Trace Elements in Magnetite and Origin of the Mariela Iron …
To better understand the origin of the Andean iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits, we conducted a study on the geology and magnetite geochemistry of the Mariela IOA deposit in the Peruvian Iron Belt, central Andes. The Mariela deposit is hosted by gabbroic and dioritic intrusions. The major high-grade massive ores are primarily …

Fluid inclusions in magnetite-apatite ore from a cooling …
Stage I II III IV Mineral Magnetite Magnetite ± pyroxene, apatite Quartz a Hematite Occurrence Lava flows, pyroclastic deposits, dikes (partly) Dikes (partly), veins, ore breccia Veins, coating in open spaces Oxidation productb Deposition from Iron-oxide magma Cooling magmatic fluid Hydrothermal waterc Meteoric water Approximative ...

(PDF) Magmatic features of iron ores of the Kiruna …
Columnar magnetite, has been found in two other apatite iron provinces: the Cretaceous iron belt in Chile and the Early Proterozoic Kiruna ore field in Sweden.

Distinguishing IOCG and IOA deposits via random forest
Recently, the application of machine learning (ML) supervised classification methods to the trace element composition of magnetite was used to classify ore deposits (e.g., [13] [14] [15]).

In-situ iron isotope analyses reveal igneous and …
Model calculations of the d56Fe evolution in melt, magnetite, and fluid further constrain the magmatic-hydrothermal origin of Kiruna-type IOA deposits. Keywords: Los Colorados, Chilean Iron Belt, Kiruna-type deposits, iron oxide-apatite deposits, iron isotopes, magnetite flotation; From Magmas to Ore Deposits

Iron oxide–apatite deposits form from hydrosaline liquids
Iron oxide–apatite (IOA or Kiruna-type) deposits typically consist of a magnetite-apatite-actinolite/diopside assemblage and are spatially associated with extensive Na-(Ca) alteration and brecciation. The origin of these deposits is highly controversial and has been ascribed to the separation of iron-oxide/sulfate-(carbonate) …

The El Laco magnetite deposit has been interpreted as lava flows and feeder dikes formed from iron oxide magma, but more recently, as a product of metasomatic replacement. Open-pit exposure created at Laco Sur during the 1990s reveals that the massive magnetite contains magnetite-veined blocks and smaller fragments of …

Iron-rich melts, magmatic magnetite, and superheated hydrothermal
We propose an integrated model that explains the magmatic and hydrothermal features of the unique El Laco iron deposit that is located in a Pliocene-Pleistocene volcano of the Chilean Andes.

Triple Oxygen (δ18O, Δ17O), Hydrogen (δ2H), and Iron …
Magnetite is the main constituent of iron oxide-apatite (IOA) ore deposits, commonly referred to as Kiruna-type deposits, which can host hundreds of millions to several billion tonnes of magnetite.

Magmatic immiscibility and the origin of magnetite- (apatite) iron deposits
The origin of magnetite- (apatite) iron deposits (MtAp) is among the most contentious issue in ore geology with competing models involving purely hydrothermal to magmatic processes.

Magnetite spherules in pyroclastic iron ore at El Laco, Chile
The El Laco iron deposits in northern Chile consist of magnetite (or martite) and minor hematite, pyroxene, and apatite.

Fe-O stable isotope pairs elucidate a high-temperature …
Here, we focus on the world-class Los Colorados IOA in the Chilean iron belt (CIB), and present data for magnetite from other Fe oxide deposits in the CIB (El Laco, Mariela). We also report Fe and O isotopic values for other IOA deposits, including Mineville, New York (USA) and the type locale, Kiruna (Sweden).

Fe-O stable isotope pairs elucidate a high-temperature origin …
Iron oxide-apatite (IOA) ore deposits occur globally and can host millions to billions of tons of Fe in addition to economic reserves of other metals such as rare earth elements, which are critical for the expected growth of technology and renewable energy resources. In this study, we pair the stable Fe and O isotope compositions of magnetite samples from …

A review of magnetite geochemistry of Chilean iron …
Magnetite is the most important iron ore in iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits which represent the Cu-poor end- member of the iron oxide-copper–gold (IOCG) clan. Magnetite chemistry has been used as a petrogenetic in-dicator to identify the geological environment of ore formation and as a fingerprint of the source reservoir of …

Unlocking the potential of magnetite ore for …
The emergence of new magnetite mines could transform the landscape of Australian iron ore mining and ease the steel industry's transition to low-emissions production.

Trace element geochemistry of magnetite from the …
In order to better constrain the origin of Andean IOA deposits, we focused on the Cretaceous Cerro Negro Norte deposit located in the Chilean Iron Belt, northern Chile. The Cerro Negro Norte magnetite ore is hosted in andesitic rocks and is spatially and genetically associated with a diorite intrusion.

New contributions to the understanding of Kiruna-type iron …
New contributions to the understanding of Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite deposits revealed by magnetite ore and gangue mineral geochemistry at the El Romeral deposit, Chile

Mining Ores of Northern Chile
Mining Ores of Northern ChileM. By: Joey Tigges Michal Sullivan Joel Schock. n ChileThe Chilean Iron Beltmineralization epis. 40 mineral deposits. orogenyConvergent boundaryPaleoz. c and Precambrian periods.Most of the mineral deposits were created from mag. ic hydrothermal activity. The water required to form those deposits derived …

New field evidence bearing on the origin of the El Laco magnetite …
The El Laco magnetite deposit has been interpreted as lava flows and feeder dikes formed from iron oxide magma, but more recently, as a product of metasomatic replacement.

Magnetite-apatite deposits at El Laco volcano, Chile, …
The origin of magnetite-apatite (MtAp) deposits has recently come under renewed scrutiny. Geological and geochemical studies describe volcanic-hosted magnetite deposits at El Laco, an andesitic stratovolcano in the Central Volcanic Zone, northern Chile, which include vesiculated lava flows and pyroclastic deposits made of magnetite. …

A genetic link between magnetite mineralization and …
El Romeral is one of the largest iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile. The Cerro Principal magnetite ore body at El Romeral comprises massive magnetite intergrown with actinolite, with minor apatite, scapolite, and sulfides (pyrite ± chalcopyrite). Several generations of magnetite were identified by …

In-situ trace element and Fe-isotope studies on magnetite …
The intensively studied Zhibo and Chagangnuoer iron deposits in the AIMB share broadly similar geological characteristics to Kiruna-and IOCG-type iron deposits and the Chilean Iron Belt, including ...

Magmatic origin of giant 'Kiruna-type' apatite-iron-oxide …
Nyström, J. O. & Henriquez, F. Magmatic features of iron ores of the Kiruna type in Chile and Sweden: Ore textures and magnetite geochemistry. Economic Geology 89, 820–839 (1994).

Fortescue awards new contract for Iron Bridge magnetite …
Fortescue has awarded a contract to Nyamal to supply mining equipment for the Iron Bridge magnetite project in Pilbara, Western Australia.

Chilean iron ore major Compañía Minera del
Chilean magnetite iron ore major Compañía Minera del Pacífico (CMP) has chosen Diemme Filtration as a partner for the installation of a tailings filtration system at its iron pelletisation plant in the Huasco Valley. Forming part of its focus on sustainability, the dewatering technology will make it possible to store dry cake as waste and at the …

Many deposits show evidence of formation in evolving magmatic systems: some deposits present clear magmatic features whereas Low-Ti, magnetite-apatite ore deposits occur associated with volcanic rocks in two belts in northern Chile (Figure 1); one of Cenozoic age in the High Andean Cordillera, and one of Cretaceous age in the Coastal Cordillera.

The magnetite deposits of El Romeral, Chile
El Romeral iron mine is in the coastal iron province of northern Chile, a north-trending belt of magnetite deposits about 30 km wide and 600 km long.Iron at El Romeral is mined from two orebodies in which magnetite is microscopically intergrown with actinolite. The Main orebody is a lenticular, steeply dipping magnetite-rich mass in a reentrant …

Magmatic features of iron ores of the Kiruna type in Chile …
Columnar magnetite, a conspicuous form of magnetite at El Laco with occasional dendritic branching, has been found in two other apatite iron provinces: the Cretaceous iron belt in Chile, a 600-km-long zone along the Pacific with about 40 deposits, and the Early Proterozoic Kiruna ore field in Sweden.

The Montecristo mining district, northern Chile: the …
Nat Comm 9:1415 Huang XW, Beaudoin G (2019) Textures and chemical compositions of magnetite from iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) and Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite deposits and their implications for ore genesis and magnetite classification schemes.

Machine Learning Prediction of Ore Deposit Genetic …
The executable program meets the requirements for ore deposit-type classification and can be considered a powerful tool for magnetite exploration and prospecting.
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