people outside China learning Chinese as a second/foreign language (CSL/CFL) had exceeded 25 …

Teaching German
Teaching German. The Goethe-Institut stands for outstanding German language tuition. We maintain this high standard. with our "Grünes Diplom" training programme for German language teachers. with our online teacher training courses and the "Deutsch Lehren Lernen" (DLL) programme (Learn to Teach German) for German teachers worldwide.

Technology in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teaching
Technology is widely used in the context of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL), which usually refers to teaching English to non-native speakers of English in regions where English is not commonly spoken. This paper briefly explores the use of computer technologies in teaching EFL with a quick overview of the development of …

Artificial Intelligence in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching…
The following section provides an introductory, practical discussion of terms, methods, and common application types of (narrow) AIs in foreign language learning processes.

Language Learning and Teaching
Language Learning and Teaching. Zhu Hua, Anna Mauranen, and Christina Higgins. Language teaching and learning remains central to Applied Linguistics as an academic journal and as a field of enquiry. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the journal, we have put together an extensive reading list of the latest articles in language teaching ...

Methodology of teaching English as a foreign …
2018, The Methodology of Teaching English Language. Basic didactics of teaching EFL the main methods of teaching EFL (Grammar translation method, Audio-lingual method, Silent way method, Communicative …

Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, …
The Centre for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (CTCFL) at the University of Oxford is located in the Institute for Chinese Studies in Walton Street, Oxford. The Centre is funded for its initial phase from 1998 to 2001 by the Jessie and Thomas Tam Charitable Foundation of Hong Kong. Workshops and research projects run by the British ...

(PDF) Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Libyan
Abstract. Teaching English as a foreign language, particularly in public schools is not an easy task. Various hurdles pose serious challenges to EFL teachers while imparting an effective teaching ...

Effectiveness of Movies in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign
However, teaching and learning English as a foreign language is a complex task. ere is a need for robust strategies and teaching materials to make English learning classes more engaging to ...

Methods and Strategies in Teaching English as a …
E-mail: [email protected]. 2. Methods and Strategies in Teaching English as a Second Language. Abstract. English language is universal and individual. It allows people to communicate across ...

Teach English Abroad: Top 54 Countries (Table 2024)
Teaching English as a Foreign language offers prospective university students, university graduates and young people, in general, a perfect opportunity. TEFL-certified teachers see new corners of the world and gain priceless, international work experience. Even if you're unsure of whether in-person teaching, or indeed teaching in general, is ...

The history of language teaching approaches is characterized by a variety of methods, from grammar-translation to communicative language teaching, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses ...

Language Teaching Research
Preview abstract. Restricted access Research article First published June 23, 2021 pp. 1255–1279. xml GET ACCESS. Table of contents for Language Teaching Research, 28, 3, May 01, 2024.