Environmental Considerations in Concrete Recycling
Breaking, removing and crushing hardened concrete from an acceptable source. Old concrete pavements often are excellent sources of material for producing recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). This webinar focuses primarily on RCA from existing pavements (not mixed C&D waste). 6.

Asphalt's Environmental Impact
Asphalt's Environmental Impact is often a topic of debate in environmental discussions, yet facts reveal a more eco-friendly profile than commonly perceived, challenging misconceptions about its production and use. Contrary to common belief, asphalt's environmental impact is relatively minimal. Its production involves energy …

Environmental Impacts of Cement Production: A Statistical Analysis
the environmental impacts of 193 di fferent recipes of gray cement produced in Italy from 2014 to 2019. have been assessed. Fifteen di ff erent impact categories have been considered and split ...

captive batching plants and/or concrete produced in and procured from commercial ready-mixed concrete plants. It does not cover the placing, compaction, curing or protection of concrete after delivery. 5. Conclusion Ready Mix Concrete is a modern technique of production of concrete in massive quantities away from the actual site of placing.

Impact of dust emission on plant vegetation in the vicinity of cement plant
Present paper attempts to focus on. impact of cemen t emission on plant vegetation. Key words: cement industry, environmental impact assessment, environmental problem, dust pollution. ∗ Author ...

Sustainable concrete Production: Incorporating recycled …
1. Introduction. Recently, there has been rising concern over the environmental impact of the construction industry, particularly with regards to concrete production [1], [2], [3].One promising solution to this problem is the integration of recycled wastewater as an environmentally friendly component in construction materials.

Environmental impacts of three waste concrete recycling
Most concrete consists of cement, sand, and natural coarse aggregate (NA) (Fig. 1 a), which refers to as natural aggregate concrete (NAC).Using local recycled materials to reduce the consumption of these ingredients has been proven to be a reliable way to lower the environmental impact of concrete construction and save substantially …

Reducing Environmental Impacts of Cement and Concrete
Yet producing the portland cement that binds concrete together is energy intensive and emits enormous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO 2) as well as numerous other pollutants. Fly ash can replace a percentage of portland cement in concrete, thus reducing the impacts of concrete while using a material that would otherwise be landfilled.

Global database of cement production assets and upstream …
As expected a majority of plants identified are located in China, accounting for 1,159 plants or 37.0% of total assets identified. The next ten countries account for 28.1% (883 assets) of the ...

The portland‐limestone cement described by this EPD is produced under the profile of clinker production technologies shown in Table 2. A total of 53,141,130 metric tons of clinker are represented by the overall average industry dataset. It is estimated that in 2019 78,000,000 metric tons of clinker was produced in the US and hence, the plant ...

Environmental impact assessment of post-combustion CO
Impact of fuel selection on the environmental performance of post-combustion calcium looping applied to a cement plant Appl. Energy, 210 ( 2018 ), pp. 75 - 87, 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.123 View PDF View article View in Scopus Google Scholar

The Environmental Profile of Clinker, Cement, …
Concrete is the most-used material in the construction industry, and the second most-used after water. Cement is the main component of concrete. A total of 8% of global CO2 emissions …

Impacts of booming concrete production on water …
Concrete is the most-used construction material worldwide. Previous studies on the environmental impacts of concrete production have mainly focused on the materials involved and energy consumption ...

Pathways towards sustainable concrete
Actually, it is estimated that concrete production is responsible for 9% of total greenhouse gas emissions [23], of which 7–8% from only cement plants [24].In other words, if the concrete industry was a country, it would be the third largest CO 2 emitter in the world with up to 2.8 Gt per year, surpassed only by China (10.18 Gt) and the United …

Impacts of Cement Industry on Environment
Emissions from Cement manufacturing are one of the major contributors in global warming and climate change. Cement belo ngs to. the most often used building materials and its production is ...

(PDF) Variability of environmental impact of …
For some impact categories the variability is dominated by differences among concrete plants (mix design, cement type and operational conditions), while for others the dominant variation comes ...

Concrete Solutions That Lower Both Emissions and Air Pollution
Sabbie Miller, UC Davis Civil and Environmental Engineering, [email protected]. Frances Moore, UC Davis Environmental Science and Policy, 617-233-3380, [email protected]. Kat Kerlin, UC Davis News and Media Relations, 530-750-9195, [email protected]. Press kit of images.

(PDF) The Using of Concrete Wash Water from Ready Mixed Concrete Plants
Abstract: Concrete plants accumulate large amounts of concrete wash water. This water, which pH. is highly alkaline, has a negative impact on the environment. Its reuse in fresh concrete slightly ...

The Environmental Impacts of Concrete
Cement and global warming. • Making cement results in high levels of CO 2 output. • Cement production is the third ranking producer of anthropogenic (man-made) CO 2 in the world after transport and energy generation. • 4 - 5% of the worldwide total of CO 2 emissions is caused by cement production. • CO 2 is produced at two points during ...

Energy & Environment Regulatory Priorities
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed expansion of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) that would, if finalized, further regulate nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from industrial sources, including cement plants in 23 states. Affected cement plants would have to comply with both a NOx source cap limit and specific NOx ...

New environmental guidelines developed for concrete batch plants
Damian Christie 31/10/2019, 4:09 am. The CCAA has developed concrete batch plant environmental guidelines. The CCAA has released a new resource aimed at helping concrete batch plant operators comply with their environmental obligations. The peak industry body has published its Environmental Management Guideline for Concrete …

Preparation of a low-carbon plant-compatible ecological concrete …
1. Introduction1.1. Plant-compatible eco-concrete. Concrete, as a vital participant in infrastructure construction and an important consumer of the earth's natural resources, is facing an unprecedented serious challenge of sustainable development [1], With the in-depth popularization and implementation of the global carbon emission …

Modernizing cement manufacturing in China leads to …
These impacts are identified as the highest environmental impacts of cement manufacturing 28,70,71,72,73. Fig. 5: Life-cycle assessment framework for cement manufacturing.

Variability of environmental impact of ready-mix concrete…
This work presents cradle-to-gate impact results for ready-mix concrete production, based on primary data provided by several plants in Brazil, and the associated variability among plants and in the upstream processes of cement and sand production. Four compressive strength classes are considered. Concrete, cement and aggregates …

Characterization of ready-mixed concrete plants sludge and
Ready-mixed concrete plants ... Concrete companies generate environmental negative impacts, which need to be studied to assess their extension and find ways to mitigate them. In this work, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used to measure the impact of concrete production. Primary data (amount of cement, gravel, …

When it gets hot, asphalt boosts city air pollution
Asphalt is a significant source of air pollutants in urban areas, especially on hot and sunny days, according to a new study. Asphalt is a near-ubiquitous substance—it's found in roads, on ...

Projecting future carbon emissions from cement production …
As one of the largest energy consumers and CO 2 emitters, the cement industry is a key driver of climate change 1,2.The sector is currently responsible for 5% to 8% of global anthropogenic CO 2 ...

Building the modern world: Concrete and our environment
The environmental impact of concrete. Concrete is now the most widely used manufactured material on the planet. It has shaped so much of our built environment, but this comes at a massive environmental cost. Cement is the key ingredient that makes concrete such a useful building material, and we use over 4 billion tonnes of it globally …

Health, environment concerns are raised as Philippine cement plants …
Nine of the 29 cement plants in the Philippines already practice co-processing, according to EMB, as cement companies worldwide replace fossil fuels with alternative fuels such as RDF. Three cement plants with co-processing activities are able to process 33,123 metric tons of waste per year, said Cuñado, citing industry data.

EPA studying pollution effects of clustered Texas industries
They also say the thousands of concrete batch plants located across Texas disproportionately impact low-income communities like theirs. West Dallas' Zip Code 75212, where 27,000 people live, is ...
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