Creature Encaptulator
The device attempts to capture mobs every 32 ticks (1.6 seconds), or directly after it is activated by a redstone signal. It captures up to 4 mobs at a time. A creature encaptulator can be configured to only capture hostile or passive mobs. It never captures tamed mobs, mobs that are being ridden or mobs that are riding other mobs.

Insightful Condenser
An active insightful condenser collects any experience orbs in a 5x5x5 area centered on the device. The experience it collects is converted into essence of knowledge (20 per experience point) and stored in the device's output tank. The device attempts to collect and convert experience every 16 ticks (0.8 seconds), or directly after …

Fluid Transposer
A basic fluid transposer can automatically transfer up to 16 items and up to 1,000 of fluid at a time. These amounts can be increased by upgrading the machine to a higher tier. Which sides correspond to which slots/tanks and whether auto-output and auto-input are enabled can be configured using the Configuration tab in the machine's GUI.

Phytogenic Insolator
Redstone control. A phytogenic insolator may be configured to respond to redstone signals. It can be in one of three modes: Redstone control is disabled. The insolator works whenever possible. This is the default mode. The insolator works when not powered. When powered, it stops working.

More gentle than a pulverizer. A compactor is a machine that applies pressure to items to change their form. Obtaining. A placed compactor can be instantly picked up by dismantling it with a wrench. Its configuration is preserved in the item. It can also be mined using a pickaxe, though this can be much slower. Crafting

Redprint (Thermal Expansion)
Yes (64) The Redprint is an item added by the Thermal Expansion mod. Used to copy and transfer the settings of a device or machine, useful when setting up several machines for mass production. Simply Shift+Right-click it on the chosen device to copy its settings, the name of the device will be added to the Redprint to identify it [1] and a bell ...

Lexical Transmuter
A lexical transmuter allows users to configure a list of preferred items to convert equivalent items into. When an active lexical transmuter receives items for which preferred equivalent items are configured, it converts the items into the preferred equivalents. The device attempts to convert items every 16 ticks (0.8 seconds).

Thermal Expansion 3 for Newbies (A Reference Guide for …
Thermal Expansion 3 for Newbies (A Reference Guide for the Rest Of Us!) ... Now then, you'll also notice the redstone signal tab and the configuration tabs which you should be familiar with by now, but this machine has four potential colors: blue, red, yellow, and orange. ... A Pulverizer requires 40 RF/t to run at max capacity, and …

A configuration stored on a Redprint may be wiped by using the item while sneaking. Sneaking while using the Redprint on a configurable block in the world will replace the stored configuration with the one of that block. Support. The following tables list the blocks from the CoFH mods that support Redprint configuration saving and …

Pulverizer | Thermal Expansion | CleanroomMC
Mob Config. Policy. Spawning. Stygian Iron Anvil. Outline. Table of Contents for current page . Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion) ... Refer to this via any of the following: groovy mods. thermal. pulverizer mods.thermal.Pulverizer mods. thermalexpansion. pulverizer /* Used as page default */ mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.

Magma Crucible
The Magma Crucible is currently the Machine in Thermal Expansion that can consume the most power, consuming up to 8000 RF per tick with all three Processing Speed Augments installed. GUI 1. Input Slot Items placed in this slot are molten down by the Magma Crucible. 2. Output Tank Fluids resulting from molten down items end up in …

Thermal expansion | Temperature, Coefficient & Expansion …
thermal expansion, the general increase in the volume of a material as its temperature is increased. It is usually expressed as a fractional change in length or volume per unit temperature change; a linear expansion coefficient is usually employed in describing the expansion of a solid, while a volume expansion coefficient is more …

Pulverizer: Crushes items. Can be used to process ores. Sawmill: Cuts logs into planks and reprocesses wooden things. Induction Smelter: Smelts things together at high temperatures. Can be used to process ores. Phytogenic Insolator: Grows and multiplies plants. Compactor: Compresses items into different forms. Magma Crucible: …

Resonant Energy Cell
The Resonant Energy Cell is a block added by the Thermal Expansion mod. A tier 4 Cell that can store up to 80,000,000 RF. It receives and transmits energy simultaneously (different sides) at a rate of up to …

A nullifier's configuration can be saved on a redprint to be copied to other nullifiers. Light source. When a nullifier is active, it emits a light level of 15. Trivia. A nullifier works by "sending things to /dev/null". On Unix-like operating systems, /dev/null is a null device, which discards any data that is written to it.

Getting Started (Thermal Expansion 5)
This page was originally created by Darthvader456. (A reference guide for the rest of us). Thermal Expansion 5 is out, and even more things have changed since TE4. Here's what you should know to get started. Like most tech mods, you need resources. After all, you can't craft machines out of dirt and cobble! Here is a quick laundry list of materials you'll …

Induction Smelter
The Induction Smelter is a block added by the Thermal Expansion mod. A machine that uses a catalyst to enhance the smelting process. In addition to Ingots, it has the potential of producing Rich Slag, itself used as a catalyst; bonus ingots and Slag that can be processed into Rockwool.The machine has two inputs, one for the catalyst and one for the resource …

Redstone Energy Cell
The Redstone Energy Cell is a block added by the Thermal Expansion mod. A tier 3 Cell that can store up to 20,000,000 RF. It receives and transmits energy simultaneously (different sides) at a rate of up to 8,000 RF per tick. Removing the Cell using a Crescent Hammer or wrench ( Shift+Right-click) will retain its charge; using the wrench with ...

Augments are a set of items from Thermal Expansion 4. They can be placed in Thermal Expansion machines to give them additional functions or extend their normal abilities. The number of Augments a machine can accept is determined by the machine's tier, Basic, Reinforced, Hardened, or Resonant. Basic machines can hold 3 Augments, and each …

Thermal Expansion (Minecraft 1.12)
Thermal Expansion is a mod for Minecraft 1.12. It adds blocks for automating various tasks, processing items and fluids, generating Redstone Flux, and for storing items, fluids and energy. It also adds orbs that can be thrown to release fluids, or to capture or release mobs. Thermal Expansion (Minecraft 1.12)

Redstone Furnace
A basic redstone furnace can automatically transfer up to 16 items and up to 1,000 of fluid at a time. These amounts can be increased by upgrading the machine to a higher tier. Which sides correspond to which slots/tanks and whether auto-output and auto-input are enabled can be configured using the Configuration tab in the machine's …

Pulverizer | Tekkit Lite Wiki | Fandom
Thermal Expansion. The Pulverizer works in much the same way as a Macerator from Industrial Craft 2, but it uses Minecraft Joules instead of EU to pulverize things into a powder. It will also work noticeably faster than the Macerator, but slower than a Rotary Macerator . It will turn one block of ore into two pulverized ore.

Induction Smelter
A basic induction smelter can automatically transfer up to 16 items at a time. This amount can be increased by upgrading the machine to a higher tier. Which sides correspond to which slots/tanks and whether auto-output and auto-input are enabled can be configured using the Configuration tab in the machine's GUI.

Magma Crucible
The Magma Crucible is a machine which uses RF power (Redstone Flux) to melt things into liquid. Typically uses quite a bit of energy. It mainly serves to make lava a renewable resource. It uses max 400 RF/t, so 5 Magmatic Dynamos are needed to power it at maximum speed. If netherrack is used it can produce more lava than the Magmatic …

Fluid Allocator
A fluid allocator may be configured to respond to redstone signals. It can be in one of three modes: Redstone control is disabled. The fluid allocator is always active. This is the default mode. The fluid allocator works when not powered. When powered, it stops working. The fluid allocator only works when powered.

Redstone Furnace (Thermal Expansion 5)
20 RF/t. The Redstone Furnace is a machine added by Thermal Expansion 5. It functions identically to a Furnace, but consumes Redstone Flux (RF) instead of burning solid fuels like Coal. It smelts items such as foods and dusts faster than a vanilla Furnace. The Redstone Furnace has one input (blue) and one output (orange).

Augment: Tectonic Initiator
Effects. A pulverizer with a tectonic initiator installed produces 1.5 times as much of the primary product of any ore it processes (amounts are rounded down when necessary). However, it consumes 100 of tectonic petrotheum per ore to do so, and the amount of energy required per operation is increased by 50%.

Thermal Expansion Pulverizer | CleanroomMC
Mob Config. Policy. Spawning. Stygian Iron Anvil. Outline. Table of Contents for current page . Thermal Expansion Pulverizer ...

Pyrolyzer (Thermal Expansion 6)
The Pyrolyzer is a machine added by Thermal Expansion 6. It uses Redstone Flux (RF) to decompose solids via high temperatures to create fuels like Coke or Charcoal. It also creates Creosote Oil, Heavy Oil or Tar as a byproduct. The Pyrolyzer has one item input (blue) and one item and fluid output (orange). These can be changed to different faces …

Feed The Beast Wiki. in: Disambiguation pages. Pulverizer. Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 1) Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 2) Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 3) Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 4) Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 5) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title.
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