Direct determination of calcium, copper, iron
The high values might be caused by blood contamination. Blood is rich in iron and therefore the presence of blood in amniotic fluid samples can increase the iron level. The dietary iron level in the mother can also influence the iron concentration in the amniotic fluid. Manganese.

Amniotic fluid rubidium concentration association with …
Amniotic fluid rubidium concentration seems to be a strong predictor of appropriate-for-gestational-age birthweight and a potential marker for newborn birthweight classifications. In particular, low rubidium concentrations in amniotic fluid during midpregnancy are linked to third-trimester lower birthweight percentile.

Effect of maternal iron status on fetal and amniotic fluid …
(A and B) Transferrin concentrations and TSAT in maternal serum, amniotic fluid, and fetal serum on E18.5 in iron-replete pregnancy.

Non protein bound iron concentrations in amniotic fluid
The present data constitutes the first quantification of NPBI concentrations in amniotic fluid under physiological conditions. Correlations with GA and ultrasound fetal biometry suggest that NPBI may play a role in fetal growth.

Fetal and amniotic fluid iron homeostasis in healthy …
In mice, fetal iron endowment was affected by maternal iron status but amniotic fluid iron concentrations changed little during maternal iron deficiency or excess. In murine and macaque models of inflamed

Bacterial Growth in Amniotic Fluid Is Dependent on the Iron
In the present study, the relationship among iron-availability, antibacterial activity, role of meconium as an iron source and the activity of bacterial iron-uptake system (IUS) for bacterial growth in amniotic fluid (AF) were investigated. Staphylococcus ...

Correlation of 2nd trimester amniotic fluid amino acid …
Objectives: Our aim was to identify and quantitate free amino acids in human amniotic fluid (AF) specimens collected during 2nd trimester amniocentesis and determine the correlation between amino acid concentrations, gestational age, and …

Catalytic ferrous iron in amniotic fluid as a predictive …
Amniotic fluid contains numerous biomolecules derived from fetus and mother, thus providing precious information on pregnancy. Here, we evaluated oxidative stress of human amniotic fluid and measured the concentration of catalytic Fe (II).

Prenatal Exposure to Environmental Phenols: Concentrations in Amniotic
Background: Maternal urinary biomarkers are often used to assess fetal exposure to phenols and their precursors. Their effectiveness as a measure of exposure in epidemiological studies depends on their variability during pregnancy and their ability to accurately predict fetal exposure.Objectives: We assessed the relationship between …

Amniotic Fluid Glucose Concentration: A Marker for …
The Gram stain of amniotic fluid has a low sensitivity in the detection of clinical infection or microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity, and amniotic fluid culture results are not immediately available for management decisions. Glucose concentration is used to diagnose infection in other sites such as cerebrospinal fluid.

Your Complete Guide to Amniotic Fluid Levels …
The amniotic fluid index (AFI) is the estimated range of possible volume of fluid in the amniotic sac. We'll get into the specifics in a minute, but be aware that this number is usually VERY important in …

Increased Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) Concentration …
The amniotic fluid concentrations of FGF21 and insulin were determined in 80 cases of different fetal growth patterns (SGA-small for gestational age, LGA-large for gestational age, and AGA-appropriate for gestational age fetuses).

Your Complete Guide to Amniotic Fluid Levels During Pregnancy
When amniotic fluid levels are low or borderline low early in pregnancy, that pregnancy is in danger, and it's important to involve your healthcare provider or follow their medical advice immediately.

Amniotic Fluid Index
Since amniotic fluid is primarily made up of fetal urine, low amniotic fluid volume, or oligohydramnios, typically indicates either fetal urine output or leakage of amniotic fluid from the uterus, such as when the patient's water breaks. Polyhydramnios. Polyhydramnios, or increased amniotic fluid volume, also has a number of potential …

Magnesium concentration in amniotic fluid in the early …
We analyse magnesium levels in amniotic fluid to establish normal values for the 14[th ] to 18[th ] week of pregnancy and establish critical values that could be useful diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for possible complications.Ninety-two samples ...

Fetal and amniotic fluid iron homeostasis in healthy and …
We evaluated amniotic fluid and fetal iron homeostasis in normal and complicated murine, macaque, and human pregnancy. In mice, fetal iron endowment was affected by maternal iron status, but amniotic fluid iron concentrations changed little …

Non protein bound iron concentrations in amniotic fluid.
Non protein bound iron concentrations in amniotic fluid. @article{Gazzolo2005NonPB, title={Non protein bound iron concentrations in amniotic fluid.}, author={Diego Gazzolo and Serafina Perrone and Patrizia Paffetti and Mariangela Longini and Piero Vezzosi and Matteo Bruschettini and Mario Lituania and Giuseppe Buonocore}, journal={Clinical ...

Europe PMC
We evaluated amniotic fluid and fetal iron homeostasis in normal and complicated murine, macaque, and human pregnancy. In mice, fetal iron endowment was affected by maternal iron status, but amniotic fluid iron concentrations changed little during maternal iron deficiency or excess.

Oligohydramnios: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Oligohydramnios occurs during pregnancy when your amniotic fluid is lower than expected for your baby's gestational age. Amniotic fluid is a water-like fluid that surrounds your baby in your uterus. It protects your baby from infection and umbilical cord compression and cushions their movements while they're in your uterus.

Alpha-Fetoprotein, Amniotic Fluid. Screening for open neural tube defects or other fetal abnormalities. Follow-up testing for patients with elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein results or in conjunction with cytogenetic testing. If alpha-fetoprotein is positive, then acetylcholinesterase will be performed at an additional charge.

Association between adverse neonatal outcome and lactate concentration …
High lactate concentration in amniotic fluid and fetal bradycardia during the last 30 minutes before delivery indicate an increased risk of adverse neonatal outcome at delivery.

Amniotic Fluid: Development, Functions, Complications
Pregnancy. What Is Amniotic Fluid? By Elizabeth Pratt. Updated on February 13, 2024. Medically reviewed by Renita White, MD. Print. Table of Contents. …

Amniotic fluid iodine concentrations do not vary in …
We assessed whether iodine concentrations in the amniotic fluid of healthy pregnant women are independent of iodine intake. This cross-sectional, non-interventional study included 365 consecutive women who underwent …

Heavy metal ion concentration in the amniotic fluid of …
High quantities of heavy metal ions in the amniotic fluid have been linked to poor health, especially in industrial, polluted and poor areas. The aim of the present …

Concentrations of Mineral in Amniotic Fluid and Their …
The concentrations of various trace elements in amniotic fluid (AF) change over the course of pregnancy, with gestational age and fetus growth. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the concentrations of selected essential and toxic elements in ...

What to know about amniotic fluid
Amniotic fluid protects and nourishes the baby in the womb. While a baby is in the womb, it is situated within the amniotic sac, a bag formed of two membranes, the amnion, and the chorion. The ...

Embryology, Amniotic Fluid
During the embryonic period, amniotic fluid derives from both fetal and maternal factors such as water from maternal serum, …

Amniotic Fluid: Not Just Fetal Urine Anymore
The concentration of EGF in amniotic fluid is four-fold higher than that found in fetal urine suggesting that the site of production is the amnionic membranes.

Prenatal exposure to environmental phenols: concentrations in amniotic
Amniotic fluid detection frequencies for most phenols were low. The reproducibility of urine measures was poor for bisphenol A, but good for the other phenols. Although a single sample may provide a reasonable estimate of exposure for some phenols, collecting multiple urine samples during pregnancy …
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