Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)
17.10.1981. PNM Meeting held between NFIR and Railway Board on 16/17-07-1981 – Section 'C' – Item 31 – Fixation of Seniority of Ministerial staff promoted against 25 percent/33 percent quota from the serving class IV and Class III employees in C:LW. E (NG)I/81/SR6/45.

Principle Of Initial Date Of Appointment Valid Principle To
The Supreme Court of India has held that the principle of initial date of appointment or continuous officiation will be the valid principle to be considered for determination of inter se seniority ...

Seniority | Department of Personnel & Training
Attachment File: The Department of Personnel and Training is the coordinating agency of the Central Government in personnel matters specially issues concerning recruitment, training, career development and staff welfare.

In the absence of any rule for determining inter-se seniority …
Realising that the principle of continuous officiation is well settled, especially where inter-se seniority is not dealt with in the Rules, the Full Court of the High Court correctly approved the resolution of the Special Committee. After the introduction of the 2017 Rules, seniority inter-se direct recruits and promotees shall be determined on the …

Union of India & Ors. Vs. N.R. Parmar & Ors. [November 27, …
Union of India & Ors. Vs. R.K. Bothra & Ors. [Transfer Case No. 2012 arising out of T.P. (C) No. 681 of 2006] JAGDISH SINGH KHEHAR, J. 1. The present controversy is a dispute of inter se seniority between Income Tax Inspectors of the Income Tax Department. Direct recruits and promotes are pitted on opposite sides. 2.

Department of Personnel & Training Establishment (D)
The seniority of candidates of two different panels received on the same date is determined by the following procedure: (iii) Where both (i) and (ii) are also same, then the chronology of requisition made by the respective Ministries/Departments. O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D) dated 11.11.2010. 8.

Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms
Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Government of Mizoram, India. Home. Posts. Notifications. Revised instruction relating to fixation of inter-se-seniority between direct recruits and promotees thereof. Dt 28.03.2023. Revised instruction relating to fixation of inter-se-seniority between direct recruits and promotees thereof.

Final Inter-se Seniority of the Officers of Senior Grade of …
Attachment. Final Inter-se Seniority of the Officers of Senior Grade of MSS dt.22.06.2023. Post Created On: 26 th Jun 23 4:19 PM. Updated On: 26 th Jun 23, 4:19 PM.

Home | Comptroller and Auditor General of India
— Judgement_SC of India_interse seniority of :C:- 1 1 1,'1 . Subject: No. 2001 1/2/2019-Estt. (D) Government of India & pensions Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances ... subsequent year(s), would figure in the seniority list of the respective years of their being appointed. To that extent it may not be necessary to go into the question of

Fixation of Inter-se seniority of Direct and Promotee officers
Seniority List of various services and JAG/SG Panels. After the judgement of Patna and order issued from Railway Board as RBE-33/2018, the Seniority was revised for all the Group A services. RECENTLY ISSUED SENIORITY LIST – RBE 33/18 (IN VIEW OF PATNA CASE) DEPTT. DATE.

1. 1. General Principles for determining seniority of various categories of persons employed in Central Services. 2. Preservation of inter-se seniority of the staff rendered surplus and re-deployed on different occasions but in the same office. 3. 4. 5.

Microsoft Word
The general principles of seniority therefore stands modified to that extent. 2.1.1 Clarification : Appointment from the Reserve panel at a later date: The interse seniority of candidates nominated from reserve panel will be fixed as per consolidated merit given by UPSC/SSC/Recruiting agency. However

No. 20011/1/2012-Estt. (D) Ministry of Personnel, Public …
the case may be, in the seniority list, based on the rotation of vacancies for that year. 3. All the existing instructions on seniority were consolidated by DoPT through a single O.M. No. 22011/7/86-Estt(D) dated 03.07.1986. 4. In view of divergent stance taken by different Ministries/Departments on

S.Sadasivam vs Government Of Tamil Nadu on 28 March, 2011
(i) The first respondent is directed to consider the issue raised in these writ petitions and prepare interse seniority list of Lecturers/Selection Grade Lecturers/Readers on or before 31.5.2011 and only on the basis of the said seniority list, the Principal posts which are lying vacant have to be filled up.

Central Secretariat Service (CSS)
(m)"Ministry" means a Ministry in the Government of India and includes a Department of a Ministry or other Office specified in column (2) of the First Schedule; ... (PREPARATION OF COMMON SENIORITY LIST) REGULATIONS, 1970* In pursuance of rule 23 read with clause (hh) of rule 2 of the Central Secretariat Service Rules, 1962, the Central ...

[District Judges] Inter-Se Seniority Among …
The SC directed that "the seniority list issued in terms of Report dated 15.03.2019 shall stand modified only to the extent that appropriate placement to the candidates selected through LCE be ...

These instructions (No. 20011/1/2000-Estt. (D) Dated 27th March, 2001) shall take effect from the December 14, 1999. 3.4.2 The fixation of seniority of an absorbee in accordance with the above principle will not, however, affect any regular promotions to the next higher grade made prior to the date of such absorption.

Seniority List | KVS
Circulation of Steno Grade II All India seniority list (Final) as on 01.01.2024 reg: 05/30/24: 956 KB: Office Order -Grant of Selection Scale to PRT (Music) 05/14/24: 1 : Office Order – Selection Scale 2023 TGT (AE) 05/14/24: 1 : Updated seniority list of Principals as on 01.01.2024.

the Order on 17.5.2013 publishing the final seniority list (as on 01.04.2013), of the MPS Grade II Officers. The promotees challenged this through the Writ Petition (C) No. 366 of 2013 in the High Court of Manipur. By amending their Writ Petition, the promotees also challenged the subsequent Govt. orders dated 20.01.2014

IREM'), Vol.1 and their relevant date for fixation of seniority was fixed as 08.05.2009. 5. The relevant portion of the order dated 12.12.2014 fixing the seniority of the 87 promotee officers reads as follows: "2.All the 87 officers will be placed in the seniority list

Inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees – DoPT…
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that the fundamental principles of inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees in Central Civil Services/posts were laid down in the Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) O.M. No. 9/11/55-RPS dated 29.12.1959 which provided, Inter alia, that the …

IRSEE 2014 batch details
Final seniority list of railway officers Group 'B' issued in 2020 Group 'B' Final seniority list as on 01.04.2018 & 01.01.2019 Railway Board, vide letter No. E(GP)2013/1/31 dated 23.12.2019, asked Zonal Railways/PUs' for seniority lists of Group 'B' officers of organised services as on 01.04.2018 & Read more…

inter-se+seniority | Indian Case Law | Law | CaseMine
...recruits.4. Rule 8 provides for inter se seniority.Rule 8(2) provides that seniority of the direct recruits vis-à-vis promotees is to be determined in order of rotation of....12. In the meanwhile, certain promotees and direct recruits of DHJS had filed Writ Petitions Nos. 490 of 1987, 1252 of 1990 and others before this Court raising issue as to …

The Concept of Seniority under Service Law
In Union of India vs. H.R. Patankar ... GRADATION OR SENIORITY LIST The seniority of an employee, is generally, indicated in a list commonly referred to as a Gradation List or a Seniority List. A ...

Inter-se seniority of direct recruit and promotee
A. The fundamental principles of inter se seniority of direct recruits and promotees in Central Civil Services/posts were laid down in the Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT) O.M. No. 9/11/55-RPS dated 29.12.1959 which provided, Inter alia, that the relative seniority of direct recruits and of promotees shall be determined according to ...

Seniority Archives
Final seniority list of railway officers Group 'B' issued in 2020. Group 'B' Final seniority list as on 01.04.2018 & 01.01.2019 Railway Board, vide letter No. E (GP)2013/1/31 dated 23.12.2019, asked Zonal Railways/PUs' for seniority lists of Group 'B' officers of organised services as on 01.04.2018 & 01.01.2019 for promotion to ...

North Central Railways / Indian Railways Portal
Seniority List 2022 Mechanical Deptt. CMA cadre seniority of Mechanical Deptt. of NCR dt 24.02.2022; Mechanical Deptt All cadre seniority in NCR/HQ dt 23.02.2022; Store Department. ... This is the Portal of Indian Railways, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to information and services being provided by the various ...

Seniority – Rules/Orders – Disciplinary and Transparency Forum – India
O.M. dated 13.04.2011 - Consolidated orders on seniority-Fixation of seniority of released ES and SSC Officers of the Armed Forces-Clarification regarding consolidated instructions dated 3.7.1986 (58.5 KiB, 1,013 hits) DoPT O.M. dated 11.11.2010 - Seniority - Consolidated orders on (373.7 KiB, 1,630 hits)

Union Of India And Others v. N.R Parmar And Others
10. In the circumstances, the said seniority list is hereby quashed and set aside. Respondent 3 is directed to recast the seniority list on the basis of directions contained in this order. The present order will also apply to seniority list of UDCs which is the subject-matter of OA No. 676 of 1999.11. All the OAs stand disposed of on the above ...
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