(PDF) Upgrading of Abu-Tartur calcareous phosphate via selective
Abu-Tartur PR contains about 49.20% apatite mineral equivalent to 21.8% P2O 5 and more than 50% of undesirable components including about 26% carbonate minerals. In this study acetic acid was used ...

Detection of Radon, Radon Daughters and Thoron Daughters in Abu Tartur …
Detection of Radon, Radon Daughters and Thoron Daughters in Abu Tartur open pit Phosphate Mine, Egypt. mohamed hussain. 2019, Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications. See Full PDF Download PDF.

Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies | Researches | Phosphate …
Solid and liquid wastes associated with the phosphate mining and beneficiation activities at Abu Tartur phosphate mine were collected from the tailing pond. Characterization methods were used to assess the physical and chemical properties that may impose environmental and/or human health risks. The hydraulic conductivity of the sampled …

Importance of phosphate pock application for sustaining …
Since that time, phosphate mining and production have been surviving in the former two regions till the present. It was only in 1957 when the phosphate mining industry was nationalized that systematic studies on phosphate reserves and production were carried out. ... 12, and 11 mg kg −1, and Abu Tartur phosphate rocks are …

Leaching of rare earths from Abu Tartur (Egypt) phosphate …
Effect of different parameters on REEs leaching efficiency from Abu Tartur phosphate rock with a particle size of 150 µm. a reaction time: 5 mL/g; 100 rpm; 15 wt.-% P 2 O 5 ; 25 °C. b phosphoric ...

Figure 11 from Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu …
Solid and liquid wastes associated with the phosphate mining and beneficiation activities at Abu Tartur phosphate mine were collected from the tailing pond. Characterization methods were used to assess the …

Forms of iron in the phosphorites of Abu-Tartur Area, Egypt
Abu Tartur area is considered as the highest phosphate reserve in Egypt, the reserve is estimated to be about 2 billion metric tons [8]. Apatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl)) is the major constituent of ...

Azotobacter vinelandii Evaluation and Optimization of Abu Tartur
Optimum conditions of bioleaching of Abu Tartur phosphate ore are 3 days incubation period, modified PVK medium is the best medium for dissolution of Abu Tartur phosphate ore, 0.1x 1029 colony ...

Sedimentological and technological studies of Abu Tartur …
In the present study the effects of weathering on glauconite were studied on samples of the Abu Tartur phosphate mine, located 650 km southwest of Cairo and 50 km west of El Kharga City, Egypt, in ...

High Mg-glauconite in the Campanian Duwi Formation of Abu Tartur …
The Abu Tartur phosphate mine occurs in the Dakhla basin. It is located about 650 km southwest of Cairo and 50 km west of Kharga Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt (25°25′34″N and 30°05′08″E; Fig. 1). The Western Desert covers more than 65% of the whole Egypt extending from the Nile Valley to the Libyan border in the west.

Characterization and separation of pyrite from Abu Tartur …
Pyrite was detected in many of mineralogical studies applied on many of these deposits; in Dakhla Formation west Quseir area [13], in El-Nakheil oil shale in Quseir area [14], [15], and in Duwi black shale in Abu Tartur …

Abu Tartur phosphate mine
Abu Tartur phosphate mine One of the biggest phosphate mines worldwide. The phosphate is transported to the port city of Safaga on the Red Sea by a railroad where it is unloaded and shipped. ... Abu Tartur phosphate mine Egypt / al-Wadi al-Jadid / El Harga / World / Egypt / al-Wadi al-Jadid / El Harga, 50 km from center ...

Characterization and separation of pyrite from Abu Tartur black shale
This work aimed for pyrite separation from Abu Tartur black shale as a source of sulfur to be an added economic value of Abu Tartur area. ... [13], in El-Nakheil oil shale in Quseir area [14], [15], and in Duwi black shale in Abu Tartur phosphate mine and reached about 6% [16], [17].

Leaching of rare earths from Abu Tartur (Egypt) …
Three main phosphate ore mining 1 zones can be dierentiated in Egypt: (1) the area between ... Abu Tartur phosphate rock from Egypt, Amine et al. [25] for Moroccan phosphate ore, Bandara and ...

Mineral Industry in Egypt – Part II Non-Metallic Commodities –Phosphate …
Phosphorus is an essential element in the buildup of the human body and all other livings skeletons. The main source of phosphorus is the natural phosphate. About 95 percent of the produced ...

Lithostratigraphic columnar sections of the Abu Tartur …
The current phosphate mine wastes at El-Liffiya-Maghrabi sector, Abu-Tartur plateau, are represented by low-grade phosphorites along with overburden of glauconite and shale deposits.

Possibility of Mixed Origin of Rare Earth Elements in …
The current phosphate mine wastes at El-Liffiya-Maghrabi sector, Abu-Tartur plateau, are represented by low-grade phosphorites along with overburden of glauconite and shale deposits.

PM Follows Up on Abu Tartur Project | Egypt Oil & Gas
In the complex, production depends on the use of Abu Tartur Phosphate ore, and maximizing its added value instead of exporting it as a raw material. The project also contributes to the comprehensive development of the New Valley Governorate, as the project will provide more than 3,000 direct and indirect job opportunities. ...

Successful spectral remote sensing techniques for mapping …
Phosphate ore outcrops of Duwi formation, at the eastern side of Abu Tartur Plateau, Egypt, have a historical record of mining exploration and production. Although the areas undergoing present-day mining are limited, the more widespread occurrence of phosphatic deposits suggests potential value for additional exploration even in relatively ...

Table 1 from Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu Tartur Mine …
Solid and liquid wastes associated with the phosphate mining and beneficiation activities at Abu Tartur phosphate mine were collected from the tailing pond. Characterization methods were used to assess the physical and chemical properties that may impose environmental and/or human health risks. The hydraulic conductivity of the sampled …

"The laboratory technical tests of phosphate ore from Abu Tartur deposit", ANNALS of the Geological Survey of Egypt, Vol.VII, (1977), pp.61-88. [52]. Mc Cune, D.L., "Evaluation of Abu Tartur phosphate materials for manufacture of selected phosphate fertilizers", (IFDC) Muscle Shoals, Alabama, May (1980).

Figure 1 from Phosphate Mining Wastes at Abu …
Solid and liquid wastes associated with the phosphate mining and beneficiation activities at Abu Tartur phosphate mine were collected from the tailing pond. Characterization methods were used to assess the …

(PDF) Environmental Impacts of Mining Operations: a Case …
Moreover, the paper presents a case study of the environmental impacts of the Abu Tartour phosphate mine, Western Desert, Egypt, where the mining area has been screened environmentally and the ...

Recovery of lanthanides from Abu Tartur phosphate rock, …
The working sample was collected from the experimental mine of Abu Tartur plateau and prepared as an international standard (Phosphate-3 by the Nuclear Materials Authority) [1]. ... The low content of uranium in Abu Tartur phosphate rock (averaging 25 mg/kg) is significant as compared to domestic phosphate deposits and is probably due …

High Mg-glauconite in Campanian Duwi Formation of Abu Tartur …
The current phosphate mine wastes at El-Liffiya-Maghrabi sector, Abu-Tartur plateau, are represented by low-grade phosphorites along with overburden of glauconite and shale deposits.

Phosphate Ore to be Explored in Abu Tartur | Egypt Oil
The Phosphate ore is set to be explored in an area spanning across 220 square kilometers in Abu Tartur plateau in the Western Desert. El Molla said that this is part of the Modernization Project that aims to develop mining materials and turn it into end products that secure the local market's needs.

Detection of Radon, Radon Daughters and Thoron Daughters in Abu Tartur
In this study, Abu Tartur open pit Phosphate mine and underground tunnels have been studied from radiation safety point of view. Radon, Radon daughters and Thoron daughters were measured by collecting (31) samples from (5) main sites that represent the process of Phosphate mining. Radon, Radon daughters and Thoron daughters in …

Successful spectral remote sensing techniques for …
the Nile Valley, along the Red Sea Coast, on the Abu Tartur Plateau and in the Sinai (Said 1990). The Abu Tartur phos-phorite contains from 35 to 71% of phosphate minerals (most commonlyoftheapatitegroup)(El-Anwaretal.2019;Wassef 1977; Zidan 1998). The Egyptian phosphorites have been the subject of several studies due to their economic importance

Signing a Contract for Establishing a Phosphoric Acid Production
On 24 th December 2019, Eng. Tarek El Molla, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Governor of the New Valley, and the Chinese Ambassador to Cairo, Liao Liqiang, witnessed signing of a contract for establishing a phosphoric acid production complex in Abu Tartur Plateau, at the New Valley Governorate, with an investment …

The Abu-Tartur phosphate deposit was found to have lower activity than many others exploited phosphate sedimentary deposits, with its average total annual dose being only 114.6 µSv y−1.
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