2019 – Mining Engineering
ITB Sabet 10 Juara dalam International Sriwijaya Mining Games; Carrying Out Seawater Desalination Based Geothermal at IKN, Mining Engineering Student Batch 2020 Won 2nd Place in CHEMICATION 2023; KULIAH TAMU "POTENSI BATU MULIA DI INDONESIA"

Profile – FITB – ITB
Mining and petroleum fields have greater fields of applied engineering. Based on the above considerations, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology expanded into two faculties Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology and Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering. ... [email protected]

Administrator – Mining Engineering
The event was closed with a symbolic handover of field lecture equipment given by the representative of IA TA ITB, Inez Rara Nastiti (chair of IA TA) to WDA FTTM ITB Prof. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT., Ph.D. and also the Head of Mining Engineering S1 Study Program Dr. Eng. Ganda Marihot Simangunsong, ST., MT. ... Email : dep …

Doctoral Program in Mining Engineering – FTTM | ITB English
The program educational objectives of the Mining Engineering Doctoral Program have been explicitly stated in the 2019 Curriculum document as follow: Producing graduates who are able to conduct research independently, understand ethics and morals in the development of science, and produce scientific works that reflect their expertise fields …

Laboratory – Mining Environment – FTTM | ITB English
The Mining Environment Laboratory is a laboratory for practicum supporting education and research related to the identification of potential environmental pollution in underground mines along with methods for preventing and handling them. There is the use of shared facilities between the Mine Ventilation Laboratory and the Center of Research ...

Pengadaan Pelatihan Hydrogeological Modeling Course for Mining …
Pengadaan Pelatihan Hydrogeological Modeling Course for Mining and Environment. Categories: Earth Resources, Energy & Mineral Technology. ... Jawa Barat, Indonesia [email protected]. ITB Kampus Jakarta. Gedung Graha Irama (Indorama) Lt. 10 & 12 ... Blended Learning. Perpustakaan Digital. Agenda Akademik. …

Master's Program in Metallurgical Engineering
Phone number: +62 (0)-22-2502239. DescriptionThe Department of Metallurgical Engineering was officially opened at ITB in April 2016, although Metallurgical Engineering education has been taught for a long time as a particular field in the Mining Engineering Masters Study Program.Excellence During its development, the Metallurgical …

Jatinangor Campus
ITB Jatinangor campus will be developed on the land asset of West Java Province Government which once used by Universitas Winaya Mukti Jatinangor. The land with area of +/- 47 ha stretches from north and south and faces Jalan Raya Bandung – Sumedang. In the future, the government plans to build Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan (Cisumdawu) …

Education. 12 Faculties and Schools Consisting of 12 schools and faculties, Institut Teknologi Bandung is not only engaged in science and engineering but also in arts and business management that are …

International Undergraduate Program
Learning System Overview. ITB International Undergraduate Program aims to provide each student with an academic experience of international quality.Since the curriculum is specifically designed to enable students to compete globally in various fields, all students must do a minimum of 1 semester of outbound exchange at their own expense to …

24 Pusat Pusat di ITB adalah wadah yang bersifat multidisiplin, interdisiplin, dan transdisiplin yang berfungsi untuk mengakomodasi perkembangan ilmu/keahlian Selengkapnya 7 Pusat Penelitian Pusat Penelitian di ITB adalah wadah fungsional sebagai organisasi program yang melaksanakan dan mengelola penelitian dan riset di ITB …

ITB Career Center
Willing to learn Japanese and its culture; Language: Fluent in English/Indonesian > Residences provided for work and training periods. Moving allowance provided when you move to first work location. During training periods in Japan, medical expense will be covered by company. Flight allowance once a year for visiting to Indonesia.

Options in Mining Engineering – Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering Option aims to educate the students to be reliable mining engineer with the skills and knowledge on minerals & coal extraction both on surface and underground, and be able to develop or implement mining technology and to perform tasks efficiently and effectively, in terms of time, cost and risk. ... [email protected] ...

Laboratory – Mine Planning and Valuation – FTTM …
The Mine Planning and Valuation Laboratory is one of the supporting facilities for teaching and learning activities in the FTTM-ITB Mining Engineering Study Program and the FTTM-ITB Mining Engineering …

Laboratory – Geomechanics and Mining Equipment
Mine Equipment, Mine Ventilation, Practicum for Measuring Displacement of Underground Pit Walls and Underground Supports.

Improving Competence of Mining Engineering Students, …
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Mining Engineering Students Association of Institut Teknologi Bandung (HMT-ITB) organized training for mining instruments, titled …

Program Studi Magister Rekayasa Pertambangan
ITB Kampus Jatinangor Jl. Let. Jen. Purn. Dr. (HC) Mashudi No. 1 Jatinangor, Kab. Sumedang, Jawa Barat Indonesia 45363 [email protected]

Improving Competence of Mining Engineering Students, HMT-ITB …
Introduction of mining instruments to Mining Engineering students at the Energy Building, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FMPE), ITB Ganesha Campus, on Saturday, March 2, 2024. (ITB/Muhammad Hanif Darmawan)<meta charset="utf-8">BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Mining Engineering Students Association …

Professor of The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering of ITB
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Professor of Geophysics Engineering of The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FMPE) ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc., PG.Dip., launched the book "Introduction to Geophysics Engineering Second Edition" book at the East Career Center Auditorium of Campus Ganesha, Wednesday (23/08/2023).

Undergraduate Program in Microbiology
DescriptionThe Undergraduate Program in Microbiology (UPMb) at ITB provides a comprehensive education focusing on three key aspects: foundational knowledge of microbial cells and bioprocesses, development of scientific skills, and application of microorganisms to address societal issues and enhance the quality of life.UPMb is a …

Undergraduate Program in Metallurgical Engineering
Research TopicsIn the Department of Metallurgical Engineering (MG-ITB), students will learn the principles and applications of physics, mathematics, and chemistry as well as engineering for:Separating the valuable minerals from the impurities in the ore (product of mining) so that it is technically and economically feasible to be extracted. This includes …

Geophysics Engineering Field Lecture 2021 – FTTM | TG
Each participant is required to undergo a PCR test 2 days before the day of departure to the field. The field lecture activities were attractively divided into two learning objects, namely observing geological features in the Lembang Fault area (4 – 5 October 2021) and taking measurements using geophysical equipment on 6 – 9 October 2021.

Mineralogy, Microscope, and Geochemical Lab. – Mining …
Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung, 40132 INDONESIA . Telp (+62 22) 2508131, 2502239 Faks (+62 22) 2504209 Email: [email protected]

Undergraduate Program in Mining Engineering – FTTM | ITB …
For material exploration and mining activities, this will be studied in Mining Engineering. The different properties between petroleum and precious minerals cause the mining process to be different. Mining Engineering Study Program will help students to develop mining knowledge by providing supporting facilities and a variety of learning methods.

ISMC 2016: Prestigious International Mining Engineering …
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Mining Engineering ITB was back to present Indonesia and Neighboring Countries Students Mining Competition (ISMC) in the early 2016's. was held for six days from Tuesday to Sunday (09-14/02/16) and participated by 11 universities from various regions in Indonesia and a team from the University of …

Options in Mining Engineering – Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering Option aims to educate the students to be reliable mining engineer with the skills and knowledge on minerals & coal extraction both on surface and …

Curriculum – Mining Engineering
The curriculum was designed to prepare the students for professional career in mining industry. The first 6 semesters of the curriculum contain courses intending to provide the students with fundamental knowledge …

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Tim mahasiswa arsitektur ITB yang terdiri dari Yuni Ariefah (15221030), Erensa Ratu Chelsia (15221018), Nayla Auliya Putri (15221014), dan Salma Syahidah Kurniawan … Tim Maxwell Berhasil Menjadi 1st Runner Up dalam International Petro Well Study Case Competition 2024

Undergraduate Program in Mining Engineering
The Mining Engineering Study Programme focuses on learning aspects related to mining minerals, coal, rocks, metals, and non-metals. This program aims to prepare students …
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