Cobalt Institute
The Cobalt Institute's cobalt value chain mapping is a detailed overview of all stages of cobalt production – from mining to recycling – and the actual and potential human rights and environmental risks related to them.

Mining Jobs. Mine Workers – 10,225. Support Activities – 522. Transportation – 6,820. Total Direct Jobs – 17,566. Indirect and Induced Jobs – 35,535. Total Direct and Indirect Jobs – 53,101. Mining Contribution to GDP (millions of dollars) Direct Contribution – 3,125.

[PDF] Alternative Interest Measures for Mining Associations …
Discovering associations between items in a large database is one such data mining activity. In finding associations, support is used as an indicator as to whether an association is interesting. In this paper, we discuss three alternative interest measures for associations: any-confidence, all-confidence, and bond.

Association Rule Mining — concept and implementation
Association rule mining is one of the major concepts of Data mining and Machine learning, it is simply used to identify the occurrence pattern in a large dataset.

Northwest Mining Association
The Northwest Mining Association (NWMA) was founded in Spokane, Washington, in 1895 as a reaction to the encroachments of the railroad land grants upon the mineral lands in the Pacific Northwest. By 1909, the Association's voice expanded to include participation in national mineral policy issues, providing information to its membership on ...

Mining Associations in Zambia Supporting Women in Small-Scale Mining…
This article focuses on the findings presented from the primary data collected on the Mining Associations in Zambia in general, supporting women in small- scale mining. Using the case study approach, particular attention is given to the Zambian Women in Mining Association (AZWIM) that was created specifically for women.

Contributing to EU Priorities
A mine can be used as a catalyst to create sustainable non-mining assets such as transferable skills, education programs and environmental capital. In this way, mining can empower a community to develop independently of a mine and continue thriving after mining operations end.

Chapter V: Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations and …
ECLAT: frequent-pattern mining with vertical data format. Mining closed itemsets and max-itemsets.

Alternative interest measures for mining associations in
In finding associations, support is used as an indicator as to whether an association is interesting. In this paper, we discuss three alternative interest measures for associations: any-confidence ...

To work with national governments in the implementation of the Africa Mining Vision for the benefit of women in Africa. To advocate for and support women's interests in the exploration and extraction of mineral …

Open Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference …
In this paper, we propose a multi-level association rule mining method to effectively mine associations between the CPs and KPIs. he obtained rules can be employed for network resource optimization [5]-[8]. In addition, the proposed method has significant advantages over traditional association analysis methods.

Welcome to the Mining Association of Canada. Since 1935, the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) has been the national voice of the Canadian mining industry. Working alongside our members, MAC promotes the …

World Association of Mining Lawyers | WAOML | Home
An association of mining lawyers which holds an annual mining conference focused on discussing and debating challenges faced by the modern mining industry.

International Copper Association
The International Copper Association (ICA) and its members have developed a roadmap for bringing the carbon footprint as close as possible to net zero by 2050 for copper mining, smelting, refining and recycling.

Mining association rules from clinical databases: an …
Data mining is the process of discovering interesting knowledge, such as patterns, associations, changes, anomalies and significant structures, from large amounts of data stored in databases, data warehouses, or other information repositories. Mining Associations is one of the techniques involved in …

Mining Associations and Organizations
There are many organizations dedicated to help promote mining and mineral products. Many states that have active mining operations have local mining associations that can assist with state-specific information.

MIASA and its members aspire to achieve an inclusive, innovative, prosperous, growing and country-developing mining industry, where all stakeholders continually work together for the mutual benefit of the country and the industry. MIASA position on climate change2017-02-01. MIASA members are in the SADC region, with all its member associations ...

About Women's Mining Coalition
The Women's Mining Coalition organizes grassroots outreach efforts in our home states as well as in Washington, D.C., including an annual trip to our Nation's Capitol to meet with members of Congress and their staff, in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Participants meet in excess of 200 Senators and Representatives during ...

Industry associations as levers for the implementation of …
By adopting a longitudinal multi-case study approach, the study explores the role of industry associations representing manufacturing, processing, and waste management industries in an established market and an emerging market for recycling post-consumer wood-based products in Germany.

Mining Associations Between Collaborative Skills and …
Nowadays it is quite common for universities to use computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) systems to favor group learning and teaching processes. CSCL systems provide communication ...

Maximal Association Rules: A Tool for Mining Associations in Text
We describe a new tool for mining association rules, which is of special value in text mining. The new tool, called maximal associations, is geared toward discovering associations that are ...

Top 10 Associations raising awareness for the mining industry
Associations play a critical role in raising awareness for the mining industry. They are the sector's biggest advocate, helping to promote and maximize the contribution of mining, minerals and metals to sustainable development. They provide leadership and opportunities to members as well as drive social, economic and …

MAC Staff
Pierre Gratton was appointed President and CEO of the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) on June 1, 2011. Based in Ottawa, MAC is the national organization for the Canadian mining industry. Its members are engaged in mineral exploration, mining, smelting, refining and semi-fabrication.

Mining Associations Between Collaborative Skills and …
Nowadays it is quite common for universities to use computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) systems to favor group learning and teaching processes. CSCL systems provide communication, coordination and collaboration tools that ease group ...

Can rural producer organisations transform rural …
This paper examines the link between rural producer organisations and economic outcomes for artisanal and small-scale miners. A case study of mining associations in Zambia's amethyst and emerald sectors was undertaken, in which field-visits and a series of key informant interviews were conducted.

European Lithium Institute eLi
eLi gathers partners along the whole lithium value chain to generate focused international cooperation. By pooling expertise in the fields of exploration, mining, processing, manufacturing and recycling plus …

AERS spider: an online interactive tool to mine statistical
Methods: We proposed a data mining strategy to improve hypothesis generation with respect to potential associations.

Strengthened Women's Mining Associations Improve …
Between 2019 and 2022, IMPACT's Digging for Equality project made significant strives to support gender equality and women's empowerment in the artisanal mining sectors across three countries—Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. The project supported women working in the ASM sector to reduce the …

Maximal Association Rules: A Tool for Mining Associations …
We describe a new tool for mining association rules, which is of special value in text mining. The new tool, called maximal associations, is geared toward discovering associations that are frequently lost when using regular association rules.

EUsalt: European Salt Producers' Association
EUsalt is the association of crystallised salt producers located in 19 countries from Europe and beyond. Europe is the second largest salt producing region in the world and EUsalt, through its members, represents more …
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