The Displacement and Dispossession of Banaba: …
The Banaban people were forcibly displaced from the island in the mid-20th century due to the devastating impacts of phosphate mining. How did phosphate mining begin on Banaba? In the late 19th …

The impact of phosphorus on projected Sub-Saharan Africa …
These results, however, assume that the system of phosphate rock mining to phosphorus application onto arable soils is efficient, whereas a more accurate figure is likely to be 80%.

Is our phosphorus use sustainable? | NSF
A U.S. National Science Foundation -supported study finds that most phosphorus stakeholders — representing a wide swath of industry, agriculture, environmental and policy interests — have significant doubts about the long-term sustainability of existing phosphorus management systems. The study underscores the …

Concerns about global phosphorus demand for lithium-iron-phosphate …
The hidden cost of phosphate fertilizers: mapping multi-stakeholder supply chain risks and impacts from mine to fork. Glob. Change Peace Secur. 27, 323–343 (2015).

Discovery of Phosphate in Florida
In 1886 John C. Jones and Captain W. R. McKee, of Orlando, discovered high-grade phosphate on land along the Peace River between Fort Meade and Charlotte Harbor while on a hunting trip. This led to the formation of a syndicate known as the Peace River Phosphate Company by Jones, McKee and a close group of associates.

Modeling the Effects of Phosphate Mining on Groundwater at …
In this study, a three-dimensional hydrogeological conceptual model was developed and a numerical model was calibrated with Visual MODFLOW to predict groundwater flow and evolution of groundwater field at different developmental stages at a large phosphate mine in Leibo, China, the Baku mine. ArcGIS was used to quantify …

Assessing the impacts of phosphate mining on coral reef …
The impacts of phosphate mining runoff onto adjacent coral reefs are then assessed at sites along an environmental gradient of high to low phosphate sediment deposition. This study focused on the keystone, reef building organisms that are critical to the continued growth of the calcium carbonate matrix of the reef.

Timeline of Phosphate Communities
Timeline of Phosphate Communities. There were 400 mining companies in Florida in 1895. The number dropped to 81 in 1900 and about 30 in 1911, 17 of which were in central Florida. In the beginning, companies were mostly small and the mining was done by hand. These companies were later consolidated and sold to larger companies.

Does 'reclaiming' old phosphate mines live up to …
Phosphate mining is strip-mining that clears the land in sections. First, 30 to 40 feet of "overburden" and then 15 to 25 feet of phosphate-containing layer called the matrix are dredged away with a drag line. ... She said …

Efficiency developments in phosphate rock mining over …
The efficiency of phosphate mining is directly related to economic and physical losses and can, in more general terms, be expressed as an output–input ratio. ... because PR-mining is a high-impact extraction process, taking jointly into account the social, economic, and ecological effects can be beneficial when aiming for …

Phosphorus: What It's For, Where It's Found, and Diet Benefits
What Is Phosphorus? Phosphorus is a mineral, like iron or potassium.You have more of it in your body than any other mineral, except calcium. In drug or supplement form, it's called phosphate.

Realising the circular phosphorus economy delivers for
Phosphorus, a focal point of economic, agricultural, and environmental challenges, is an essential, non-substitutable element required for all life on Earth.

Ep. #26 Mining Banaba: Katerina Teaiwa talks mining phosphate
[Image:"The site of secondary mining of Phosphate rock in Nauru 2007 ... History, and Language at ANU. In our episode, we talk about her research on the island of Banaba and the impact that phosphate mining and colonization have had on the island. She tells us that parts of Banaba are quite literally spread across the globe, as fertilizer ...

Does 'reclaiming' old phosphate mines live up to the promise?
Phosphate mining is strip-mining that clears the land in sections. First, 30 to 40 feet of "overburden" and then 15 to 25 feet of phosphate-containing layer called the matrix are dredged away with a drag line. ... She said Mosaic and its employees are committed to the environment and minimizing the impact of mining on it. "These are the ...

New study reveals impact of mining on coral reefs
A new study from The Australian National University (ANU) has shown the impact phosphate mining is having on our coral reefs. The study looked at coral reefs around Christmas Island, where there's ...

Optimization of mining methods for deep orebody of large phosphate …
5 Optimization of phosphate mining methods. ... Additionally, surface mining has the most negligible impact on the surrounding geological environment compared to the other two mining methods. Scheme 2: Open-pit deep mining is an alternative approach to convert open-pit mining into underground mining. Initially, open …

Mining forced most of Banaba's population to relocate. Now …
History of Banabans forced to leave homes due to mining. Mr Taratai's ancestors were among the thousands of Banabans forcibly removed from their homes in the 1900s to clear space for phosphate mining.

Florida Crisis Highlights a Nationwide Risk From Toxic Ponds
Florida is the world's largest phosphate-producing area, according to the E.P.A., and accounts for about 80 percent of the nation's phosphate mining. The United States mines and consumes about ...

Phosphate Mining in Nauru: The Environmental Impact and …
The phosphate mining industry had a significant impact on the environment in Nauru. The removal of the topsoil and vegetation caused widespread soil erosion and land degradation. The mining process also created large amounts of waste material, which was deposited in open pits and caused pollution of the surrounding …

Health Risks
The science on this is contradictory. Most scientists recognize that exposure to radioactive particles in water or air can cause cancer. Still, medical researchers and environmental researchers don't agree on the risks and links between phosphate strip mining and cancer. There's also a difference between what industry researchers and others say.

[PDF] Environmental impact of phosphate mining and …
Environmental impact of phosphate mining and beneficiation: review. Phosphorus is common within geological materials. The average continental crust contains 0.27% P2O5. 1 Phosphorus is the primary resources to produce fertilizer and phosphorous-based products.2 Phosphorus is neither substitutable nor recyclable, …

Minerals | Special Issue : Recent Trends in Phosphate Mining …
Phosphate extraction and beneficiation is one of the vital mining industries in the world, especially for the agriculture and food industries. Phosphorus derived from phosphate rock is a vital element of life and an exceptional component in fertilizers.

Impact of Micro-NPR bolt on the mining of deep-buried phosphate …
The impact of the width of the middle pillar and the support on the interaction of the twin tunnel excavation was investigated (Xiao et al., 2018, ... The second-level terraces belonging to the phosphate mining area are precipitous and steep, covered with deep and narrow valleys with complex and diverse topographical structures.

Impact of phosphate mining and separation of mined …
Study of impact of phosphate mining on hydrology and water environment. • Large-scale phosphate mining (PM) reduced runoff and runoff peaks. • Pollutants of TN, SS, and TP increased with the mining scale. • PM reduced the amount of background NH 4 + and TN loads into rivers. • Soluble P from dissolution of apatite is of great ...

Natural radioactivity in mineral phosphate fertilizers and its impacts …
Significant effects of the use of phosphate fertilizers in trials in cultivated areas in France were observed with the increase in uranium content and, ... Another example of NORM waste management is the USA where phosphate rock mining is the fifth largest mining industry in the USA, whereas in 2019, total production was …

Striving Toward a Circular Economy for Phosphorus: The …
As an element, phosphorus (P) is one of a kind. While it is essential for all life on Earth, phosphorus is neither substitutable nor infinite especially in terms of highly concentrated phosphate rock deposits. Society as a whole—and key stakeholders in particular—must build on and extend the idea of a linear system that begins with …

Phosphate facilities severely pollute and disrupt the landscape locally and miles away from mining operations due to phosphate facilities built in central Florida's watershed. This is because watersheds and lowlands are nature's way of cleaning toxic materials from drinking water resources as the water "percolates" through karst rock ...

The Phosphate Mining in Egypt: Geology and Sustainable …
Phosphate-bearing deposits represent very important and promising. geologic resources for mining and sustainable development in Egypt. Most of the. phosphate rocks (~85%) are mined for ...

Mining, land restoration and sustainable development in …
4 The numbers for phosphate production and quantities for waste by-products (pinnacle rock, crushed rock, reject phosphate, topsoil and compost) given in the results section below are taken from measured and projected figures provided to the authors by the Nauru Rehabilitation Corporation, which is responsible for mining of …

Effects of application of phosphate and phosphate
1. Introduction. Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential elements in plant growth. After being applied to the soil, it is easily utilization in large quantities [1].Therefore, to ensure the P required for plant growth, phosphate fertilizer is also one of the most commonly used fertilizer types in agricultural production [2].Phosphorus applied to soil …
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