Chinese Mining Companies In Zambia

4 Chinese involvement in priority sectors

The other notable Chinese‐owned mining operation in Zambia is the Collum Coal Mine, which, with the closing of the country's largest coal mine, Maamba Collieries, is now Zambia's only major coal producer. While a number of other mining licenses have been allocated to Chinese companies (Table 10), few of these are currently operational.

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Exporting labour abuses – Chinese mining companies in Zambia

It actually came from a casual worker at a Chinese-owned copper mine in Zambia. He was one of 95 mine workers employed at four copper mines run by Chinese state-owned companies who were interviewed in a new research report published by Human Rights Watch (HRW) this month. The 122-page report documents a wide-range …

Zambia : China invests $1.3bn in the Copperbelt to …

China aims to remain a leading player in the Zambian Copperbelt. According to our sources, the powerful China Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Corp (CNMC), which is headed in Beijing by Professor Lin Xiang Xiong, is preparing to invest $1.3bn via its local subsidiary, NFC Africa Mining, which produces copper and cobalt at its Chambishi Mine.

Full article: China-Zambia engagements: is there change, …

The displacement of local small business by Chinese companies and traders in these areas has been a source of political contention in Zambia, but new large-scale investments in mining have also brought new jobs. 47 These large-scale companies proved resilient to the downturn associated with the global financial crisis given their …

Value Chain Dynamics of Chinese Copper Mining in Zambia…

This article focuses on the distinctive nature of Chinese FDI in Africa, specifically copper mining value chains in Zambia and local sourcing linkages. In order to secure supply, China has become a substantial foreign investor in the Zambian copper extractive sector acquiring control over copper mines, smelters and processing …

Chinese Investors in Zambia and Angola: Motives, …

Chinese companies have already invested heavily in Zambia's mining sector, with China Nonferrous Metals Mining Group—purchased through an international bid in 1998—the largest and oldest Chinese-owned mine in the country.

Mining Industry in Zambia

A new Mining Act was put in place in 1995. The main features of the Act are: the divestiture of government from the business of mining through privatisation of the mines; the liberalisation of the fiscal policy; and the …

Regulating Foreign Direct Investments in Resource …

these two Chinese companies operating in Zambia's copper mining sector. Finally, I attempt to evaluate changes in the safety and environmental standards of these two companies. In Chapter 2, I review the current dominant conceptual and theoretical frameworks used in Sino-African and Sino-Zambian analyses of foreign investments.

China's Environmental Footprint: The Zambian Example

In 2016, China's Ambassador to Zambia announced that the total value of Chinese investment in the country had grown to over US$5.2 billion. Zambia is rich in copper, lead, and zinc, and has deposits of uranium, coal, and gemstones. Chinese foreign direct investment there, which spans finance, mining, agriculture, construction, …

Mining Companies in Zambia | Projects IQ

Companies involved in the Zambian mining industry. In Q4 2021 there were 7 mining companies in Zambia listed on AMIQ as mine owners and/or investors. In alphabetical order, they are: African Energy Resources. Axmin Inc. Barrick Gold Corp. Caledonia Mining Corp. China Nonferrous Metals Corporation (CNMC)

Kasenseli Minerals Limited | Zambia Minerals

Kasenseli Minerals Limited is a mining company, focused on copper, gold, and cobalt exploration and production in Zambia and charged with countrywide mandate to drive the formalization and development of the mining sector of Zambia. Its core business includes copper & gold exploration, mining, processing, marketing and value addition.


Experts say China's significant investment in Zambia's copper mining industry can benefit both Chinese and Zambians. But the miners in Chinese-run companies have been subject to abusive health, safety, and labour conditions and longtime government indifference."

Four companies compete to acquire Mopani Copper Mines in Zambia

Four companies have been shortlisted to acquire the Mopani Copper Mines (MCM) in Zambia, reported Reuters, citing two sources. The entities involved comprise China's Zijin Mining, South Africa's Sibanye Stillwater, China-based Norinco Group and an investment vehicle owned by ex-Glencore officials. In February 2023, Zambian Mines …

A New Chinese Mine to Add 40,000 tonnes to Zambia's Copper Production

A LARGE-SCALE mine which will create 3,000 jobs on the Copperbelt is scheduled to open in Kalulushi with production capacity of about 40,000 tonnes of copper and 5,000 tonnes of cobalt per annum. Last year, Zambia produced 646,111 tonnes of copper in the first nine months, up from 590,321 tonnes over the same period in 2019.