Gold Mines For Sale | DealStream
Mining Properties Kern County, CA Available On Request Gold (+ 2 more) California Gold Mine For Sale Need RWA buyer to purchase a Kern County gold mine. It is an idle 160 acre placer BLM property, Current 43101 report shows $9,000,000,000 in gold and $37,000,000,000 in rare earth elements. S.

Newmont Acquires Newcrest, Successfully Creating World's Leading Gold
Historic Mining-Industry Acquisition Sets the Standard for Gold and Copper Mining Newmont Corporation (NYSE: NEM, TSX: NGT, ASX: NEM, PNGX: NEM) today announced it has completed the acquisition of Newcrest Mining Limited to create the world's leading gold company with robust copper production. This press release …

Gold Mining Businesses for Sale and Investment …
Buy or Invest in a Gold Mining Business in Canada. Gold mine acquired on lease for 10 years seeks funding to start operations.

Placer Claims for Sale BC | ClaimStakes.com
1 2 3. An extensive collection of BC placer claims for sale. Placer gold claims ranging from prospective ground right through to proven machine permitted mine sites. We also have BC placer claims for platinum and other minerals for sale from the Fraser, Cariboo, Cassiar, Atlin, Kootenay-Wildhorse, Omineca, and more.

Yukon Wounded Moose Alluvial Gold Mine for Sale
The Wounded Moose Mine is located at the confluence of Wounded Moose Creek and the Indian River, near the historic site of "Granville" on Dominion and Sulphur Creeks. The mine is approximately 85 Kilometers S.E. of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada. 2-wheel drive road access during mining season. The Wounded Moose Gold Mine has recently expanded ...

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale
The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks.

102 Yukon Gold Placer Claims – Indian River & Quartz Creek
The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks. Ophir Creek has over 2 miles of tailings ...

Ontario Mines For Sale
Central Uchi Belt Lode Gold- Property For Option in Northwesterb Ontario Near Picklec Lake 185 Mining Claim Units (10.6 Sq. Miles) For Option With 2-Mile- Drill – Ready Gold Target In The Prolific Uchi Belt, NW Ona This large claim group has a two-mile long drill ready target on an 8.6 km – long dilatational Riedel shear zone that has ...

BC Gold Claims and Mines For Sale
Get Fresh Dirt. We specialize in Placer Gold and mineral claims in BC, Canada. Mining properties from gold panning opportunities up to permitted placer mines in Atlin, Cariboo, Kootenay, Okanagan, Cassiar, and the …

Gold Recovery Wash Plants and Equipment for Sale | Diesel …
Our Placer mining equipment is used for the mining of alluvial deposits of minerals. Our inventory includes full production Gold Trommels, Gold Placer Plants, and Mining Wash Plants for Gold Mining. Our portable trommel wash plants include top brands like MSI Wash Plants etc. If you are looking for a Diesel or Gas Powered Gold Trommel Wash ...

Fully Permitted Placer Gold Mine For Sale
Patented Gold Mine For Sale - USA. Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA. $1.6 Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80,000 tons in Mill Tailings. Developed Project with 4 adit tunnels. 1,274,320 Gold ounces estimated. Estimated Monthly NOI of $6.3 Million based on 400 ton/day operation.

Businesses for Sale and Investment Opportunities in Ghana
Buy or Invest in a Business in Ghana. We help regular people build and grow thriving online businesses. Operational mining business with rich alluvial gold deposit land across Ghana. Panchvati Herbals - Cosmetic Distributor Opportunity. For Sale: Supplier of branded merchandise that has 56 repeat institutional customers located in Accra.

Gold Wash Plants | Custom Gold Mining Equipment for Sale
Get a free, no-obligation quote in less than 5 minutes. We offer the highest quality gold wash plants for sale with production time between 1 to 3 weeks. Each machine is a completely portable plant; there is no need for additional screens or sluice boxes! At the top is an extreme-duty grizzly bar section that will take up to 24-inch rocks (91 cm).

Mining Businesses For Sale in Canada, 3 Available To Buy Now
3 Mining Businesses Available to Buy Now in Canada on BFS, The World's Largest Marketplace for Buying and Selling a Business.

Mines, Claims And Mineral Properties For Sale
S Mine: River Bed Sand,Blue Metal Rock Mine For Sale Mining Properties Tiruchchirappalli, India New Arrival $119,770,000 (₹10,000,000,000 INR) Rare Earth (+ 2 more). We are having 50 acres (20 hectares) of land for …

Globex acquires two gold projects in Quebec from IAMGOLD
July 9, 2024. The Eldrich Gold Mine consists of eight claims totalling 235.55 hectares (ha). Credit: RHJPhtotos/Shutterstock. Canada's Globex Mining Enterprises …

Gold Prospecting & Panning Equipment – High Plains …
Hose & Fittings. High Plains Prospectors offers an extensive list of gold prospecting equipment. We serve as one of the largest dealers of prospecting equipment and supply in the country. We offer a variety of gold sluices suited to any material you need to process. In addition to gold sluices, we offer other gold prospecting...

Newmont Puts Gold Mines Up for Sale to Help Raise $2 Billion
Newmont Corp., the world's top gold producer, will seek to sell six mines and two projects in a set of divestitures aimed at generating $2 billion in cash. Newmont Corp. signage at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on Sunday, March 5, 2023. Thousands of executives, …

Gold Mines For Sale in Australia | DealStream
Gold Mine For Sale/Joint Venture, Zambia Mining Properties Zambia $10,000,000 Gold. Business is a PRIVATE COMPANY LIMITED by shares which is owned by three Directors. The allotment of ordinary shares held by each Director is 7,500. The company has a Gold mine located in chief Nondo, Senga hills Mbala District, Northern Province Zambia.

British Columbia Mines For Sale
For Sale. Defot/Canyon creek consists of 5kms of ground 451.50 ha. Historically was one of the top producing creeks in the area, coarse gold up to a 45 ounce nugget and daily find of 6-8 ounce nuggets by the old timers. Commodities: Gold. …

"gold mining equipment" in All Categories in Canada
It weighs 1810 lbs. The Muligrab S is built for 6-13 ton excavators. It weighs 880 lbs. Grapple opens to 170 degrees so it is out of the way or can grab large items and. Find gold mining equipment in All Categories in Canada. Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade almost anything!

Canadian Gold Mining – A Wealth of Resources for Canadian Gold Mining …
Canadian Gold Mining is happy to be selling gold mining equipment made in Canada by Fred's Gold Panning in Kelowna B.C and will be expanding into other items and categories as time goes on. Also for a group chats, posts, updates and more come see us on our Facebook Page and Group (canadian miners) Our page- https:// ...

Placer Mining & industrial gold Equipments | Nelson …
Looking for a high-grade placer for mining in Canada? If so, visit us. We offer centrifugal concentrators, mineral jigs, loaders, excavators, crawler tractors, etc. 1-604-534-5313 ... 12″ GOLD CONCENTRATOR PORTABLE TEST PLANT; Sold. ID: L02309. 12″ KNELSON MODEL KC-CD12VG CONCENTRATOR; ID: L02838. 15 TPH ICON I350 GOLD …

Southern BC Placer Mines
Gold claims in Southern BC offer a combination of proximity and lengthy mining seasons unrivalled anywhere else in the province. Here you'll find gold panning sites through to full-scale mines, from the Fraser across to the Similkameen & Tulameen Rivers, and over to the historic Wild Horse in the Kootenay district.

Mining Businesses for sale
Saint George, Utah, US. Description: Nevada | Utah Gold Mine $250k. Estimated $400-500 million Reserves. 15,000 ton of ore stock piled ready to mill that was a silver vein up to 14 ounces per ton. 2,000 tons of .20 per ton of gold ore... More details ». Financials: Asking Price: $250,000 (USD) Revenue:

In 2018, BC Mining Properties exposed mineralization on the May & Jennie mineral leases for approximately 600m at surface where it remains open in three directions. Underground, mineralization varies from 1.52m to 7.32m wide for an average width of 4.25m and depth of at least 71.6m according to historical reports.

New and Used Gold Mining Equipment for Sale
Savona Equipment is your source for new and used mining equipment including underground mining and surface mining. We have both rubber tire and rail equipment, crushing plants, underground and surface …

Canadian gold miner Kinross to sell all assets in Russia
The Toronto-based gold miner said Tuesday it's selling 100 per cent of its Russian assets to the Highland Gold Mining group of companies and its affiliates for $680 million US in cash. Kinross ...

Gemstone Mines For Sale
Placer Claims For Sale. Sixtymile River Claims Yukon Canada in the historic Klondike Gold Rush mining district. Designing and Fabricating Solutions For You Since 1979. Designing and Fabricating Solutions For You Since 1979. 50% off 1st Month. For Content Ads. Cancel Anytime. Coupon Code: 50PERCENT

Used Mining Equipment For Sale or Lease
Eriez Magnetics 62B Hi-Vi Vibrating Pan Feeder. Used 10" x 8'9" long vibrating pan feeder, two Eriez Magnetics, Model 62B Hi-Vi vibrators, 6" deep carbon steel pan, with cover, 10" x 13 ¾" flanged inlet, 6" x 10" outlet, controller not included. Make: Allis Chalmers. Model: 100. Category: Feeders. Condition: Used.
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