Gray Manufacturing USA
The QP-160 heavy duty Quickpack® spin-on oil filter crusher provides heavy duty truck filter crushing. The QP-160 is air operated for long lasting, maintenance-free operation. The removable catch basin allows …

Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher with Stand / …
This oil filter crusher and paint expertly crushes even your toughest filters and cans to 20% - 25% of their original size in seconds. At the drastically reduced size, cans and oil filters are much cheaper to …

Automotive & Commercial Filter Crushers
The AFC-9 and CFC-16 heavy duty QuickPack® spin-on oil filter crushers feature air operation, providing long lasting maintenance free operation and a significant cost-savings over more expensive electric powered units. ... Automotive Filter Crusher. Model Number: AFC-9 | Part Number: 485 80081 00. Product Specifications. Dimensions (H x W ...

Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher
The Ranger RP-20FC oil filter crusher applies 10 tons of air-operated pressure to just about any used oil filter or can. Reduce filters to 20% - 25% of their original size and remove 95% of the oil. An integrated collection chamber, collector downspout and included stand make oil recovery a cinch. Skip to the end of the images gallery.

Oil Filter Crusher by JohnDow | Used Oil Filter Crushers
HDC-150-94. GOOGLE THIS PART HERE. The most effective solution for the storage and disposal of used oil filters is a filter crusher. This heavy-duty filter crusher assures compliance with federal, state and local regulations for draining oil filters. The rugged, steel filter is constructed with an air/hydraulic design for long-lasting operation.

Ranger Products Oil Filter Crusher, Model# RP-20FC
This Ranger Products Oil Filter Crusher is a huge money saver, space saver and environment saver all in one. With up to 20,000 lbs. of pressure, this powerhouse crushes oil filters to 25 percent of their original size in seconds while squeezing up to 95 percent of sludge and oil into a storage drum. Its efficient no-mess design reduces spills ...

Product Details | OIL FILTER CRUSHER. 4940-01-387-1454. Part Alternates: QP100, QP-100, 4940-01-387-1454, 01-387-1454, 4940013871454, 013871454. Maintenance and Repair Shop Equipment | Miscellaneous Maintenance and Repair Shop Specialized Equipment. ... 2300 Commerce Park Dr. NE #15. Palm Bay, Fl. 32905.

s | McMaster-Carr
When used as a crusher, this machine can force a 55-gallon drum down to 6" high in under one minute. To compact waste within a 55-gallon drum, remove the drum-crushing plate and it will reduce the drum's contents to 20% of their original height. This crusher/compactor has an oil reservoir for ISO-32 hydraulic oil. This unit has a keyed …

Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher Machine | Mechanic …
The Ranger RP-20FC oil filter crusher machine applies 10 tons of air-operated pressure to just about any used oil filter or can. Reduce filters to 20% - 25% of their original size and …

Ranger RP-30FCH Oil Filter Crusher with Stand
The RP-30FCH oil filter crusher applies 30,000 lbs. of crushing force against used oil filters that need to be completely drained of residual oil. Its manual stainless steel handle is …

Oil Filter Crusher BK 3952100 | Buy Online
Reduces Filter Size By 75% & Remove 95% Of Residual Oil. Compact Size Takes Less Than 4' Sq Of Floor Space. Easy-To-Operate, Operates Unattended, Safey Switch …

Gray Manufacturing USA
The QP-50 is air operated for long lasting, maintenance-free operation. The filter crusher's removable catch basin allows the crusher to be easily cleaned. The interlocking feature prevents the door from opening until crushing is complete. Gray Manufacturing's oil filter crusher includes the mounting stand. Specifications.

Ben Pearson Crushmaster CM1 Oil Filter Crusher
The CrushMaster 1 oil filter crusher operates on normal shop air, delivers 13,572 lbs. of crushing force at 120 PSI, accommodates all standard oil filters and was designed for high-volume use. Solid steel plate construction and built-in safety features assure years of safe, maintenance free operation. If you're looking for an oil filter crusher ...

Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher with Stand / 10 …
The Ranger RP-20FC oil filter crusher provides the perfect solution for getting rid of used filters. Once crushed, you can deliver them to a metal …

TSI Oil Filter Crusher — 64,000 Lbs. Force, 220 Volts, Model
Product Summary. The TSI Oil Filter Crusher delivers 64,000 lbs. of crush force to handle automotive, truck and industrial filters in a 15in. x 15in. x 20in. crush chamber. Stand design makes the placement of a 55-gallon waste drum under the TC-16 easy. Heavy-duty construction and 3 HP, 220V, 20A motor provides dependable operation.

25-Ton Electric/Hydraulic Automotive Oil Filter Crusher
Powered by 2 hp electric/hydraulic pump, 230 volt, 20 amp, 60 cycle, single phase, 3,450 rpm. Has 2-gallon reservoir. Built-in, heavy-duty floor stand with leveling pads is designed to accept a 30-gallon drum for oil drainage. Comes assembled. Made in U.S.A. and covered by Lifetime Marathon Warranty®. This product can expose you to chemicals ...

GRAY Oil Filter Crushers
The chamber height of an oil filter crusher varies by the size of the unit, and whether the crusher is designed for smaller automotive or larger truck filters. Larger reservoirs hold more oil and can be used for longer periods before they need to be cleaned. 8-31/32 in; 16-7/32 in; Brand. GRAY;

UK's first oilseed rape crushing plant in decades to …
The UK's first new oilseed crushing plant in decades could cut delivery costs for nearby farmers when it opens in the autumn. International commodity trader RCMA is building a £25m facility ...

OTC 1821 10-Ton Capacity Air-Operated Automotive Oil …
OTC's 10-Ton Capacity Air-Operated Automotive Spin-on Oil Filter Crusher features a generously sized crushing chamber that handles up to four automotive …

The hydraulic adjustment system performs three important functions: It raises or lowers the mantle as required to adjust the crusher setting. It absorbs shock loads with the hydraulic accumulator as the crushing load increases and decreases. It increases the open-side setting (OSS) when an uncrushable object passes through the crusher.

007605 C4 Crusher
Reduces filters by 75% of original size, and removes 95% of the free-flowing oil so it can be recycled. Crushing chamber accepts filters 7 1/2" tall x 5" diameter. Only one moving part, a 1 1/2" shaft. Safety door - crusher will not operate if door is opened. Cycle time: 5 seconds. Air requirement: 125 to 175 PSI. Air regulator not needed.

Oil Filter Crushers | Best Buy Auto Equipment
Tire Service International TC-15 Oil Filter Crusher w/38,000 lbs Crushing Force Limited Time Offer Sale Price Available While Supplies Last. List Price: $7,440.00: $6,807.60 . Sale Price: $6,465.00 . Ranger Heavy-Duty Hydraulic …

Cone Crusher Oil System, Dust Seal & Thrust Bearing
The second group of crusher components consists of the Cone Crusher's oil system, the Cone Crusher's dust seal and the thrust-bearing. The oil system, like the one used with the primary crusher, is one that requires a large EXTERNAL RESERVOIR. It has the same features that was described earlier in the chapter that dealt with ...

Oil Filter Crusher BK 3952100 | Buy Online
Oil Filter Crusher Capacity: 1 Filter Per Cycle: Recommended Operating Air Pressure: 80 psi: Oil Filter Crusher Max. Filter Diameter: 6" Oil Filter Crusher Crushing Time: 30 Seconds: VMRS Code: 053014004: Oil Filter Crusher Dimensions: 28 1/2'' H x 12 3/4" W x 12 3/4'' D: Oil Filter Crusher Crushing Force: 10 Ton: Oil Filter Crusher Max. Filter ...

Model P-350
The Model P-350 can also be used to crush large, specialty oil filters from ships and heavy equipment. The P-350 will also crush multiple 5 gallon paint cans per cycle. A drained 36″ locomotive oil filter is crushed down to 6″ and yields 3/4 gallon of used oil. • Continuous duty operation – Automatic push button control.

TC-15 Oil Filter Crusher
The TC-15 Oil Filter Crusher is the workhorse of oil filter crushers with 38,000 lbs of crushing force! Our most popular model, the TC-15 Oil Filter Crusher crushes up to 4 filters at a time or paint/solvent containers in the 9"x16" crush chamber. The door safety switch makes a safe operating unit for high-volume shops and fleet maintenance ...

Best s: Top Picks for Crushing Cans with Ease
Efficiently managing recyclable waste is a crucial step toward environmental sustainability. When it comes to reducing the volume of aluminum cans for recycling, investing in a top-quality can make a significant difference. In this comprehensive guide on the best s, we review and compare the top …

Crushers | US manufacturer of Herkules, EnKon …
Herkules OFC6 Oil Filter Crusher crushes a single oil filter up to 8″ tall in less than a minute, reducing it in size by up to 80%. The crusher extracts up to 98% of the oil, so that it can be recycled. Air powered, the OFC6 …

25-Ton Capacity Heavy-Duty Oil Filter Crusher | OTC Tools
It does it all! Crushes filters to 1/4 of original size, removing up to 95% of filter's oil capacity. Automatic cycle feature: load the filter, push a button, and walk away. Air/hydraulic pump works on standard shop air (requires 9 CFM at 100 psi). Special valving returns ram automatically at the end of each cycle.

John Dow Industries HDC-150-94 Heavy Duty Oil Filter Crusher…
John Dow Industries HDC-150-94 Heavy Duty Oil Filter Crusher, 1 Pack . Brand: JohnDow Industries. Search this page . $3,302.18 $ 3,302. 18. Delivery & Support Select to learn more . Ships from JBTools . Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt . Customer Support .
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