Regulated Waste Recycling
Regulated Waste Recycling. Recycle your fluorescent lamps, ballasts, batteries, sharps, and more with TerraCycle's regulated waste recycling services. TerraCycle's regulated waste division provides products and services to help you facilitate the effective and compliant management of regulated, universal and hazardous waste.

Lighting products illuminate workplaces, emergency situations, and specific tasks or locations. Light bulbs and lamps add or replace a fixture's light source. Ballasts and drivers regulate current and voltage flowing to a fixture's light source. Lighting fixtures supply light indoors. Outdoor lighting fixtures resist moisture and withstand weather exposure and …

A Disposal for Fluorescent Lights
A Disposal for Fluorescent Lights. Aug. 19, 2014. The Bulb Eater 3 lamp crusher from Aircycle Corp., Lisle, Ill., can safely dispose of straight fluorescent lamps of any length, as well as U ...

Air Cycle 210-1120 | Bulb Eater 3L 120V Fluorescent Crusher
Streamline your lamp disposal process with the Air Cycle 210-1120 Bulb Eater 3L 120V Fluorescent Lamp Crusher. This powerful machine offers a single solution for crushing straight linear lamps of any length, U-tubes, and CFLs (except plastic-coated shatterproof lamps), making lamp disposal efficient and hassle-free. With its ability to crush a 4-foot …

Fluorescent Lamp Disposal and Recycling in EPA Region 2
Fluorescent lamps, all of which contain mercury, are widely used by businesses, public facilities and buildings of all types. However, many businesses have not been properly recycling or disposing of spent lamps.

The Bulb Eater®: Lease to Own
The Bulb Eater® crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable material while capturing over 99.99% of the vapors released! The system, which is mounted onto a 55-gallon container, can hold up to 1350 4-foot fluorescent lamps. Eliminate storage hassles: Reduce your needed storage space for lamps by crushing up to 1,350 T8 4 ...

American Compactor, Inc. offers a wide variety of products such as compactors, in-box compacting and fluorescent bulb crusher.

Fluorescent Bulb Crusher
These fluorescent bulb crusher meet the EPA and OSHA standards for bulb crushing and disposal. The toxic mercury vapor in the bulbs is captured in the filtration system. Fit up to 1,350 crushed four foot T8 bulbs into one 55 gallon drum. Ideal for factories, hospitals, schools, universities, office buildings, malls, and airports.

Bulb Eater | Sybertech Waste Reduction
Discover the ultimate solution for safe and efficient bulb disposal with Bulb Eater. This lamp crusher unit is mounted to a 55 gallon drum and can hold up to 1350 4' fluorescent lamps.

flourescent and hid lamp crusher
A Fluorescent Lamp Crusher / Compactor is a lamp crushing machine that processes, or crushes, spent fluorescent lamps into small fragments. The crushed glass is compacted into 55-gallon containers. Over 1350 T8 4' lamps can be crushed into one 55-gallon drum. Both straight fluorescent lamps and u-shaped fluorescent lamps can be crushed.

Fluorescent Bulb Crusher
These fluorescent bulb crusher meet the EPA and OSHA standards for bulb crushing and disposal. The toxic mercury vapor in the bulbs is captured in the filtration system. Fit up to 1,350 crushed four foot T8 …

How To Recycle Fluorescent Tubes
The bad news is fluorescent tubes are classified as hazardous waste, as the electrical product contains mercury. This makes fluorescent tubes disposal important when it comes to electronic recycling safe practices. Flood lights, security lights, and street lamps are just a few of the types of lightning that use fluorescent lamps and tubes.

Fluorescent Tube Recycling Services
Fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lamps and other energy efficient lighting such as linear fluorescent and high intensity discharge lamps contain mercury, and thus need to be handled and recycled according to legislative requirement. It is estimated that a single fluorescent tube has enough mercury to contaminate as much as 30,000 litres ...

fluorescent tube crushing machine south africa
fluorescent light bulb crushing machines - Crusher South Africa. crusher types u tube. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Advanced Environmental Solutions, INC. 800-275-3549 Seven ...

Fluoresent Light Bulb Crushing Machine | Lamp …
Bulb Eater Australia's Fluorescent Light Bulb Crushing Machine Crushes Spent Fluorescent Lamps. Looking for the Fluorescent Lamp Crusher? call us now!

How it works : Sumo FTC LLP
7. Guide fluorescent tube into Sumo Crusher connecting containment tube into sleeve.

Bulb Eater
The Bulb Eater® 3 is the next generation of Bulb Eater® Lamp Crusher which crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable material while capturing …

bins with crushers for flurescent tubes
bins with crushers for flurescent tubesgefdc. Portable Fluorescent Lamp Or Tube Crusher Fluorescent tubes are the most common light source now in use in offices and plants throughout the developed world

Busted Fluorescent Lamps, Bulb Crusher
Fluorescent Bulb Crusher – DRM1035 | New Pig. Collect up to 800 lamps in a single drum for recycling without exposure to hazardous mercury or broken glass; Easier than boxing lamps, with savings up to 50% in ….

Fluorescent Bulb Crushers | Crusher Mills, Cone Crusher, …
Fluorescent Lamp Crusher captures all detectable vapors., Air …. May 14, 2004 – Premium Bulb Eater (TM) crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable material and captures over 99.99% of released vapors. Mounted ….

Permit Application Guidance for Technical Review of …
The following information will be used for the technical review of a Permit to Install application for a fluorescent light bulb crusher.

Fluorescent Lamp Disposal
Fluorescent tube waste has to be handled and disposed of in a prescribed manner and by a specialist company. This is where we can help.

Options Under RCRA for Crushing Spent or Used Lamps
Two possible options for crushing hazardous waste lamps without a permit are: The use of a Drum-Top Crusher (DTC) if operated correctly on a container in a 90-day (if LQG) or 180-day (if SQG) accumulation area. Crushed lamps destined for recycling may – and that's a big "may" – be eligible for the scrap metal exemption under RCRA.

Award-Winning Bulb Eater®
Need an easy solution for recycling fluorescent light bulbs? The Bulb Eater® is a lamp crushing system that safely crushes lamps on-site, saving facilities time, storage space, …

Bulb Eater | Sybertech Waste Reduction
The Bulb Eater 3 system not only crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length, u-tubes, and CFL's into recyclable material, but it also captures over 99.99% of the vapors …

bulb eater crusher
The Bulb Eater® fluorescent lamp crusher from Air Cycle Corp. crushes fluorescent bulbs of any » Learn More. industrial light bulb crusher. bulb crusher portable tube fluorescent cfl t8- [crusher and mill] Fluorescent Light Bulb Crushing Machine.

Drum Top Fluorescent Tube Crushers
Drum top tube crushers have historically released unacceptable levels of mercury vapor and have caused expensive contamination of their surroundings. DTSC participated in a United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) study of modern drum top fluorescent tube crushers to explore their mercury release. The results of this study are ...

The Bulb Eater®: Lease to Own
The Bulb Eater® crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable material while capturing over 99.99% of the vapors released! The system, which is …

Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycler | Mercury …
Quick Facts for Fluorescent Light Bulb Crusher. Crushes straight lamps of any length. Crushes u-tube lamps (model VRS-U only) Crushes a 4-foot fluorescent lamp in 1 second. Reduce labor by up to 20 hours per …

Sealed Fluorescent Crusher
Sealed Fluorescent Crusher. R 5,456.25. Ideal to dispose of all fluorescent tubes in a safe and environmentally manner. Add to cart.
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