Indian Export Incentive Schemes | IBEF
Under SEIS, an incentive of 3-7% of the net foreign exchange earnings is provided to the service exporters. It requires the service providers to have an active Import–Export Code (IEC Code) with a minimum net foreign exchange earnings worth US$ 15,000 to be eligible for a claim under the scheme. Duty Exemption/Remission Schemes.

Kerala Govt allows sand mining in 8 rivers, Sand mining in Kerala …
Thiruvananthapuram: The government has given permission to remove sand and other sediments from the major rivers in the state. It is calculated that about 22.67 lakh cubic metre sand has been deposited in eight major rivers after the flood havoc. Among this, the revenue department has prepared a plan to mine 7.56 lakh cubic metre …

Rajasthan govt promotes manufactured sand as easy alternative to river
The Rajasthan government has decided to promote the use of manufactured sand (M-Sand) as an inexpensive and easy alternative to river sand. Veenu Gupta, additional chief secretary (mines, petroleum and MSMEs), said investors would be encouraged to set up M-Sand units in the state.

what is the cost for m sand in kerala – Grinding Mill China
M-Sand is manufactured sand M-sand … » More detailed. Now, branded sand in Kerala – Thaindian News "A year ago, the price of sand was around Rs.3,500 for a truckload (10 tonnes). … three percent central sales tax and four percent value added tax for sand. "The Kerala … » More detailed. The Hindu : Kerala News : Construction sector ...

River Sand Mining and its Management: A Global Challenge
Indiscriminate sand and gravel mining over the years has imposed permanent damages to the river ecosystems in the several parts of the India. Padmalal D. (2008–2014) is one of the leading researchers in India to successfully address the several consequences of instream and floodplain sand mining. S.

The environmental impacts of river sand mining
The effects of river sand mining can also be seen at the coast where the lack of sand replenishment can cause beaches and dunes to erode faster and therewith offer less protection against storm surges, tsunamis and sea level rise ( Shaghude et al., 2012 ). 5. Effects on the biological environment.

Govt: of Kerala MARKET PRICE OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND LABOUR WAGE RATES FOR 2021-22 FOURTH QUARTER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. Sl No. ... River Sand-c) Fine/Cubic Metre 2606.00 4760.00 4220.00 5671.50 4314.38 14 2. River Sand-d) Quarry Dust/Cubic Metre

Kerala govt to promote organic vegetables
Kerala government will soon launch 'Kerala Brand' organic vegetables in the market to promote pesticide-free vegetables grown by farmers. Minister for Agriculture VS Sunil Kumar told the ...

State mulls potable water project | Business Standard News
Karnataka has prepared a comprehensive plan to provide drinking water to 21,000 villages through surface water supply schemes in the next five years, state minister for minor irrigation Govind Karjol said today.

Sand Auditing for Sustainable River Sand Mining in Kerala…
Sand Audit is a kind of sediment budget which is primarly for the realistic estimation of sand deposits available in river for sustainable sand mining. This study presents an overview of River Sand Auditing carried out in Kerala from 2011 to 2019. Rivers of Kerala. Kerala has 41 west-flowing and 3 east-flowing rivers.

[Interview] Kerala agriculture minister: Organic …
On November 16, the Kerala Government is launching a Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) programme that will initiate the step-by-step process that has been envisioned to help the agricultural sector …

In a first, UP govt to roll out manufactured sand policy
LUCKNOW To maintain the demand-supply equilibrium, Uttar Pradesh government is considering to promote the use of alternative resources for sand and 'morang' for construction-related works. It ...

Official Web Portal
This is the official website of the Government of Kerala. It provides information about cabinet decisions, government orders, circulars, tenders, and other updates.

Document Portal -- Government of Kerala
This portal is part of the Government of Kerala state portal. Portal is owned by KSITM and contents are owned by I & PRD.Portal is designed and developed by C-DIT. The site is best viewed using latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or equivalent browsers with a screen resolution of 1366 * 768 or higher.

AP Govt to promote use of Robo sand in construction
The Andhra Pradesh Government is seeking to encourage use of Robo sand, a natural sand substitute for use in the construction sector. This move comes in the backdrop of shortage of sand supply ...

OPS urges Tamil Nadu govt to contain river sand price rise
The government recently made an announcement that sand would be available in quarries at Rs 1,000 per unit at a specified time for the public and lorry owners, when the open market price was ...

Welcome to Kerala GeoPortal
Kerala State Spatial Data Infrastructure Saankethika, Vrindavan Gardens, Pattom P.O, Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala - 695004 Phone : 0471-2525444,2525430

river sand mining machines in karnataka
Karnataka Government Approval For Sand Making Machine Know More. VSI sand making machine The process is more complicated than the impact sand making machine It has a shaping function and can meet the output demand of 60-650t/h Mobile sand making machine a high-performance sand making machine that can be moved and operated …

Kerala govt gives to promote nightlife in the state
After 'Mumbai 24 Taas' experiment of the Maharashtra government, now the LDF government in Kerala is going to keep shops and hotels open round the clock in specially identified areas called 'Night Life Centres'.The state cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan here on Wednesday has decided to start 'Night Life Centres', …

Kerala govt. forms technical panel to study efficient river …
Kerala govt. forms technical panel to study efficient river water utilisation Panel's terms of reference include preparation of a list of vital river water-related interventions for agriculture ...

Tamil Nadu Sand Booking @ tnsand.in
Online payment facilities such as net banking along with debit card payment will be made available on-site and at online portals for a hassle-free sand distribution. Moreover, the Water Resources Department of Tamil Nadu has looked into the environmental clearance and access has been granted to open 60 river sand quarries …

*The Kerala Protection of River Banks and Regulation …
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 26 of the Kerala Protection of River Banks and Regulation of Removal of Sand Act, 2001(18 of 2001), Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules, namely: - Rules 1. Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the Kerala Protection of River Banks and

Taking a serious note on the impact of river sand mining, the Government of Kerala enacted the legislation 'The Kerala Protection of River Banks and Regulation of Removal of Sand Act, 2001' to protect the river environments from large scale dredging of sand. The act also envisages provisions for periodical sand auditing in order to assess the

Importers Licensing Scheme | Building and Construction
Any person in the business of importing sand and granite must have a valid licence. "Sand" excludes any unwashed or unprocessed marine-dredged sand or gravel. The following imports of sand and granite are exempted: Any consignment not exceeding 50 kg or for the sole purpose of coastal reclamation works. Any consignment solely for use in land ...

Kerala hikes fine for illegal sand mining to Rs 5 lakh
Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala has raised the fine for illegal sand mining from rivers to Rs 5 lakh. It was Rs 25,000 earlier. Governor Arif Mohammed Khan signed the Protection of River Banks and ...

Frontiers | Agricultural Innovation and the Protection of …
1 School of Law, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia; 2 The UWA Institute of Agriculture, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia; 3 Communication Centre, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, India; In an endeavor to promote agricultural innovation, the Government of India introduced two pieces of …

sbm/sbm sri lanka river sand mound.md at main · …
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LETTER | CAP urges the Malaysian government to ban sand exports
Updated: 6:47 PM. LETTER | The Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP) calls for a total ban on sand exports and revocation of approved permits (APs) issued for river sand exports. Our call is in ...

IT KERALA Computer Education
IT Kerala courses are government approved traditional courses for PSC aspiring students. It serves as a stepping stone to excel in one's career. Each of the course is designed with the candidate in mind and their complete transformation to a professional. Skilled Instructors. Skill Based Training. Govt. Approved Certificate. Rutronix Certificate.

Karnataka and Tamil Nadu look abroad to meet sand demand
Of the 50 million tonnes (mt) of annual sand demand in Karnataka, 7 mt is met by legally extracted river sand, 25 mt by M-Sand and the rest by illegal sales of river sand, an official said. After ...
- Kerala Govt To Promote River Sand Import
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- Building Materials Price List Kerala
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