Materials | Free Full-Text | The Influence of Granite Cutting Waste …
This study analyzes the effect of using waste by-products generated in the process of granite cutting as part of the granular structure of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC). The manufactured concrete has a compressive strength greater than 115 MPa. This study substitutes 35%, 70% and of the volume of micronized …

A study on use of granite powder and crusher dust as fine …
The current study focusses of using granite powder (GP) and crusher dust (CD) as fine aggregate in cement mortars. 1:3 and 1:6 (cement: sand) volumetric mix proportions were considered in the study. Based on the particle size distribution of IS 2116 and IS 1542, the study considered the ratio of 30:70 (GP:CD) and 100CD as fine …

Utilization of granite waste as alternative abrasive material in marble
A new alternative to support and promote sustainable development is the incorporation of waste from granite rock processing in manufacture of building paints. Thus, this study aims to evaluate and optimize the performance of latex paints based on poly vinyl acetate resin using granite waste as a pigment, varying the pigment particle …

Effective utilization of industrial and constructional solid …
conducted to assess the moulding properties of these alternative moulding materials. The process parameters considered for this investigation were the percentage of bentonite binder and the percentage addition of alternative mould materials with silica sand. The various sand tests showed that 40%, 30%, and 20% of quarry dust,

Adding granite polishing waste as sand replacement to …
On the use of granite waste, Kala [24] found that the addition of granite waste to replace 25% sand could improve the mechanical performance. Singh et al. [25,26] suggested that the use of granite waste as sand replacement could improve the strength and durability through making the concrete matrix more dense and compact.

The Use of Granite Industry Waste as a Cement …
Granite waste is also found to be effective up to 40 % (Mg by weight) in producing fly ash magnesium oxy chloride cement [Ying et al., 2013]. Granite waste is currently used for land filling at most of the industries in India. A maximum of 35% fly ash is being added to OPC, and available in market as PPC [Ozlem Celik et al., 2008].

Use of Granite Sawing Wastes in the Production of
Menezes et al. (2005) evaluated the possibility of using granite cut waste as an alternative raw material to produce bricks and tiles. The authors reported a gradual loss of plasticity with ...

Utilization of stone waste in the development of sustainable …
This study examines the use of four majorly available stone wastes, i.e., marble, granite and limestone, as a partly non-pozzolanic alternative for sand in mortar and containment of hazardous wastes. Literature reveals that particular stone wastes are an efficient inert filler that significantly improves the pore structure .

3.5. Granite Waste Powder GWP obtained the cutting of granite stones, it is used as a partial substitution for fine aggregate. The specific gravity of the granite powder is 2.72 and the fineness is 2.6. The particle size distribution curve of granite powder shown in Fig.1 and chemical composition of granite waste powder as shown in Table3. …

Optimization of Granite Powder used as Partial …
Granite Powder and Manufactured Sand can be used in concrete as viable alternative materials in making the Concrete. This paper proposes the Applications of Granite ... around 17.8 million tonnes of solid granite waste and out of which 12.2 million tonnes will be the rejects at the ... Manufactured Sand was used in place of the Natural River ...

Characterization of Waste and Reclaimed Green Sand Used …
The aim of this study is to discuss the importance of characterization of green, waste green and reclaimed sand. The transformations and changes which take place in the green sand, are due to the casting process. Green sand which loses its properties during the casting process at a high temperature of molten metal results into …

(PDF) Effect of Granite Dust & M-Sand on Strength …
N/mm 2, but concrete's compressive strength consisting no granite slurry waste was 31.84 N/mm 2 which has been shown inFig. 5. Enhancement in strength property of the modi ed concrete may have ...

Utilization of solid-cutting waste of granite as an alternative
Aydin et al. [43] used granite waste as an abrasive added to the water jet used to cut the marble. It is revealed that the granite particles show similar performance with garnet in terms of the ...

Full article: A brief review on sustainable utilisation of marble waste
2.1. Use of marble waste as a partial replacement for conventional coarse aggregate. Marble waste was judged as a potential replacement for conventional coarse aggregates first by Binici et al. (Citation 2008).They had compared the behaviour of concrete mixes completely made with marble waste as coarse aggregate with mixes …

Comparative study on strengthening of concrete using granite waste …
Granite dust is a waste material produced during cutting and polishing process of granite products [1], [16]. Fine aggregate is an essential component of concrete [3], [6]. Grzegorz Prokopski et al. [7] conducted experiment by replacing sand partially with granite dust and compared with conventional concrete. Results showed that water ...

Molding Sand: Constituents, Types and Properties
The general sources of receiving molding sands are the sea shores, rivers, lakes, deserts and granular elements of rocks. Molding sands can be classified mainly into two types namely natural or synthetic. Natural molding sands contains sufficient amount of binder material. Whereas synthetic molding sands are prepared artificially using basic …

Moulding Sand, Types, Composition and its …
The fresh moulding sand prepared in the foundry should have the following composition: Silica 75% (approx.) Soil 10-15%. Bentonite 2-5% (as required) Coal dust 5-10%. Humidity 6–8%. Core sand …

Experimental Studies on Self Compacting Concrete with …
The results show that use of Industrial waste will build the quality of the self-compacting concrete when compared and Normal self compacting concrete. But it should not exceed 10% of granite waste and 20% of foundry sand. IndexTerms - Granite waste, self compacting concrete, foundry sand, polypropylene fibers and Conplast SP-430.

Granite waste and coffee husk ash synergistic effect on clay-based
Brazil produces massive amounts of granite sawing waste and coffee husk ash and their inadequate and, often, illegal disposal causes enormous environmental problems. In the past decade, these and other industrial wastes have been intensively studied aiming at determining their potential as alternative raw materials, particularly for …

Behavior of high strength self-compacting concrete with marble/granite
Although the use of waste foundry sand (WFS) in concretes is already widespread, there is a gap regarding to waste foundry exhaust sand (WFES) and durability. In this research, the marble/granite processing waste (MGPW) was used as mineral addition, to improve the concrete viscosity, and WFES was used as a partial substitute …

Potential use of marble and granite solid wastes as
Large quantities of coarse solid wastes are generated during mining and quarrying both marble and granite rocks in Saudi Arabia and Egypt. These large quantities are major environmental concern in the surrounding area of quarry site. However, due to the similarity of these wastes to conventional aggregates, they could be potential source of …

Study on Partial Replacement of Silica Sand With Alternatives …
The non-silica alternatives such as clay, bio-waste, bagasse-ash and nano-SiO2 in different proportions are added to silica sand to prepare moulding sand. The effect of these alternatives on mould ...

The 3 Types of Sand Used for Sand Casting | Pat Foundry
Green Sand. Green sand refers to the sand molds formed from wet sand and is sometimes referred to as clay. The sand mold is in an uncured state as the metal is being poured. Sand casting using green sand is quick and inexpensive since the sand can be reused. The downside is that the sand is a soft mold and can collapse or shift during …

Characterization of artificial stone developed with granite waste …
The research proposed here is similar to Lee et al. [7]'s study in terms of the waste materials used, granite and glass, ... [15] produced artificial stones containing travertine waste, fine sand, and epoxy resin in three different compositions: (1) a combination of travertine powder and sludge, (2) a combination of travertine powder and …

Singh et al. (2015a) utilized Granite cutting waste to replace natural sand from 0% to 40% in concrete and observed decrease in the workability of concrete as the percentage of GCW was increased ...

Durability indicators of high-strength self-compacting …
The waste generated in these processes are molding sand, foundry slag, exhaust powders, and kiln vapors [13]. ... Silica fume was used as a supplementary material, and marble and granite waste were used as mineral addition. Waste Foundry Exhaust Sand was used as a partial replacement for natural sand (NS), which is locally …

Impact on mechanical properties of cement sand mortar containing waste
After heat treatment, granite sludge waste converted into reddish pigment. This was due to Fe 2 O 3 crystallization which provided an extra benefit in preparing coloured mortars with desirable compressive strength [19]. Use of granite dust as an alternative to sand in the production of 1:3 cement mortar proportion has also been …

A Study on the Suitability of Mahanadi Riverbed Sand as an Alternative …
The green sand mold casting process is used to produce iron, nickel, aluminum, and copper castings for different industrial applications [].Around 70% by volume of castings are manufactured by the sand-casting process [], and it is due to the easy availability of silica sand and complex shape with lower cost [].The silica sand has high …

Adding granite polishing waste as sand replacement to …
Singh et al. [25, 26] suggested that the use of granite waste as sand replacement could improve the strength and durability through making the concrete matrix more dense and compact. Ban et al. [27] reported that the addition of granite waste to replace up to 80% sand exhibited similar porosity, air permeability and water absorption.

Sand Casting | Metal Casting Resources
Sand casting is a process that utilizes non-reusable sand molds to form metal castings. On one hand, casting is a deceptively simple manufacturing process: anyone who has formed castles at the beach knows sand can be used to make detailed shapes. However in a foundry, dealing with the heat of molten metal, many factors must …
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- A Granite Fluorite Crusher
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- Disadvantage Of Granite Quarry
- Granite Aggregate Mobile Crusher