Application of density-based clustering algorithm and
This paper presents an application of the capsule network to predict the antimony grade of pulp in the roughing cell of an antimony flotation plant in the Hunan Province, China. In this plant ...

Data-driven-based adaptive fuzzy neural network control for …
In this paper, a real-world gold-antimony flotation plant in Hunan province of China is discussed. The simplified production flowsheet is shown in Fig. 1.It consists of two main objectives: (1) separate the gold from the raw ore in weak-alkaline environment, while the antimony particles are ensured to be non-floatable; (2) separate antimony under a …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Preparation of Antimony Sulfide …
Electrodeposited antimony can be treated with sulfuration–volatilization technology, which causes antimony to volatilize in the form of antimony sulfide. During this process, gold is enriched in the residue, thereby realizing the value-added use of antimony and the recovery of gold. In this study, the thermodynamic conditions of antimony …

Data-driven-based adaptive fuzzy neural network control for …
Request PDF | Data-driven-based adaptive fuzzy neural network control for the antimony flotation plant | Due to the unknown system structure of the froth flotation process and frequent ...

Model Predictive Control of a Zinc Flotation Bank Using …
This paper presents an application of the capsule network to predict the antimony grade of pulp in the roughing cell of an antimony flotation plant in the Hunan Province, China. In this plant, because the chemical testing for analyzing the antimony grade only generated eight data points every day, data could be collected in small …

Developing a data-driven soft sensor to predict silicate …
Lihui, and Xie (2020) developed a CNN model using froth pictures in antimony flotation to estimate . ... by taking photograp hs from an industrial-sized cell in coal flotation. Zhan g and Gao ...

Fault Condition Recognition Based on Multi-scale Texture …
The application results show that this method of froth image clustering with feature semi-supervision can provide key technical support for the accurate control of the dosage of reagents and the quality of clean coal product in the coal flotation production process, reduce the cost of re agents and the number of production accidents, improve the …

Flotation Cell Design: Application of Fundamental …
The Bateman otation mechanism was developed in. S 1993 and is presently marketed by the Bateman Pro-cess Equipment Limited. The BQR series of Bateman cells have a round tank design with cell sizes varying. Figure 8 A schematic diagram of the Bateman flotation cell (courtesy of Bateman Process Equipment, South Africa).

Minerals Engineering | Vol 172, 1 October 2021
Flotation and adsorption mechanism studies of antimony sulfide with 5-heptyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-2-thione as a collector. Fuzeng Li, Yaoguo Huang, Yali Zhang, Ming Wang, ... Yun Jia. Article 107164 ... select article An integrated multi-mode model of froth flotation cell based on fusion of flotation kinetics and froth image features. https://doi ...

Thus, about 94 percent of the mercury was recovered by the combined flotation-roasting treatment of cinnabar- stibnite ore. Studies to develop a process for obtaining a marketable antimony by- product from the fluidized-bed calcine is the second phase of this investigation and will be the subject of another paper.

Coordinated optimization setting of reagent dosages in …
reagent dosage in roughing–scavenging cell was acquired and sent to the controller model to finish the reagent tracking control. 2 Process description and optimal setting strategy 2.1 Process description of stibnite flotation This work concentrates on the antimony flotation process. It utilizes the positive flotation

Value-iteration-based Adaptive Optimal Reagents Control for Antimony
This paper presents an application of the capsule network to predict the antimony grade of pulp in the roughing cell of an antimony flotation plant in the Hunan Province, China. In this plant ...

Removal of Antimony from Antimony Mine Flotation
As illustrated in Fig. 4, at increasing pH of the solution from 3 to 5, the efficiency of HA removal by the AEC-PS process was improved from 87.4 ± 4.5% to 94.3 ± 4.7%, which may be due to the ...

Fault Condition Recognition Based on Multi-scale
The key point to achieve automatic control and optimal operation in flotation process is to recognize the flotation conditions correctly. By the fact that it's difficult to detect and identify fault conditions in antimony flotation process, a fault condition recognition method based on multi-scale texture features extraction and k-means …

Flotation Machine
Introduction: The flotation machine is important for realizing the flotation process. It can process metal or non-metal minerals, such as copper, lead-zinc, lithium, antimony, fluorite, talc, etc. After the minerals undergo wet grinding, the minerals dissociated into monomers are adjusted into a slurry of a certain concentration.

How to Use Chemicals in Antimony Gold Ore Flotation
Antimony gold deposits are difficult to recover in flotation separation, on one hand, it owing to the wrapping gold in antimony, on the other hand, it on account of the consumption of cyanide and ...

Selective froth flotation concentration of antimonite ore …
use of a depressant. Starting with an containing antimony (5.89%), lead (0.34%) and arsenic (0.25%) a concentrate containing antimony 30.68%, lead 1.52% and arsenic 0.85% was obtained without an depressant in a Devnver flotation cell. The addition of a depressant resulted in a concentrate with

Prediction of Froth Flotation Performance Using
Mehrabi A, Mehrshad N, Massinaei M (2014) Machine vision based monitoring of an industrial flotation cell in an iron flotation plant. Int J Mineral Process. Jian H, Lihui C, Yongfang X. Design of soft sensor for industrial antimony flotation based on deep CNN. Conference Design of soft sensor for industrial antimony flotation based …

Combining convolutional neural networks and on-line
Froth flotation is the most critical process for separating stibnite from raw ore. Concentrate grade is a vital production indicator in the antimony flotation process. It is a direct reflection of the product quality of the flotation process and an essential basis for the dynamic adjustment of its operating parameters.

Flotation froth image classification using convolutional …
In this research study a convolutional neural network (CNN) is developed to classify the froth images collected from an industrial coal flotation column operated under various process conditions (air flow rate, frother dosage, slurry solids%, froth depth and collector dosage). In the first step, the froth images captured at different air flow ...

Influence of frothers on the flotation of black mountain ore
A Denver flotation cell was used in this work. Two dosages (0.5ml and 1ml) of frothers were used. The mountain ore mineralogy analysis showed that the ore contained 0.341% copper feed grade. With 0.5ml of Senfroth XP 200, 1.278% of copper was recovered and 0.055% of copper reported to the tailings.

An efficient activatior on flotation of fine antimony oxide
The effects of Mn 2+ on the flotation behaviour of fine refractory antimony oxide and its flotation separation from silicified limestone were studied. The principal gangue mineral, under the condition of pH=7.5 and in the presence of modified water glass through flotability test, measurements of interfacial potential and adsorption, and X-ray diffraction …

An Intelligent Optimal Setting Approach Based on Froth …
An intelligent optimal setting approach based on forth image features is proposed, on the basis of analysis of flotation cells working principle and relationship between level and froth image features, and the pre-setting model based on CBR and the improved least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) grade prediction model are integrated …

Flotation Reagents
The performance of froth flotation cells is affected by changes in unit load, feed quality, flotation reagent dosages, and the cell operating parameters of pulp level and aeration rates. ... also arsenic and antimony sulphides. Reagent 710: A fatty acid of vegetable origin. Dark brown to brownish black liquid. Undiluted if kept warm..5 to .20

The Method of Reagent Control Based on Time Series …
Due to the distribution of bubble size changes with the reagent dosage in a flotation process, a dosage control method based on time series distribution of bubble size during the gold‐antimony flotation process is proposed. Firstly, since the flotation conditions cannot be described fully by the features of a single froth image, the concept …

How to Adjust Flotation Cell Operation Based on Froth?
Jéssica Zhang Portuguese & English - Xinhai Mineral EPC+M+O Processing Solutions - Email: [email protected], WhatsApp:+86 185 0316 1314

Shape-weighted bubble size distribution based reagent predictive
Antimony flotation is a complicated industrial process with an unknown system structure. Manual manipulation is still widely used by observing the froth appearance, which relies on operators' experience. Therefore, this paper proposes a reagent predictive control strategy for the antimony flotation process based on …

Wet Pan Mill
Wet Pan Mill also known as amalgamation grinding mill, gold grinder mill, which is a versatile ore grinding pan mill for wet materials. It's the best replacement for a medium-small capacity ball mill, owing to the excellent performance for wet crushing, small investment, and high output, widely used for separating gold, iron, molybdenum, lead, …

Regulation of bubble size in flotation: A review
The size of the bubbles generated in a Jameson flotation cell with for a J a =1.32 cm/s and J l =11 cm/s using the HUT bubble meter [53] MIBC (CH 3) 2 CHCH 2 CH(OH)CH 3: 102: 0.079/0.083: Bubbles were generated in an three-hole bronze sparger / open top leeds Flotation Cell using the University of Cape Town (UCT) bubble size …

Current processing technology for antimony-bearing ores a …
The flotation concentrate is treated on two shaking tables to rid it of residual arsenopyrite. The arsenopyrite concentrate goes back to the gravity separation circuit. The feed ore grades about 4.5% Sb and 9 g Au tonne. Antimony recoveries are normally better than 90%, whereas gold recovery in the gravity separation circuit is only about 40%.
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