Minerals of Jharkhand: Map, Minerals Found, Importance …
Jharkhand is a mineral-rich state in India. The state is home to a wide variety of minerals, including coal, iron ore, mica, bauxite, and limestone. These minerals are used in a wide range of industries, including steel, power, and construction. In this article, we will discuss the mineral resources of Jharkhand. We will provide information.

Road-map for sustainable and inclusive Mica industry in …
Unable to source mica from the mines, mica dumps11 became a lucrative source for mica collection. However, the quality of mica accrued from these sources (scrap and powder …

Minerals In Jharkhand: Minerals Found & Its Importance
Jharkhand is a mineral-rich state in India. The state is home to a variety of minerals, including coal, iron ore, mica, bauxite, and limestone. These minerals are used in a variety of industries, including steel, power, and construction. In this article, we will discuss the mineral resources of Jharkhand. We will provide a list of the minerals ...

Hence the current scope of the Responsible Mica Initiative is focused on mica sourcing and processing in Jharkhand and Bihar, India. Mica also is mined on every continent. In March 2018, Terre des Hommes published a second report on mica, this time focused on the use of child labor in the global mica industry. The report prepared by SOMO ...

Jharkhand State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. | JSMDC Jharkhand
Jharkhand has large deposits of minerals, providing a solid launching pad for mining and mineral based industries. With 40% of nation's mineral reserves, the state government is committed to rapid industrial development by leveraging the advantage the state provides due to the presence of variety of minerals in abundance.

Glimmerland: Human rights in the mica supply chain
There are alternatives for mica that work for cosmetics and paints, but the tech and car industries cannot substitute the critical mineral so easily due to its unique properties like high heat resistance and conductivity. Life in the impoverished Indian state of Jharkhand would not improve if its mica mines were disconnected from the world market.

Sustainable Mica Mining Framework in Jharkhand & Bihar
A. Critically review of existing legal framework governing mica –in Bihar and Jharkhand. B. Recommend alternate legal framework which plugs the current issues in the sector while …

Industrial Development & Economic Growth in Jharkhand …
Since Jharkhand has around 40% of the country's mineral wealth, its extensive mineral resources make mining, metals, and related sectors especially lucrative for investments. Jharkhand is the only state in India to produce coking coal, uranium, and pyrite. The state is also a leading producer of coal, mica, kyanite and copper.

MICA: The Shimmering Star of Jharkhand
Figure 3 below shows the wide range of industrial uses of mica. Given such wide application of mica across industries, the. MICA: The Shimmering Star of Jharkhand. Version, April, 2018. global market is slated to grow from US$478mn (2016) to US$669mn (2024) as per Mica Exporters Association (MEA) estimates.

The Responsible Mica Initiative's efforts towards …
The Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI) is excited to learn about the decision taken by the Jharkhand Chief Minister's cabinet on February 10th, 2022 fo

Responsible Mica Initiative has grown to include 66 members across the global mica supply chain and NGO world. In 2020, nine organizations joined RMI. High level risk assessment regarding child labor and poor working conditions in key mica producing countries Mica mines Mica processing units High risk for child labor in mica mining

Sustainable Mica Policy and Vision prepared by Responsible Mica …
A global coalition of mica-using industries and civil society organizations, led by Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI), today submitted a Sustainable Mica Policy Framework and Vision, finalized 2 weeks ago with Government of Jharkhand.This is a unique global collaboration initiative that is expected to create employment for over 210,000 workers, …

Blood Mica: Deaths of child workers in India's mica 'ghost' …
A spokesman for India's Ministry of Mines said safety in mica mines was a matter for state governments who are facing mounting pressure from the mining industry to grant licences to illegal mines.

Mica Industry in India: Major Producer and Exporter of Mica …
The mica industry in India is one of the world's largest. India produced a total 19,000 tons of mica in 2016. Jharkhand and Bihar, are the currently the top two mica producing states in India, representing for nearly 25% of the global production of mica ... due to the sufficient mica mining resources in the country to meet the domestic ...

CSEP sustainable mining attractiveness index: District …
The average HDI is 0.647 for India, with Kerala posting the highest value at 0.779. Jharkhand thus lies at the lower spectrum of the Medium HDI, which ranges from 0.500 to 0.699 (Global Data Lab, 2020). NITI Aayog launched its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Index 2019–20 in December 2019.

Global Mica mining and the impact on children's rights
The first mica investigations of SOMO and Terre des Hommes in 2015 estimated that up to 22,000 children were involved in mica mining in the Indian states of Jharkhand and Bihar. This was a clear indication that industries and companies using mica sourced from India are directly contributing to the worst forms of child labour.

Gaon Connection : India's Biggest Rural Media Platform
"Mica processing is a labour- intensive activity requiring special skills. The art of manual processing of mica has been acquired by the Indian workers through generations and has become a cottage industry in the mica mining areas of Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan," reads the report.

Behind the healthy exports from India's illegal mica mines, …
In the mud-and-brick village of Chandwara in Bihar, a father's grief laid bare the ugly reality of the illegal mining that accounts for an estimated 70% of India's mica output. Vasdev Rai ...

List of Mines in Jharkhand: Check Minerals, Tonnes …
From coal and iron ore to mica and copper, Jharkhand's mining industry plays a pivotal role in contributing to the nation's economic growth. The following table highlights some of the list of coal mines in Jharkhand, along with the minerals they extract and their approximate production tonnage. ... Mica mining in Jharkhand is often …

Pandemic drives more people to risk lives in India's illegal mica …
The RMI last year announced a sustainable mica mining policy that aimed to create jobs for 210,000 workers in Jharkhand and boost exports from 2021, but two state government officials said the ...

Home | Child Labour Free Mica
Child Labour Free Mica is a unique initiative and platform for children, community, civil society members, NGOs, and local government, aimed at eliminating all forms of child labour from mica mining regions of Bihar and Jharkhand in India. We are working with communities, government, and partners on child labour monitoring and remediation to ...

Illegal mica mining continues unabated in …
However, in wake of casualties and health hazards associated with illegal mica mining and scavenging, the government is proceeding with regularisation of mica mining in the tribal state, …

Get List of Key Industries of Jharkhand
Mineral and Mining Industry of Jharkhand. Coal. Jharkhand has the largest coal reserves in India, which power most of the thermal power stations in the country. ... Giridih is a significant industrial town in Jharkhand, known for its mica production. Mica from Giridih is used in various industries like cosmetics, paint, electronics, and ...

Road-map for sustainable and inclusive Mica industry …
The document has been prepared to provide guidance for the mica industry in Jharkhand in its journey towards sustainable and inclusive growth. Being one of its kind documents prepared for the mica ... as the state government cancelled mica mining leases. • Mica however continues to be collected from overburdens of abandoned mica mines, many

Over 5,000 children abandon education in mica mining …
Over 5,000 children in the age group of six to 14 years have abandoned education in mica mining districts of Jharkhand and Bihar, and a section of them have started working as labourers to ...

Illegal Mica Mining Continues Unabated in Jharkhand, Causing …
A demand to legalise mining. On May 29, 2020, former and first chief minister of Jharkhand wrote to the present chief minister Hemant Soren, asking him to revive mica mining in Koderma and Giridih areas. He said the police should not take action against locals who pick mica flakes. Marandi suggested an e-auction of these flakes and also …

Supply Chain Sustainability Assessment of Mica sector …
II. About the mica sector in Jharkhand Historically, India has been a world leader in the production and export of sheet mica. The best quality mica deposits occur in Jharkhand 5 and hence the state was the seat of a booming industry. But in the past decades, there has been a steady downfall in the mica industry, due to

Breakthrough in addressing Worst Forms of Child …
Jharkhand´s Chief Minister, Hermant Soren, has inaugurated a model to develop cooperatives of mica miners after the adoption of the 'Dhibra policy'. Terre des Hommes Netherlands has …

The Responsible Mica Initiative's efforts towards …
Processing and exports of mica from Jharkhand would provide additional revenue to the state, create jobs, stimulate indirect economic activities, while simultaneously eliminating …

Exclusive: Indian state to crush 'mica mafia' by legalizing …
A three-month investigation in the mica-producing state of Jharkhand found that a flourishing black market had resulted in at least seven children being killed since June, mining for the prized ...
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