Effect of waste copper slag as a substitute in cement and concrete …
This paper summarizes the use of waste copper slag in producing concrete as aggregate and as a partial replacement to cement. Furthermore, the effect of waste copper slag on the mechanical, durability and the effect of elevated temperatures on the properties of concrete are presented. Export citation and abstract BibTeX RIS.

" Study of Strength Properties of Concrete by Partial
Request PDF | On Oct 10, 2017, G Swathi and others published " Study of Strength Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement with Fly Ash and Copper Slag in Cement And Fine Aggregate " | Find ...

Strength and durability studies on slag cement concrete …
The degree of replacement of natural fine aggregates with copper slag was put at 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and by volume. A control mix containing natural fine aggregates were also prepared for comparison. The strength and durability of slag cement concrete mixes having varying copper slag content were analyzed based on …

Study of Strength Properties of Concrete by Partial …
mechanical functions of concrete and the application of copper slag as a substitution replacement material of sand. Copper slag which is an industrial waste product can be used as replacement for cement with sand and contributes to the increase in various mechanical properties of concrete. Copper slag can be used up to 30% but when

Utilization of copper slag in cement and concrete
The use of copper slag in cement and concrete provides potential environmental as well as economic benefits for all related industries, particularly in areas where a considerable amount of copper slag is produced. This paper reviews the characteristics of copper slag and its effects on the engineering properties of cement, mortars and concrete.

Utilization of copper slag in cement and concrete
One of the greatest potential applications for reusing copper slag is in cement and concrete production. Many researchers have investigated the use of copper slag in the production of cement, mortar and concrete as raw materials for clinker, cement …

Slag Substitution as a Cementing Material in Concrete: …
Cement is replaced by slag from different steel mills, both blast furnace and ladle furnace slag. The percentages of slag substitution by cement are 30%, 40% and 50% by weight. Mechanical, physical and environmental properties have been evaluated. Compressive and flexural strength have been analysed as the main mechanical properties.

A study incorporating the influence of copper slag and fly …
The main aim is to obtain the optimal percentage of fly ash and copper slag substitutions with fine aggregates and cement respectively that have influence on concrete's mechanical characteristics. The concrete grade of M40 with fly ash replacing cement by 20% and copper slag substituting fine aggregate by 0%, 15%, 30%, 45% …

Utilization of alkali-activated copper slag as binder in concrete …
This study was focused on developing concrete using alkali-activated copper slag (AACS) as a binder. The properties of alkali-activated copper slag concrete (AACSC) were compared with portland cement concrete (PCC). Different AACSC mixes were prepared with varying Na2O dosage (6% and 8% of the binder by weight) and …

Slag use in cement manufacture and cementitious applications
Concrete Produced by Steel‐Making Slag (Basic Oxygen Furnace) Addition in Portland Cement. H. Alanyali M. Çöl M. Yılmaz Ş. Karagöz. Engineering, Materials Science. 2009. A steel-making slag (basic oxygen furnace) obtained from the Kardemir Steelworks was modified to be used as a clinker additive in the cement industry.

Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Using Copper Slag as a …
One SCM used is copper slag (CS). In this study, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is conducted by investigating the environmental impacts of concrete replacing …

Waste to valuable resource: application of copper slag and steel slag
Various studies on the possible use of copper and steel slag in concrete have been conducted in the literature, but studies using a combination of copper and steel slag including ecological and environmental aspects are few. ... Tran HB (2021) Mechanical properties of coarse aggregate electric arc furnace slag in cement concrete. Civ Eng J …

Characteristics and utilisation of copper slag—a review
Utilisation of copper slag for applications such as Portland cement replacement in concrete, and/or as a cement raw material has the dual benefit of eliminating the costs of disposal, and lowering the cost of the concrete (Mobasher et al., 1996). Some of the properties of copper slag are favourable for its use as an aggregate …

Cement from Copper smelting slag: compressive strength, …
The addition of CaCO 3 to the cement and copper-tailed slag-based cement materials enhance inter-particle bonding, structural compactness, and reduces the number of pores within the test block, thereby reducing the amount of pore water that can be accommodated. Consequently, the damage caused by the expansion of ice crystals …

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Effective Utilization …
In spite of the considerable research on the mechanical and durability properties of geopolymer concrete, its widespread applicability is hindered due to the difficulties involved in achieving ambient curing …

Strength assessment of concrete with copper slag as fine …
The current paper examines the laboratory testing of various concrete mixes (Mix 20, Mix 40, and Mix 60) containing copper slag waste as a partial replacement for …

Influence of Copper Slag Properties on Behaviour of Cement …
Processed air-cooled and granulated copper slag have a number of positive mechanical properties for aggregate use, including great adequacy for features like soundness, advantage of resistance for abrasion and good strength properties [ 1 ]. Concrete is composed of 70% volume of fine and coarse aggregates.

Copper slag as sand replacement for high performance concrete
Copper slag is a by-product material produced from the. Mix design and sample preparation. The mix proportion chosen for this study is given in Table 1. Eight concrete mixtures with different proportions of copper slag ranging from 0% (for the control mix) to were considered as shown in Table 2. The constituents were …

slag in concrete Topic
The use of slag in concrete has several benefits, including reduced energy, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and reduced use of raw materials. Various types of slag are produced: - Blast-furnace slag—The nonmetallic product, consisting essentially of silicates and aluminosilicates of calcium and of other bases, that is developed in a …

An Innovated Application of Reutilize Copper Smelter Slag for Cement …
The copper slags with different addition levels of 15, 30 and 45 wt.% were mixed into a typical Portland cement. Water was added into the mixture of cement and copper slag to achieve the moisture ...

Mechanical Strength and Microstructure Properties of …
Copper slag (CS) is a residual material produced through the copper smelting process. The slag materials are kept in expansive landfills and consume …

Effect of copper slag as a fine aggregate on the properties of cement …
2.3.. Copper slagCopper slag used in this work was brought from Oman Mining Company, which produces an annual average of 60,000 tons. In preparation of cement mortars, the sand and copper slag particles used were those passing 850 μm and retained on 600 μm according to OS26-1981 [14].The copper slag was ground in the …

Valorization of secondary copper slag as aggregate and cement …
The evolution of the UHPC porosity was investigated by mercury intrusion porosimetry. A leaching test was performed on concrete containing copper slag to monitor the heavy metals release. ... The effect of copper slag (SCS) as cement replacement on the porosity of UHPC is shown in Fig. 9 (c) and (d). It can be seen that there was no …

per slag as a replacement of fine aggregate on the strength properties. M25 grade concrete was used and tests were conducted for various prop. rtions of copper slag replacement with sand of 0% to in concrete. The test results indicate that compressive strength of concret.

(PDF) Strength and durability of concrete by partial …
The current investigation is an attempt to perform the strength and durability studies on slag cement concrete prepared by using copper slag (CS) as a fractional/full replacement for natural fine ...

Copper slag in cementitious composites: A systematic review
Copper slag (CS) is a by-product from the redox of the metallurgical industry. Copper slag has heterogeneity of metals in its composition, but in general, it has …

Use of waste copper slag, a sustainable material
The waste copper slag can be used as abrasive tools, road construction, and ballast. Despite increasing rate of reusing copper slag, the huge amount of its annual production is disposed in dumps or stockpiles to date. One of the greatest potential applications for reusing copper slag is in cement and concrete production.

Strength assessment of concrete with copper slag as fine …
Copper slag in concrete has the capability to give both environmental and economic benefits to the building industry ... a maximum 90-day compressive strength of 42 MPa as opposed to 1.5 percentage cement by-pass dust + 13.5 percentage Copper slag + 85 percentage cement, which had a maximum 90-day compressive strength of 40 MPa …

Utilization of copper slag in cement and concrete
Performance of Copper Slag on Strength and Durability Properties as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete. A. Leema P. Suganya. Engineering, …

Incorporation of copper slag in cement brick production as …
Table 1 shows the results of oxide analyses for Portland cement, copper slag, and silica sand, which were conducted using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The specific gravity of Portland cement was measured by following the ASTM C 188 (ASTM, 2009); the specific gravities, water absorptions, and fineness moduli of aggregates were obtained …
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