Solarium Ore
Solarium Ore is a mineable ore which yields Solarium Stars when smelted at an Atomic Furnace. Each ore can be refined into 30 pixels using a Refinery.

Iron Ore | FrackinUniverse Wiki | Fandom
Iron ore. Can be used for smelting. Can be found via extraction (see list further below). Can be found via centrifugation (see list further below). There are no recipes for this item. When used as input for extraction, this item has the following yields. 65% Iron Bar 10% Lead 10% Carbon WARNING - This is an "automated" page. As the Wiki is getting an extensive …

1. String. 1. Iron Bar. Bombs are throwable weapons that cause an explosive blast. They detonate 5 seconds after being thrown, or upon making contact with a monster. Bomb explosions cause indiscriminate damage, dealing 40 base damage (adjusted according to the offensive power of the thrower, and reduced by the defense …

Ores | Starbound Wiki | Fandom
Early ores: Copper Ore Iron Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Diamond Ore Higher level: Titanium Ore Aegisalt Ore Cerulium Ore Rubium Ore Ores that can be used as fuel: Uranium Ore Plutonium Ore Solarium Ore List of possible other ores from picture published on …

Category:Ores | Starbound Wiki | Fandom
Category page. Ores are naturally occurring blocks that can be harvested with a Pickaxe and used in various Crafting recipes. A. Aegisalt Ore. C. Cerulium Ore. Coal. Copper …

Tools are items that primarily have a non-combat purpose, such as harvesting materials, mining, or painting. Tools are required to dismantle blocks and objects into their portable form. Some types of blocks require specialized tools. For example, tilling soil to farmland can only be done with a hoe.

Iron Bar
Iron Bar is a crafting material refined from Iron Ore using a furnace. It is the primary component for the first tier of weapons and armor as well as a number of important early game tools.

Iron Ore | Starbound Wiki | Fandom
Iron Ore is a naturally-occurring ore which is found on 'Harmless' to 'Moderate' planets. On higher level planets, it is replaced by Titanium Ore. When underground, the ore takes on a gray and brown speckled …

Welcome to the official wiki for Starbound. A player maintained resource which anyone can edit ! We currently have 6,195 articles about the space sandbox-adventure game developed by Chucklefish . You've fled your home, only to find yourself lost in space with a damaged ship. Your only option is to beam down to the planet below and …

Iron Ore – Minecraft Wiki
Learn how to find, mine and smelt iron ore, a versatile mineral block that can be used for crafting and building in Minecraft.

Iron Ore
Iron Ore exists on most low-tier planets (below tier 2.5). It is abundant on the starting Garden planet (especially underground). Many soil blocks (such as Dirt) will yield some Iron if you sift them.

Armor is an item type in Starbound. Their main function is to provide protection and passive bonuses to multiple stats, such as health, defense, energy and attack power. Health is the primary stat for melee armor while Energy is favored for firearms and raw Attack Power is favourable to staff and wand users. Assuming the …

Most common early game ores appear in garden biomes, with copper, silver ore, gold and iron available near the surface.

Atomic Furnace/Recipes
Crafting Material. Copper Bar (1) Ingredients. Refined Aegisalt. Crafting Material. Aegisalt Ore (2) Bars. Refined Violium. Crafting Material.

26 rowsOres from the base Starbound game, sometimes used in Frackin' Universe recipes. It's coal. A decent source of fuel. These naturally occurring crystals …

Ores | Starbound Wiki | Fandom
Early ores: Copper Ore Iron Ore Silver Ore Gold Ore Diamond Ore Higher level: Titanium Ore Aegisalt Ore Cerulium Ore Rubium Ore Ores that can be used as fuel: Uranium Ore Plutonium Ore Solarium Ore List of …

Ferozium Ore
Ferozium Ore is a mineable ore which yields Refined Ferozium when smelted at an Atomic Furnace. Each ore can be refined into 30 pixels using a Refinery.

Refinery | Starbound Wiki | Fandom
The Refinery is a crafting station which turns ores and bars into Pixels. To use the Refinery, place either bars or raw ores into the left slot and press the Refine button. The number of Pixels produced varies in depending on the ore used. Bars refine into twice the amount of Pixels as their respective ores. The refinery produces pixels at a rate of: 5 …

Silver Bar
Silver Bar is a crafting material refined from silver ore using a furnace. It is used as a crafting material in a number of tools, objects and furniture.

Tungsten Ore
Tungsten Ore is a mineable ore which yields tungsten bars when smelted at a furnace. Each ore can be refined into 15 pixels using a Refinery.

Blocks. This page has a sub-page, Behavior, which covers technical details concerning block appearance. Blocks are the materials that make up planets and structures in Starbound. They can be collected in the player inventory using special tools and then placed or used as a material for crafting . Platforms are semi-solid blocks.

Primitive Furnace
Primitive Furnace is the first tier crafting station for smelting bars from ore and crafting consumable weapons. This table can be upgraded to unlock additional recipes and change its appearance. The second stage of …

Most tier 1 craftable player gear is created at any anvil, forge or replicator, and requires iron bars. Iron ore is only found on "Low" and "Moderate" threat level planets, and must be converted to bars at a furnace.

Iron Sample
Iron Sample is a decorative object found by breaking open geodes found in geode mini biomes. The chances of finding this decoration inside a geode is 1/400.

Durasteel Ore
Durasteel Ore is a mineable ore which yields durasteel bars when smelted at an Industrial Furnace or Atomic Furnace. Each ore can be refined into 25 pixels using a Refinery.

Newbie having problems getting iron ore
Iron ore is encountered only on lush planets (the same kind where you start the game at), your best bet is searching underground, since those planets spawn no dungeons or towns aside from abandoned mineshaft and ancient gate.
- The Mining Of Iron In South Africa Before The Modern Era
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