(PDF) Metallogenic mechanism of Pingguo bauxite deposit, …
Bauxite residue (BR) was identified as a hazardous alkaline solid waste, generated from the alumina extraction of bauxite ores using Bayer process [1][2] [3].On a global scale, annual BR ...

Pre-Visean Bauxites and Iron-Aluminum Ores Deposit of the …
Abstract Data on geology of bauxite deposits associated with rich iron ores of the weathering crust of Precambrian ferruginous-siliceous shale formation within the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) are summarized. High -grade iron ores and bauxites occur under a predominantly Paleozoic sedimentary cover at depths of over 400 m. The main …

Ore Geology Reviews
The ore- bearing rock series that exhibits a typical "coal–bauxite–iron" structure is divided into three segments from the bottom upward, namely, an iron layer, a bauxite layer, and …

Mineralogical characteristics of the karstic bauxite deposits …
The ore-bearing rock series that exhibits a typical "coal–bauxite–iron" structure is divided into three segments from the bottom upward, namely, an iron layer, a …

Bauxite: The principal ore of aluminum.
Bauxite is the primary ore of aluminum. Almost all of the aluminum that has ever been produced has been extracted from bauxite. The United States has a few small bauxite deposits but at least 99% of the bauxite used in the United States is imported. The United States is also a major importer of aluminum metal. Many people are surprised to learn ...

Regional multi-sources of Carboniferous karstic bauxite deposits in
1. Introduction. Bauxite is formed mainly as a chemical residue produced by intense subaerial weathering under tropical and humid conditions (Bárdossy, 1982; Tardy and Roquin, 1998).The term "bauxite deposit" in economic geology refers specifically to comprehensive aluminum-bearing geological bodies (usually >35% Al 2 O 3 with Al 2 O …

Provenance and Tectonic Evolution of Bauxite Deposits in …
1 Introduction 1.1 Overview of Bauxite Ore. As a residue of strong chemical weathering, bauxite is mainly composed of Al-oxyhydroxides, Fe-oxides/-oxyhydroxides and Ti-oxides (mainly TiO 2 phases) (Bárdossy, 1982, 1994; Bárdossy and Aleva, 1990; D'Argenio & Mindszenty, 1995; Retallack, 2010).Bauxite deposits can be classified into …

Difference Between Bauxite and Iron Ore | Definition, …
Bauxite and iron ore are two such types that are found naturally on earth. Bauxite is also known as aluminum ore and contains aluminum bearing minerals. Iron ore is a type of rock from which we can extract iron. The main difference between bauxite and iron ore is that bauxite is a source of aluminum whereas iron ore is a source of iron.

Mineralogical and geochemical evolution of the Bidgol bauxite deposit …
The current classification of bauxite deposits divides them into three main genetic types, depending on the mineralogy, geochemistry and host lithology: 1) Lateritic-type bauxites contain gibbsite as the main hydrated aluminium oxide, are generally residual deposits derived by in situ and direct lateritization (autochthonous) of aluminosilicate ...

GEMIS: Iron ore, manganese and bauxite deposits of the …
Iron ore, manganese and bauxite deposits of the Northern Territory: Report id: NTGS Report 13: Year: 2001: Author: Ferenczi, PA: Publisher: Northern Territory Geological Survey: Document Type: NTGS Report: Access Constraint: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Please observe and retain any copyright or related notices ...

Reservoir characteristics and formation model of Upper
The bauxite series in eastern Ordos Ba- sin mainly include mudstone, bauxitic mudstone, clayey bauxite and ferrilite. The iron-rich layer of the bauxite series in the study area has a high hematite content of 85.9% and a lower content of clay minerals. Aluminum-containing layer has a high content of clay minerals and more aluminum hy- …

Occurrence state, enrichment mechanism and resource …
The ore- bearing rock series of bauxite deposit in the Wuchuan- Zheng'an- Daozhen (WZD) area in northern Guizhou consists of lower Permian Dazhuyuan Formation, underlying lower Silurian Hanjiadian Formation or upper Carboniferous Huanglong Formation, and overlying middle Permian Liangshan Formation, three of which are in …

Iron Loss During Continental Weathering in the …
Key Points. Fe-poor bauxite is enriched in heavy Fe isotopes due to the release of isotopically light dissolved Fe (II) during …

Bauxite Deposits | SpringerLink
Gradational zoning is characterised by a gradual decrease in Al 2 O 3 and an increase in SiO 2 towards the upper and lower contacts of the bauxite seam (Fig. 34.4a).This type of zoning is best expressed at the deposits of the Weipa plateau. Definition of ore grade and classification of the bauxite products depends on their …

The formation environment of Carboniferous karstic bauxite deposits …
In drill core B (Shangwutou bauxite deposit), the Shanxi-type iron consisted of kaolinite, goethite, some hematite, with small amounts of diaspore and anatase (Fig. 3 d); the bauxite ore was mainly composed of diaspore, also kaolinite, and minor anatase (Fig. 3 e); and the bauxitic claystone was dominated by kaolinite, also diaspore, with minor ...

The "coal–bauxite–iron" structure in the ore-bearing rock …
By studying the elemental geochemistry of the ore-bearing rock series, it can be seen that the common presence of the "coal–bauxite–iron" structure has resulted …

Geochemical Characterization of Bauxite Deposits from the …
The Abruzzi bauxite district includes the deposits located on the Campo Felice plateau and those of the Monti d'Ocre, which had been mined in the first part of the 20th century. Bauxite is of the karst type, with textures ranging between oolitic and oolitic-conglomeratic, the latter suggesting a partial reworking of evolved lateritic soils. The …

Characterization Study of some Bauxite Deposits in …
Alumina is produced from bauxite, which contains a mixture of various oxides, such as aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), silicon (Si), and titanium (Ti). Bauxite can also be considered a source of several other valuable metals, such as scandium (Sc), vanadium (V), and gallium (Ga). The composition and mineralogy of alumina determine their …

The company has discovered many potential areas [some of them are such a big deposits having significance at the national level in India. The company tenements include license(s)/Lease(s) of Iron ore (Hematite And Magnetite), Manganese ore (Mono-oxide And Di-oxide), Bauxite (Metal Grade And Refractory Grade), Copper ore (Azurite …

Bauxite | Properties, Formation, Uses » geologyscience
Bauxite is a sedimentary rock mineral that is the primary source of aluminum. It is formed through the weathering of aluminum-rich rocks in tropical and subtropical regions. The name bauxite is derived from the French village of Les Baux, where it was first discovered in 1821 by geologist Pierre Berthier. Bauxite is typically found in layers …

Importance of hydrogeological conditions during formation …
Karstic bauxite deposits are widespread in Central Guizhou Province, SW China, and high-grade ores are frequently sandwiched with overlying coal and …

Mineralogical characteristics of the karstic bauxite deposits …
The "coal-bauxite-iron" structure in the ore-bearing rock series as a prospecting indicator for southeastern Guizhou bauxite mines. ... distribution and formation mechanism of those bauxite ore-bearing rock series require further investigation. We used thickness data from ∼ 800 drillcores in central Guizhou to generate a high-precision ...

(PDF) Iron Loss During Continental Weathering in the Early
iron ores, and iron-rich clays (Figure 4), were collected from outcrops and open pits at three bauxite deposits in the Guiyang area (Xiaoshanba, Lindai, and Yun wushan), and three bauxite deposits ...

Geochemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of Palaeokarstic Bauxite
The presence of thin (up to 50 cm) pyrite-bearing coal seams and carbonaceous facies on top of the Parnassos–Ghiona bauxite deposit, at the transition between B3 (the youngest) bauxite horizon and the occurrence of multicolor bauxite ores reflecting a multistage evolution and changes in the mineralogy and geochemistry, is a …

The "coal-bauxite-iron" structure in the ore-bearing rock series …
Bauxite deposits in southeastern Guizhou occur in the lower Permian Liangshan Formation. The rock series bearing the sedimentary bauxite exhibit a typical "coal-bauxite-iron" structure, in which the lower part consists of bauxitic shale intercalated with siderite concretions, the middle part consists of bauxitic rock intercalated with multilayer …

Importance of hydrogeological conditions during formation …
The geological and experimental studies show that "coal–bauxite–iron" structure in Lindai deposit is formed under certain hydrogeological conditions, i.e., since lateritic bauxite or Al-rich laterite deposited upon the semi-closed karst depressions, Si can be continuously removed out under neutral/acidic groundwater conditions; the coal ...

Study of Minor Bauxite Deposits, Madhya Pradesh: …
refractory or abrasive industries. A study on complex utilization of ore and low grade bauxite ore can be proposed for these deposits to conserve and increase the bauxite resources of the area. 6.4 Bauxite mining cost in these deposits is comparatively far lower than its transportation cost to the alumina plants of Balco and Hindalco.

Bauxite. Bauxite is an aluminum-rich sedimentary rock. It is the principal ore of aluminum. Aluminum in bauxite is hosted by aluminum hydroxide minerals, mostly gibbsite 4. The major impurities are iron oxides and hydroxides (which give reddish color to most bauxites) and clay minerals. Bauxite is a weathering product of aluminum-bearing rocks ...

Mineralogical and geochemical studies of boron-rich bauxite ore
Within Al-rich deposits, bauxite ore comprises Al-bearing minerals including diaspore, boehmtie, with slight amounts of Fe-bearing and clay minerals, while bauxitic claystone yields higher contents of clay minerals. ... the ore-bearing rock series contains three units: lower iron-bearing claystone consisting of illite, chamosite, and goethite ...

Genesis of Danping bauxite (Northern Guizhou, China
The Danping bauxite deposit, located in the WZD area, has a resource of 22.3 million tons and an Al 2 O 3 grade of 45.83 %–70.28 % and the ratio of Al 2 O 3 /SiO 2 (A/S) ranges from 2.72 to 14.52 (Xu et al., 2017).The strata is developed from Cambrian to Jurassic, with the exception of the Devonian (Li et al., 2020) (Fig. 1).The purplish red sandstone of the …
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