Ecological Impacts of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Contamination of soil and aquatic ecosystems by petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs) is a serious global issue. The total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) that originate from the distillates of crude oil in the form of diesel, gasoline, lubricating oil, and other typical PHs received much attention globally as contaminants since they are highly toxic ...

Concerns and Threats of Contamination on Aquatic Ecosystems
The "high-nutrient concentration together with other substances results in the nutrient enrichment eutrophication" of "lakes," "reservoirs," "ponds," and "coastal waters," which leads to excessive growth of aquatic plants—"algae blooms" that destroy other aquatic plants and animals. ... Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ...

Plants | Free Full-Text | Analysis of Petrogenic Hydrocarbons in Plant
Diesel hydrocarbons quantification in plant tissues was strongly correlated (0.92 < r 2 < 0.99) to the concentration of diesel in spiked soils, suggesting a general ability of the considered plant species to adsorb and translocate relatively low amounts of diesel hydrocarbons and the reliability of the developed protocol.

Occurrence, removal, and risk assessment of polycyclic …
1. Introduction. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a string of persistent organic compounds (POCs) containing more than one aromatic ring and are widely found in sediments, rivers, the atmosphere, and soils (Gonzalez et al., 2012).Countries around the world have prioritized 16 PAHs as pollutants, and seven cancer-causing PAHs have …

Frontiers | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Sources, …
In drinking water, PAH concentration varies between 1 ng/L and 11 ... He and Chi (2019) investigated phytoremediation capabilities of two submerged aquatic plants, ... Sinha, A., and Tarafdar, A. (2016). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentration levels, pattern, source identification and soil toxicity assessment in urban …

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Biodegradability in Soil
Petroleum hydrocarbons contain a complex mixture of compounds; all the components of petroleum do not degrade at the same rate. The rate by which microorganisms degrade hydrocarbons depends upon their chemical structure and concentration. Petroleum hydrocarbons can be categorized into four fractions: …

The Relation between Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Concentration …
The results demonstrated unequivocally that the uptake of PAHs by a plant depended on polyaromatic hydrocarbon concentration in the sewage sludge. The correlation between accumulation coefficient of PAH in a plant and the content of the same PAH in the sewage sludge had for three-, four- and five-ring hydrocarbons an …

Distribution, sources, and risk assessment of polycyclic
This study systematically analyzed the contents, compositions, and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in river sediments near an important energy and chemical base in northwest China. In addition, their possible adverse effects on the ecology and human health were assessed. The PAH concentrations in this study area …

A review on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
The sediment-water partitioning depends on the physical–chemical properties of the individual compounds, including solubility, molecular weight, molecular structure, octanol/water partitioning coefficient (Narbonne et al., 1999) as well as on the environmental conditions, e.g. nature and concentration of suspended particles, and …

Petroleum Products in Drinking-water
Absorbent materials can be used to collect any free petroleum products, and contaminated soil should be removed. Contaminated aquifers can be remediated by "pump and treat" or in situ methods (Shevah & Waldman, 1995). The first step is to pump out any floating petroleum products that can be recovered.

Frontiers | Plant-Soil-Microbiota Combination for the …
Statistical analyses revealed that time plays a key role in hydrocarbon concentration levels in soil. The results suggested that grasses' (Fes and Dac) and legumes' (Lot and Med) growth increases the removal of TPH from polluted soils. ... 2019), resulting in increased available water content for plants. In addition, the co-activity of ...

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fingerprints of Water and …
Petroleum hydrocarbons concentration is usually higher in muddy sediments compared to the coarse ones, ... (terrestrial and vascular plants), and a strong dominance of odd over even numbered n-alkanes could also suggest the same origin. The presence of nC15, nC17, and nC19 n-alkanes indicates inputs from phytoplankton and …

(PDF) The Relation between Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Concentration in
The correlation between accumulation coefficient of PAH in a plant and the content of the same PAH in the sewage sludge had for three-, four- and five-ring hydrocarbons an exponential character ...

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) | Public Health …
Spanish: Hidrocarburos Aromáticos Policíclicos (HAPs) This Public Health Statement is the summary chapter from the Toxicological Profile for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). It is one in a series of Public Health Statements about hazardous substances and their health effects. A shorter version, the ToxFAQs™, is also available.

The Willow Microbiome Is Influenced by Soil Petroleum-Hydrocarbon
Samples were rinsed with distilled water to wash off the remaining attached soil, and under aseptic conditions ... Whyte LG and Greer CW (2016) The Willow Microbiome Is Influenced by Soil Petroleum-Hydrocarbon Concentration with Plant Compartment-Specific Effects. Front. Microbiol. 7:1363. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01363. …

Total petroleum hydrocarbons in water, sediment, and …
Petroleum hydrocarbons in water and sediments of northwest Persian Gulf 1980–2005. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 10(3): 335-340. Al-Khafaji B.Y. (2007). Concentration and distribution of total petroleum hydrocarbons in two emerged aquatic plants from the river Euphrates near Al-Nassiriya City-South of Iraq.

Oils and petroleum hydrocarbons in freshwater and marine water
Sources in the environment. Around 3.2 million tonnes of oils and petroleum hydrocarbons enter the marine environment in an average year. Volkman et al. (1994) estimated the sources to be oil spills from tankers (22%) and other transport (13%), natural oil seeps and biological processes (8%), urban and industrial sources (30%), bilge …

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water and
The information on concentration levels, partitioning and sources of pollutants in aquatic environment is quite necessary for pollution treatment and quality criteria. In this work, sixteen priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) recommended by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the water and sediment of …

Elucidating the significant roles of root exudates in organic …
After that, the planted pots were watered with 120 mL sterile water every two days to compensate for the water needs of M. sativa plants, without allowing leaching out of hydrocarbons.

The relationships between soil physicochemical properties, …
In this study, we determined the bacterial community and the concentration of PAHs in three soil profiles contaminated by coke plants in Xiaoyi Coking Park, Shanxi, China, using 16S rRNA and gas ...

Review of Techniques for the Removal of …
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), due to their mutagenic, carcinogenic, and teratogenic potential, can lead to numerous chronic and fatal diseases. PAHs have been found in several …

Hydrocarbon Toxicity
Hydrocarbons are compounds comprised of hydrogen and carbon. They are classified as either aromatic (cyclic) or aliphatic (straight-chained)These are typically the chief components in many types of fuels and products used every day. They can come in the form of a gas, liquid, solid, or polymers. Exposure to these substances can cause …

(PDF) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Pahs) in Some Plant …
The results showed that the highest mean concentration of PAHs in plant species at DS6 was (2.813 ng/g dry weight) in E. camaldulensis and the lowest was in C. lancifolius (2.106 ng/g dry weight ...

Biochemical and Metabolic Plant Responses toward Polycyclic …
A PAH concentration gradient across plant–cell components is established, and PAHs are accumulated in plant tissues depending on their hydrophobicities . Almost 40% of the water-soluble PAH fraction seems to be transported into plant roots by a carrier-mediated and energy-consuming influx process (a H + /phenanthrene symporter …

Quantitative analysis of total hydrocarbons and water in …
Protoparaffin wax dominates in crude oils. Typically, its content varies within 30% to 35% but can sometimes reach 50%. The share of naphthenes may vary between 25% and 75%. The concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons is typically between 10% and 20% but may rise up to 35%. Other hydrocarbons constituting the oil have hybrid …

Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in
1. Introduction. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are produced by natural and, fundamentally, anthropogenic sources and, as a consequence, they are ubiquitous compounds present in the air, surface waters and soils [1].Most PAHs are released into the environment from different sources such as leaks or spills during …

Effects of Hydrocarbons Pollutants on Aquatic Organisms
Aromatic hydrocarbons are the most toxic of the major classes of compounds in petroleum. The acute toxicity of crude and refined petroleums to aquatic organisms and mammals correlates directly with the concentration of light aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene through phenenthrene). Chronic effects of petroleum are attributed primarily to …

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Foods: Biological …
1. Introduction. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) comprise over 200 organic compounds containing two or more fused aromatic rings [].According to the number of aromatic rings, they can be classified as light (2–3 rings) or heavy (4–6 rings) compounds [].Environmental PAHs can originate from natural sources, such as forest fires and …

Remediation of soil polluted with petroleum hydrocarbons …
A higher petroleum hydrocarbon concentration has been reported toxic to crop plants and much other vegetation. Soil aeration, water infiltration clogged by oil may severely affect plant growths (Hou et al., 2021; Steliga and Kluk, 2020), primarily reducing the root length and leaf area of sunflower crops (Hou et al., 2021; Steliga and Kluk, 2020).

Hydrocarbon Processing Plants
Hydrocarbon processing. The raw material for a large section of the chemical industry is either natural gas or a product obtained by refining crude oil. Oil refineries also produce the fuel for air, land and sea transport: aviation fuel, gasoline, diesel oil and heavy fuel oil. In the twenty-first century oil and gas produce a major part of the ...
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