Stakeholders learn about Uganda's new laws for artisanal mining …
A government 2019 report estimates that 7,081 kg of gold in Uganda is artisanally mined per year, which accounts for more than 90 percent of all the country's gold production. In 2022, Uganda passed the new Mining and Minerals Law, which for the first time, integrated regulations governing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM).

The current state of artisanal and small-scale mining in …
ASM in Zambia is known for high levels of formalisation. The World Bank's (2016) Mining and Governance review rates the extent to which ASM operators are allowed to legally operate in Zambia as 'Very High' (4.0 out of 4.0). This is if formalisation is understood as legalisation or the granting of legal title.

The Government of Rwanda has invested in exploration works in Prospective Target Areas to generate good primary geology data to be used by mineral exploration companies. ... MINING. The mining law grants the right to exploit three categories of mines: small scale, medium scale and large scale mines to any person or company with proven technical ...

Lifting the lid on Ghana's illegal small-scale mining problem
Artisanal and small scale mining accounts for 35% of Ghana's total gold production. For many years, small-scale mining suffered benign neglect from the state which focused on large-scale mining.

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining | Pact
Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining. Pact brings together government, industry, miners and mining communities to make ASM safer, formal and more productive, while making the most of ASM's contributions to development. Artisanal and small-scale mining, or ASM, is a largely informal economic sector that includes workers around the world who use ...

A Guide to Navigating Legal Regime in the Mining Sector
Enacted by the National Assembly pursuant to its constitutional mandate, the NMMA is the principal law governing the mining sector. ... Exclusive Lease to carry out small-scale mining which covers an area greater than five acres but not exceeding 3 square kilometers. Akin to Artisanal and Small-scale miners, it is for a period of 5 years …

1. focusing on the significant changes in the policy and legal regime and the impact of such. changes on the overall development of the mining sector. The chapter reveals that Nigeria's mining ...

DENR to formalize small-scale mining
DENR said these initiatives form part of a review on laws governing small-scale mining aimed at modernizing industry standards and increasing protection of small-scale miners. Carlos Primo David, DENR undersecretary, said these initiatives are aligned with the agency's agenda to promote responsible, inclusive and globally competitive …

Ministry of Minerals
The Mining Act 1979. The Mining Act 1998. The Mining Act 2010. Mineral Policy of Tanzania 2009. The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) No.2 Act, 2019. The Explosive Act, 1963. The Explosive Regulation, 1964. The Mining (Mineral Rights) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020. The Mining (Local Content) Regulations, 2018.

Small Scale Mining: A sector in need of support
As it stands right there are few specific laws governing the small-scale mining industry in Zimbabwe, the same laws for mining apply to both small-scale, artisanal, and big mines.

Gold and governance provide hope for Kenya's artisanal …
Legal artisanal and small-scale mining contributed US$224 million to the Kenyan economy in 2022, representing over half of the country's mining output. The sector employs roughly 250 000 miners, 40% of whom are women, and supports the livelihoods of over 800 000 people. However, when unregulated, as is the case in Illo, it quickly …

State-led efforts to reduce environmental impacts of …
Ineffective or insufficient regulations governing land usage, agricultural practices, and environmental protection can hinder long-term development. ... Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) is a ...

The future of small-scale gold mining in the Philippines
Earlier this year the Philippine government passed a new law exempting small-scale gold miners from excise and income taxes when selling to the country's central bank - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Here, Scarlett Evans looks into the new law and its potential impact on both the Philippine economy and small-scale mining in the country.

Spotlight: Mining law in Tanzania
The Mining (Environmental Protection for Small Scale Mining) Regulations of 2010 apply specifically to primary mining licence holders and are not applicable to prospecting activities or medium and ...

Small-Scale Mining in Ghana
These illegal small-scale mining activities are popularly referred to as 'galamsey', derived from the phrase "gather them and sell". ... Otherwise, the activity becomes illegal because it contravenes the laws prescribed by the government through Act 703. In effect, galamsey is a small-scale mining operation carried out without a valid ...

Regulation of Mining in Africa | SpringerLink
Due to the importance of small-scale and artisanal mining in Ghana, the law on Small Scale Mining Law (PNDCL 218) was enacted in 1989. Although these laws were investor-friendly, they nevertheless made it impossible for Ghanaians to benefit from their mineral resources and this is due to the ridiculous tax incentives given to foreign …

In the 1990s, government authorities in Zimbabwe introduced internationally praised policies to formalize the artisanal and small-scale mining sector, using a combination of district-administered ...

Small-scale mining policies in Ghana: Miners
1. Introduction. Searching for, and extraction of minerals in Ghana has been an ancient activity. Undoubtedly, Ghana has a long history of small-scale mining of precious minerals, particularly gold and diamond which dates to pre-colonial times (Aryee et al., 2003).According to the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research …

Mining Law 2021
Mining Law 2021 A practical cross-border insight into mining law ... among others. Republic Act No. 7076 (the "People's Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991 ") promotes viable small-scale mining activities. ... government for the large-scale exploration, development and utilisation of gold, copper, nickel, chromite, lead, zinc and other ...

Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2024 …
The Mining Act governs large-scale exploration, development and utilisation of mineral resources. The other applicable laws are: the Indigenous People's Rights Act (RA No. 8371) (IPRA); the 1991 …

Artisanal and small-scale mining in Tanzania
Tanzania's government has taken steps to improve and formalise the sector but small-scale miners still face many challenges, including difficulty in obtaining mining land and licences; inadequate support to improve skills and protection of the environment; limited access to tools and technology; and difficulty in accessing markets.

Small Scale Mining (SSM) has evolved from the artisanal stage through the use of rudimentary equipment such as; shovels, pick axes and sluice boards to currently semi-mechanised operations involving the use equipment such as excavators, bulldozers and Washing Plants. According to Minerals and Mining Act 2006 (Act 703), Small scale …

The primary law governing the mining sector in Zambia is the Mines and Minerals Development Act (11/2015) ('Mines Act'), as read together with its various amendments (Act 14/2016, Act 18/2018 and Act 25/2020). ... Accordingly, a small-scale mining licence or a small-scale exploration licence can only be granted to a citizen …

Small Scale Mining; LAWS. Acts; Regulations; Mining Policy; MINE SUPPORT. Local Content; ... Mining Regulations. Minerals & Mining (General) Regulation DOWNLOAD >> Minerals & Mining ... The Minerals Commission of Ghana is the Government agency with the primary responsibility of developing and coordinating mineral sector policies and …

Implementing Small Scale Mining Laws in Ghana
the gold market is one loophole in the small scale mining law that has to be addressed; the problem is that gold from legal and illegal miners enjoys the same competitive price in the gold market.

A license for small-scale mining is, however, granted only to a citizen of the Republic of Ghana who has attained the age of 18 years and is registered by the office of the Minerals Commission in an area designated and known as the District Office. ... It is important to stress that under the mining laws of Ghana, a foreign investor is not ...

Small-Scale Mining in Ghana: The Government and the Galamsey …
The small-scale mining laws set a process for Ghanaians above 18 years to obtain a small-scale mining license for a parcel of land ( Teschner, 2012 ). In reality, this process is cumbersome and ...

Artisanal and small-scale mining formalization in Ghana: The government
Artisanal and small-scale mining formalization efforts in Ghana have mainly included the enactment of policies and regulations and the deployment of military forces to enforce mining policies. This formalization agenda first started in the late 1980s with the promulgation and adoption of the Small-Scale Mining Law of 1989 - PNDC Law 218 …

(PDF) Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in …
The small-scale mining (SSM) sector in developing countries is increasingly associated with the use of heavy earth moving machines and large volumes of hazardous chemicals for ore extraction ...

Regulations – TUME YA MADINI
the mining (environmental protections for small scale mining) regulations, 2010. the mining (safety, occupational health and environmental protection) regulations, 2010 . ... (the mining (government minerals warehouse) regulations, 2021) supp gn no 418 24 may 2019 the mining (mineral and gem houses) regulations, 2019(2)
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