Engineering Utilization of Marble Slurry as Curing Aid.
Utilization and scientific disposal of marble slurry on a properly selected dumping sight may be better solution of the problem. But Now a day's production increasing day by day the Utilization is the only solution of the problem.

This waste is used for making a marble waste concrete. The main aim of this waste management is to evaluate recovery and use marble waste in making a low cost concrete.

Manufacturing of sustainable bricks: Utilization of mill scale …
The indestructible waste of mining and cutting activities of marble, marble slurry can be used as building material having good strength which is also cost-effective. The objective of the work is to utilize mill scale and marble slurry to make strong, durable and thermally insulating brick or tiles. 2. Materials and methods.

P Singh kushwah1* and Dr.PBL Chaurasiya2
The most efficient solution of marble slurry problem is the utilization in lot. Fineness modulus was found to be 0.91 and it is cohesion les material. According to this Marble slurry can be utilized in finishing work as White wash with lime. Which is 50% cheaper and also good Solar heat repellent causing natural building cooling.

Composite of marble slurry with Lime and White cement
As Sp. gravity 2.61, Fineness modulus was found to be 0.91. In this study, marble slurry can be easily utilized in making composite of Marble slurry, Lime and White cement.

A review on calcium-rich industrial wastes: a sustainable
This study provides an overview of calcium rich industrial wastes usage in construction materials, their properties and different applications through marble waste and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. Large quantities of industrial wastes are stockpiled and haphazardly disposed in increasing amounts causing serious environmental …

The article likewise proposes reusing alternatives of wastewater and auxiliary utilization of the marble powder collected from the slurry.

UTILIZATION OF MARBLE SLURRY TO ENHANCE SOIL FERTILITY AND TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT. Rajasthan is a rocky state having oldest Aravali ranges, which are very rich in diverse minerals, particularly dolomite, granite and marble. Hence, so many industries in Rajasthan are based on these rocks. However, during mechanical …

Stomatal Index of a few common tree species in the Kishangarh Marble
A comparative micro-morphological study of stomatal index of the dominant tree species Albizialebbeck, Azadirachta indica, Callistemon lanceolatus growing in the vicinity of Marble slurry dump-yard, Kishangarh (Ajmer) was done from the month of April 2014 to March 2015.The stomatal index of the lower epidermis of A. indica and A. …

Application of response surface methodology for the …
It is therefore essential to explore all the relevant information related to its utilization on a large scale. As of now, limestone slurry is almost invariably used in more than 85% of the FGD plant but the cost of power consumption for crushing, grinding, and slurry preparation is the most important concern for its use as an absorbent.

Utilization of Marble and Granite Waste in Concrete Brick
Marble and granite slurry cement bricks yield sim ilar. mechanical, in terms of compressive strength, and physical, in terms of density and absorption, properties. There is a. positive effect of ...

These include marble sludge/slurry. Marble sawing powder wastes is widespread by-product of industrial process in India.

Recycling of stone slurry in industrial activities: Application …
This paper presents an overview of solutions to absorb the stone slurry and demonstrates the technical viability for producing white cement concrete with carbonated stone slurry generated from marble and limestone processing activities.

Mechanical properties of sustainable concrete modified by adding marble
Many properties have been reviewed in the current paper; the results observed from the various studies depict that replacement of marble slurry to a certain extent enhances strength properties of the concrete but simultaneously decreases the slump value with the increase of replacement level of marble slurry.

Review on Utilization of Waste Marble Powder in Self …
The fine aggregate is being replaced by the powder's slurry in the form of marble powder. By the use of this waste marble powder in the concrete, we can increase or change various properties of the concrete mix; also the concrete can be used as self compacting concrete.

To Experimental work on Concrete Properties Utilization …
ate the performance on concrete properties utilization of marble slurry and Ground-granulated blast furnace slag by partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement OPC (43-grade). GGBS is a supplementary cementious material which is produced by iron or steel industries. And Marble slurry is obtained from marble industry which is found by …

Particle Size Analysis of Mehran Marble Slurry
Download Table | Particle Size Analysis of Mehran Marble Slurry from publication: Utilization of marble waste slurry in the preparation of bricks | Bricks, Slurry and Calcium Carbonate ...

Sustainable approach towards utilizing Makrana marble …
Literature survey revealed that in India, as compared to world scenario, less research have been done for the utilization of marble waste slurry. In a study, granite and marble waste was mixed with epoxy resin along with glass fibre to make high performance composite [ 23 ].

In ad-. dition, the waste generated in the form of slurry by. each marble processing unit on a daily (1.65 m), monthly (50.25 m3), and annual (603 m) basis is part. of the paper. The marble po ...

In Pakistan marble slurry waste is produce in large quantity and disposed of into the environment which deteriorates the physical chemical and biological segment of environment. The utilization of marble slurry waste as an alternative resource of calcium carbonate in industrial manufacturing process of cement has been the objective of this …

Utilization of Kota stone slurry powder and accelerators …
Calcium nitrate, Kota stone slurry powder, and their combination increased the electrical resistivity of concrete specimens under the exposure to sulphate attack for all the curing ages as compared to control mix while triethanolamine either alone or in combination with calcium nitrate and Kota stone slurry powder reduced the electrical ...

A study of the chemical effect of marble and granite slurry …
The marble and granite industries in Egypt produce a vast amount of by-product slurry waste that could be used in green mortar production suitable for construction purposes. This research highlights the effect of the chemical constituents of marble and granite waste powders on the compressive strength of the green concrete produced.

Marble Sludge Waste Raw Material Is Useful in Various …
Utilization of marble sludge in various applications like manufacturing of cement, roads, concrete, bricks etc. to recover the adverse environmental effects of marble slurry waste product.

Online) An Open Access
Fine particles of marble slurry deposit over leaves, vegetation, plants and trees creating aesthetic problem.

Utilization of Marble and Granite Waste in Concrete Bricks
The objective of this paper is to utilize marble and granite waste of different sizes in the manufacturing of concrete bricks, with full replacement of conventional coarse and fine aggregates with marble waste scrapes and slurry powder of content up to 40%.

A Critical Literature review on Effective Utilization of …
Marble paste is a mixture of slurry powder with white cement and slacked or hydrated lime along with gluing agent. Having a very good impact on the environment.

Experimental investigation on utilization of dried marble slurry …
Dried marble slurry has been experimentally evaluated as a potential replacement of river sand in the production of masonry mortars. In the present st…

Manufacturing of sustainable bricks: Utilization of mill scale …
The indestructible waste of mining and cutting activities of marble, marble slurry can be used as building material having good strength which is also cost-effective. The objective of the work is to utilize mill scale and marble slurry to make strong, durable and thermally insulating brick or tiles.

Marble stone industry generates both solid waste and stone slurry. Whereas solid waste results from the rejects at the mine sites or at the processing units, stone slurry is a semi liquid substance consisting of particles originating from the sawing and the polishing processes and water used to cool and lubricate the sawing and polishing machines.

Sustainable use of marble slurry in concrete
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Sustainable use of marble slurry in concrete" by Aditya Rana et al.
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