Effect of certain trace elements on the grindability of cement clinkers
The effect of certain trace elements—Cr, Zn, Ba, Ni, Ti, P—on clinker grindability was studied. From the study of commercial and model clinkers, it was concluded that the trace elements studied favorably influence and improve the grindability of clinkers. The effect of trace elements is due to the fact that they favorably influence …

Influence of torrefaction on the grindability and reactivity …
The process consisted in a heating treatment at moderate temperature (240, 260, 280 C) under an inert atmosphere. The grindability of raw biomass and the treated samples was compared and an improvement in the grindability characteristics was observed after the torrefaction process.

Effect of chemical, mineralogical, and petrographic …
The grindability information (optimum grinding time of dry coal particles to produce sized power station feed coal), determined here by assessing density-fractionated samples with different proportions of mineral matter, macerals, chemicals, and microlithotypes, which has not been previously investigated using this novel grindability …

Influence of Preheating on the Grindability of …
It is intended to study, particle size, heating temperature, duration time of heating and cooling medium as the most preheating factors affecting the grindability of the two studied ores.

Characterization and comparison of the grindability, residual
Characterization and comparison of the grindability, residual compressive strength, and hydrated phases of traditional cement prepared from lime rock and carbide slag

The Influence of Charge Distribution on the Grindability of …
The influence of charge distribution on the grindability of the blasted material, in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, pp 749-754 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).

Impact of torrefaction on the grindability and fuel …
This paper investigates the fuel characteristics and grindability of pine chips and logging residues torrefied at temperatures ranging from 225 °C to 300 °C and 30 min residence time.

Energies | Free Full-Text | Mechanical Durability and …
The influence of the test operation time on the mechanical durability has been confirmed by the statistical analysis ANOVA and the post hoc test on the …

Grindability of Materials
Grindability as a material characteristic must indicate the suitability for size reduction. Its value has to give the result of the grinding operation as a result of unit energy …

Influence of batch-to-batch material variations on grindability of …
This study addresses the influence of material variations on the grindability of crankshaft steel. Most previous studies on the effect of material microstructure on grindability involve comparisons of significantly different steel grades.

The influence of Triethanol amine and ethylene glycol on …
The influence of Triethanol amine and ethylene glycol on the grindability, setting and hydration characteristics of Portland cement

(PDF) Study Of The Clinker Characteristics And Grindability …
The aim of this study is to investigate the different factors that influence the chemical and mineralogical composition of cement clinker and their effects on required energy potential during cement grindability and comminution.

Influence of wood pellets properties on their grinding …
This study investigates the influence of wood pellet properties on the grindability of pellets in a lab-scale disc mill. The pellet properties investigated included wood type, moisture content, internal pellet particle size distribution, particle density, and durability. Two pellet qualities for industrial use (designated I1 and I2 as per ISO 17225 …

Torrefaction of beechwood: A parametric study including …
The objective of this work is to give an overview of the influence of torrefaction temperature and residence time on important fuel parameters like chemical composition, heating value and grindability. Additionally, the energy demand of the torrefaction reactor is measured to determine the heat of reaction, which is an important …

Grindability | Britannica
The grindability of a coal is a measure of its resistance to crushing. Two factors affecting grindability are the moisture and ash contents of a coal. In general, lignites and …

The influence of mineralogical, chemical and physical properties …
This research investigates various methods able to identify possible mineralogical, physical and chemical influences on the grindability of commercial clinkers with high MgO level.

influence clink er grindability. These parameters include the size, content, morphology and colour of

Factors Affecting Ball Mill Grinding Efficiency
The following are factors that have been investigated and applied in conventional ball milling in order to maximize grinding efficiency: a) Mill Geometry and Speed – Bond (1954) observed grinding efficiency to be a function of ball mill diameter, and established empirical relationships for recommended media size and mill speed that …

Influence of torrefaction on the grindability and reactivity …
The process consisted in a heating treatment at moderate temperature (240, 260, 280 °C) under an inert atmosphere. The grindability of raw biomass and the treated samples was compared and an improvement in the grindability characteristics was observed after the torrefaction process.

Studies on the influence of grinding wheel bond material on …
Although it is known that electroplated bond is hard (prevents pull out of abrasive) compared to resin bonded wheel, during grinding, the resin bonded diamond wheel will enable self-sharpening of the diamond abrasive, enabling better grindability.

The Effect Of Raw Material's Fineness And Lime Saturation …
The aim of this study is to investigate the different factors that influence the chemical and mineralogical composition of cement clinker and their effects on required energy potential during cement grindability and comminution.

Influence of material microstructure on grindability of …
This fundamental study sheds light on the grindability of microstructure variations of through hardened A485–1 grade steel. Results indicate that the phase composition and carbide distribution significantly influence grindability which is characterized in terms of specific grinding energy, G-ratio and part distortion.

Hardgrove Grindability of Coal. Part 1. Correlations with …
Accordingly, it is expedient to assess the influence of the composition, structure, and properties of coal on its Hardgrove grindability, with the determination of valid correlations.

The influence of charge distribution on the grindability of …
This paper focuses on a related aspect: the influence of charge distribution on the specific comminution energy in crushing and milling. Small-scale blasts have been performed on 14 limestone blocks with different P.Fs. and charge distribution.

Comparative investigation on grindability of K4125 and
Nickel-based superalloy is a typical hard-to-machining material in the aero-engine manufacturing industry. The grindability difference of two kinds of nickel-based superalloys, i.e., equiaxed cast nickel-based superalloy K4125 and wrought nickel-based superalloy Inconel718, are discussed in this article. The influence of grinding …

Influence of selected factors of Polish coking coals on the …
The influence of the aforementioned parameters on HGI was assessed. It was found that, among the investigated coals, the mean random vitrinite reflectance value, a measure of the coal rank, was the parameter that had the most significant effect on coal grindability (positive correlation).

Influence of Heat Treatment on Grindability of Carbon Steel
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Influence of Heat Treatment on Grindability of Carbon Steel : Fundamental Experiment by Single Point Tool" by et al.

The influence of coal rank on grindability is not straightforward due to the complexity of maceral composition, moisture, volatile matter, and associated mineral matter content ( Hower, 2006; Sengupta, 2002 ).

Influence of preheating on grindability of coal
The objective of this work was to determine how grindability was affected by preheating. The method was to use population balance grinding models to interpret results of grinding coal before and after a heat treatment. Simulation of locked cycle tests gave a 40% increase in grindability. Approximately 40% grinding energy saving can be expected.

Investigation into grindability of a superalloy and effects of …
The single-factorial plain grinding experiment was designed to further investigate the influence of depth of cut on the surface integrity characteristics. The …
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