Modeling the assessment of socio-economical and …
3. What impacts have the establishment and the expansion of sand work sites had on economic sustainability? 2. Literature review 2.1. Environmental impact assessment of sand mining (EIA) From the late 1960s, environmental impact assessment became common in projects. Environmental impact assessment predicts the

Environmental Impacts of Sand Exploitation. Analysis …
environmental impacts associated with sand exploitation process. ... consequences of sand exploitation based on the analysis of existing literature associated with this ... with two exceptions (Italy and Spain), sand and gravel production has been growing since 2010. For Italy and Spain, the situation is dete rmined by the fact that these ...

The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a Global …
This paper assesses the environmental impact of sand extraction and the problems associated with its illegal exploitation. The analysis indicates that extracting …

Global Sand and Gravel Market
Economic factors play a key role in the Sand and Gravel (Industrial) market. These factors include the availability of resources, the cost of production and the demand for sand and gravel. Changes in the economic environment can significantly impact the industry. Social: Social factors can also influence the Sand and Gravel …

Gravel Bikes Market Regulatory Environment: Compliance and Impact
Published Jun 22, 2024. The "Gravel Bikes Market" is poised for substantial growth, with forecasts predicting it will reach USD XX.X Billion by 2031. This promising growth trajectory is driven by ...

Social and environmental assessments of Eco-friendly …
The gravel pavement has the highest negative impacts from social and environmental viewpoints. The fly ash-carbide lime-salt pavement has slightly higher …

Environmental impact assessment of alkali-activated …
The low data quality for gravel production in the Ecoinvent database drives the impact on abiotic depletion. This would suggest a need to improve database data on that material. ... Analysis of the environmental impacts of alkali-activated concrete produced with waste glass-derived silicate activator – A LCA study. J. Clean. Prod., 316 …

Production of natural and recycled aggregates: the environmental …
The energy consumption and CO 2 emissions [] are the most visible environmental criteria in the feasibility of recycling concrete measures [].The scenarios of emissions include CO 2, CO, C x H y, NO x, and SO 2 pollutants. In this research, however, we only investigate CO 2 emissions with respect to their importance in the field of …

Sand, gravel, and UN Sustainable Development Goals: …
Here, we review the interconnections between the impacts of aggregate mining and the services they provide. We show that the conflicting impacts on the environment and humankind disrupt the net positive effects of aggregate mining on …

Comprehensive Analysis of Geopolymer Materials: …
The advancement of eco-friendly technology in the construction sector has been improving rapidly in the last few years. As a result, multiple building materials were developed, enhanced, and proposed as replacements for some traditional materials. One notable example presents geopolymer as a substitute for ordinary Portland concrete …

uarry, and river gravel extraction in Fiji. The study also revealed that the value of the sector is up to. even times larger than previously reported. The corresponding Gross Output estimate for 2017 is between FJ$190.3M and FJ$369.1M, which is substantially higher than the oficial Fiji Bureau of.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability of …
The production of aggregate for the infrastructural development of the country has been increasing for the last three decades due to the high urbanization rates in the main cities of the country and …

Environmental Implications of Quarry Rock Dust: A …
This research prepares a preliminary life cycle analysis of QRD, its carbon dioxide emissions as well as the economical analysis of QRD. The findings of this study …

Advanced Modelling Tools to Support Planning for …
strong environmental impacts and must be limited, mitigated, and compensated as much as possible. Natural aggregate materials (i.e., sand and gravel) are considered "the most consumed bulk product in the world after water" [1] and, although the use of recycled aggregate is promising [2], the worldwide primary sand/gravel production is ...

Environmental Effects of Sand and Gravel Mining on Land …
The increase in the demand for sand and gravel for construction and other purposes such as flood control has placed immense pressure on the environment where sand and gravel resources occur. This study was carried out to determine the environmental effects of sand and gravel mining in Luku, North central Nigeria, using field observations and laboratory …

Understanding the environmental impacts of
My literature review on aggregate Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) highlighted many shortcomings, such as low-quality inputs and fragmented system …

Variability of environmental impact of ready-mix …
contributes with a maximum of 9% to the total impact of concrete, the variation between production. routes did not have a significant effect on the variability of concrete impact results. Gravel ...

Environmental Impacts of Sand Exploitation. Analysis of Sand …
The main objectives of this paper are: (1) to present an overview of the sand market, highlighting the main trends and actors for production, export and import; and (2) to …

Comparison of the Environmental Impact and Production …
Environmental Effects of Aggregate Production. Environmental impacts differ significantly from one quarry site to the next, owing primarily to the extraction methods and processing techniques used, the overall design of the project, and the scale of the extraction process. ... A study in cost analysis of aggregate production as depending …

The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a Global …
analysis was performed in order to obtain an overview of sand consumption across a set of countries, including the amount of sand being explored for future develop-ment and use. (b) The environmental impacts of sand mining and use. The analysis focused on antici-pated and potential impacts of sand use, especially on the physical …

Environmental Impacts of Sand Exploitation. Analysis …
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1118 5 of 26 Figure 4. Share of global sand export 2010. Source: Char t made by the author ba sed on data from OEC database [29. Figure 5. Share of global sand export 2014.

Materials | Free Full-Text | Comprehensive Analysis of Steel …
In addition, it is important to carry out an analysis of the environmental gains from the use of BOF slag compared to natural aggregates. Although there are some studies that analyse the environmental impact of the use of slag on roads, most focus on the arbitrary substitution rates supported by the literature [36,37]. The results show an ...

Sand Control Design and Optimisation
The course introduces the participants to the causes of sand production, its impact on hydrocarbon production and the selection of an optimised design to develop the reservoir. ... Active sand control methods are discussed in this segment including formation sand sieve analysis and the selection of screens and gravel for the various active sand ...

Environmental Impact and Sustainability in Aggregate Production …
The sustainability issues that are most pressing in relation to the aggregate industry are (1) mineral resources, (2) land use, (3) mass balance and surplus materials, (4) energy use, and (5) pollution and emissions (e.g. from transport). A holistic view will be vital, not focusing on one or few parameters.

Geomaterials as construction aggregates: a state-of-the-art
Prevalence of sand and gravel production over crushed stone is another typical characteristic of past ... Profitis et al. 2012) and on the adoption of automatic image analysis during aggregate production (Brzezicki and Kasperkiewicz ... (2015) Environmental impact and sustainability in aggregate production and use. In: Lollino …

Sand, gravel, and UN Sustainable Development Goals: Conflicts
A simple system dynamics model for the global production rate of sand, gravel, crushed rock and stone, market prices and long-term supply embedded into the WORLD6 model. BioPhysical Econ. Resource Qual., ... Data analysis for environmental impact of dredging. J. Clean. Prod., 137 (2016), pp. 394-404. View PDF View article …

Environmental impact of sand mining: a case study in the …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Environmental impact of sand mining: a case study in the river catchments of Vembanad lake, Southwest India" by S. Sreebha ... Among these, indiscriminate sand and gravel … Expand. 87. Highly Influenced. 3 Excerpts; ... Energy efficient production of geopolymer bricks using industrial waste.

The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a …
The current analysis highlights the need for a global mechanism to monitor sand extraction and its impacts. Scientific and environmental impact assessments should be systematically …

Environmental performance of construction and demolition …
For RCA-C, infrastructure does not exceed 3% of the total impact. In contrast, infrastructure has the largest influence on the total impact of NCA production. Regarding the NCA production, the contribution analysis shows that the production of NCA has stakes distributed in a greater number of stages than the recycling process.

The Unsustainable Use of Sand: Reporting on a Global …
activities, direct and indirect environmental effects, social impacts, and economic impacts. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3356 11 of 16 Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 18
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