How Unique Brands and Logos Get Names from …
Mars: Roman god of war and confectionary company. Mars was the Roman god of war, also called Ares in ancient Greek mythology. Today, we know the work as the name of one of the world's largest …

Amazon | Greek Mythology & Facts | Britannica
Special 67% offer for students! Finish the semester strong with Britannica. Amazon, in Greek mythology, member of a race of women warriors. They figure in traditional tales of Heracles' labors and the Trojan War. Their representation in ancient art transformed from resembling the warrior goddess Athena to the hunter goddess Artemis.

Chimera – The Origins and Many Meanings
1- Chimera in Chinese Mythology. A chimera-like creature associated with Chinese Mythology, is the qilin. A hooved, antlered creature often shaped like an ox, deer, or horse, its body can be fully or only partly covered by scales. Qilin can be sometimes depicted as being partially engulfed in flames or decorated with fish-like fins.

Myth | Definition, History, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief. It is distinguished from symbolic behaviour (cult, ritual) and symbolic places or objects (temples, icons). Myths are specific accounts of gods or superhuman beings ...

Apollo in Greek Mythology | Powers, Symbols & Children
The ancient Greeks worshipped many gods and goddesses. Among the 12 Olympian deities that are at the center of Greek mythology and religion is the god Apollo.Apollo is the son of Zeus, the king of ...

Aphrodite | Mythology, Worship, & Art | Britannica
Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus, depicting the goddess also known as Aphrodite, is one of the most famous paintings in the world. Aphrodite, ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, identified with Venus by the Romans. The Greek word aphros means "," and Hesiod relates in his Theogony that Aphrodite was born …

Daedalus: Master Inventor of Greek Mythology
Daedalus was an architect, sculptor, and inventor of Ancient Greece, who served the kings of Athens, Crete, and Sicily. His myths appear in the writings of authors like Homer and Virgil, due to its important connection with other myths such as the Minotaur . Daedalus was a famous artist in Athens before being exiled for a crime against his own ...

Medusa: Was She a Victim or a Monster?
A demigod, the son of Zeus and Danae, Perseus is one of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology. He was sent on a quest to kill Medusa. With help from the gods and his intelligence, courage, and strength, he successfully located and beheaded her. Perseus used his shield as a mirror and avoided direct eye contact while battling her.

Hercules: Myth, Legend, Death & 12 Labors | HISTORY
Hercules (known in Greek mythology as Heracles or Herakles) is one of the best-known heroes in ancient mythology. His life was not easy—he endured many trials and completed many daunting tasks ...

Nike in Greek Mythology | Story, Facts & Symbol
Explore her symbol and story as a goddess in Greek mythology, and learn how the goddess Nike is still important today. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents

The 24 Greek Alphabet Letters and What They Mean
The Greeks were also one of the first to develop a comprehensive, written language that surfaced around the 8th century B.C, and was used widely across the region. Though the ancient Greek alphabet originally had multiple variants, The Euclidean Alphabet, which is still used today, has been used since the 4th century B.C.

Ares Symbol: A Complete Guide to the God of War's Symbol
Occasionally, an animal or other imagery was used as a God of War Symbol for Ares. These, too, reflected his position as the destructive god of war. Vultures, for example, were sometimes seen in images that included Ares. The presence of carrion birds was, of course, a common sight in the aftermath of a bloody battle.

20 Everyday English Sayings and Idioms With Greek Origins
In ancient Greece, laurel leaves were considered a symbol of victory, a status symbol, associated with the God Apollo. Laurel wreaths were presented to victors of the Pythian Games (6th century BC). 16. Gordian knot . The Gordian knot; is an extremely difficult, complicated, intricate problem, solved in a creative manner.

In the realm of Greek mythology, where extraordinary heroes confront even more extraordinary beasts, the Lernaean Hydra, or Hydra of Lerna, stands out as one of the most formidable adversaries. More commonly referred to simply as the Hydra, this serpentine water monster is not just another creature of myth, but a symbol of resilience, …

18 Powerful Symbols of Zeus
Today, Mount Olympus continues to captivate our imaginations as the majestic seat of Zeus and his divine kin. This towering symbol of divinity and supremacy underscores the enduring influence of ancient Greek mythology on modern culture, reminding us of the awe-inspiring tales and timeless wisdom that have transcended the …

Apollo | Facts, Symbols, Powers, & Myths | Britannica
Apollo, in Greco - Roman mythology, a deity of manifold function and meaning, one of the most widely revered and influential of all the ancient Greek and Roman gods. Though his original nature is obscure, from the time of Homer onward he was the god of divine distance, who sent or threatened from afar; the god who made men aware of …

Pandora – First Mortal Woman in Greek …
Pandora's Influence. As the first woman to ever exist in Greek mythology, Pandora is the ancestor of all humankind. Her daughter Pyrrha would marry and repopulate the earth after a terrible flood. Pandora's …

Nike: The Greek Goddess of Victory and her Mythology …
Nike is a prominent figure in Greek mythology, symbolizing victorious triumph and success. According to mythological accounts, Nike played a significant role in various battles and competitions among the gods and mortals. She was believed to bestow victory and glory upon the individuals or armies she favored.

Top 23 Ancient Symbols and Their Meanings
Hence, the symbol was considered to be a powerful protection against the forces of evil. Hebrews also used the symbol to depict Truth and the five books of the Pentateuch. In Christianity, the five points represented the wounds received by Christ. The Druids referred to the pentagram as the Godhead. 12. The Triquetra (Celtic myth)

Atlas. Atlas was one of the most famous Titans, the son of Iapetus and the Oceanid Asia (or, possibly, Clymene ). He was the leader of the Titan rebellion against Zeus, and he got a fitting punishment after the end of the Titanomachy: he was condemned to eternally hold up the sky. Only once, and for a very brief period, he was bereaved of this ...

Embodying Myth: 150 Greek Mythology Tattoos – Art, …
Greek mythology, a treasure trove of gods, goddesses, heroic tales, and mythical creatures, has long fascinated the human imagination. Rooted deeply in the ancient culture and literature of Greece, these myths have transcended their original context to become universal symbols. Their influence extends beyond texts and artifacts, significantly …

The Origins of the Comedy and Tragedy Masks of Theatre
The comedy and tragedy symbol dates back to Greek Mythology and has been the central representation of the creative arts for decades. This includes theatre, film, and television. It's one of my favorite symbols and is still widely used today. If we go back to Ancient Greece, it is said these masks were used in early plays to represent the ...

Cornucopia – History and Symbolism
The horn-shaped vessel is traditionally made of woven wicker, wood, metal, and ceramics. Here are some of its meanings: A Symbol of Abundance. In Greek mythology, the cornucopia is a mythical horn able to provide whatever is desired, making it a traditional staple at feasts. However, the term cornucopia can also be used figuratively …

Dionysus | Powers, God, Parents, Meaning, Symbols, & Facts
In Orphic legend (i.e., based on the stories of Orpheus), Dionysus—under the name Zagreus—was the son of Zeus by his daughter Persephone.At the direction of Hera, the infant Zagreus/Dionysus was torn to pieces, cooked, and eaten by the evil Titans.But his heart was saved by Athena, and he (now Dionysus) was resurrected by Zeus through …

Demeter: Greek Goddess of Harvest and Her Relevance Today
She is one of the 12 Olympian gods that lived on Mount Olympus, considered the most important of the Ancient Greek gods. Her siblings included the Olympian gods, Hestia,, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. Demeter's consorts included Zeus,, Karmanor and Triptolemus but unlike most other gods, her love affairs weren't very significant in her …

Hermes: Myths, Symbols, and Importance (Greek Mythology)
Hermes was the protector and patron of herdsmen, travellers, orators, literature, poets, sports and trade. He was also the god of athletic contests, heralds, diplomacy, gymnasiums, astrology and astronomy. In certain myths, he is depicted as a clever trickster who would sometimes outwit the gods for fun or for the benefit of …

Psyche: A Complete Guide to the Goddess of the Soul (2023)
Eros and his beautiful wife Psyche appeared in Greek art as early as the 4th century BC, but unfortunately only one written narrative of their story has survived.. The Golden Ass, part of the Metamorphoses written by Lucius Apuleius in the 2nd century AD, is a Roman-era work that tells of the romance between Eros and a human princess and …

The Arachne Myth: A Complete Guide to the …
The story of Arachne is a familiar one for most people. A talented human woman challenged a goddess and as a punishment was transformed into one of the world's most hated animals. But, like spiders …

18 Powerful Pagan Symbols & Their Meanings
While the representation of these phases has been observed in various cultures and epochs, in contemporary Wiccan and pagan traditions, the Triple Goddess is a symbol of feminine divinity, the ever …

Medea's Myth: Passion, Poison, and the Power of Betrayal
Medea was one of the most complex, dangerous, yet fascinating characters in Greek mythology, possibly the only one to kill so many of her own people. She embodies many negative characteristics, and commited many acts of murder. However, she was also propelled by a burning love for Jason, who eventually betrayed her.
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