Mineral Mining Canada

Canadian Critical Minerals Research | Mining and …

Discover Canadian Critical Minerals Research, your partner in innovative mining solutions. Specializing in metallurgical and mineral lab services, our expert team tackles complex challenges for heightened techno-economic returns.

Mineral Trade

In 2022, bilateral mineral trade between Canada and the United States was valued at $135.5 billion, a 17% increase compared to the previous year. Canada maintained a positive trade balance for minerals …

Mapping Canada's mines

Canada's mining industry has a history that pre-dates even the formation of the country. Thousands of mines have come (and many have gone). So why, wondered Donna Beneteau, assistant professor in the University of Saskatchewan's Department of Civil, Geological, and Environmental Engineering, was there not a comprehensive list of …

Gold facts

Key facts. Gold is among Canada's most valuable mined commodities, with a production value of $13.2 billion in 2022. Gold is mined in 10 Canadian provinces and territories, with the majority coming from Ontario and Quebec that together accounted for 72% of Canada's mined gold production in 2022. Canadian mines produced 204 tonnes …

Mining ETFs Canada

In the exchange-traded fund industry, a mining ETF invests both ways – one is in the minerals itself, or the metal or commodity and tracks its price range; the other is by investing in Canadian companies that mine these materials themselves. In other instances, even mineral futures and other mining derivatives tied to the value of this precious …

Cobalt facts

Cobalt facts. Cobalt is a hard, lustrous, silver-grey metal that is used primarily as a cathode material in lithium ion and other types of batteries. It is also used in powerful magnets, cutting tools and high-strength alloys in the aeronautical, energy and defense sectors. Cobalt compounds have been used for centuries as a pigment for pottery ...

Vanadium Mining in Canada

Canada hosts potential vanadium deposits in Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, and the Tar Sands in Alberta.

Tata Steel Minerals

Incorporated in 2010, Tata Steel Minerals Canada Ltd. (TSMC) is a partnership between Tata Steel (82%) and the Government of Quebec (18%). TSMC is part of the Tata Group of companies, and Tata Steel, a Fortune 500 Company and is among the top producers of steel in the world with 70,000 employees working in over 5 continents. We mine and …

Annual Report 2022

Canada mines some of the lowest carbon intensity mineral and metal products on the planet and can play a much more significant role in providing the materials the world needs to get to net-zero.

Mineral Exploration and Mining

The program focuses on geology, mining methods, exploration technology, surveying, and computer applications for mining operations and mineral exploration. Students learn hands-on science and engineering skills, and complete an industry-standard report during the second year of the full-time program.

Government of Canada Launches $1.5-Billion Critical Minerals

The CMIF will address key infrastructure gaps to enable sustainable critical minerals production and to connect resources to markets. With up to $1.5 billion available over seven years, the fund will support clean energy and electrification initiatives as well as transportation and infrastructure projects that will enable the sustainable ...

Programs and funding for critical minerals projects

The Government of Canada has made significant investments to support the development of critical mineral projects and value chains — from mining to manufacturing, to recycling. The programs below represent the funding and services developed to support key focus areas identified in the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy.

Aluminum facts

Key facts. Canada produced an estimated 3.0 million tonnes of primary aluminum in 2022. Canada is the world's fourth-largest primary aluminum producer following China, India, and Russia. By using mostly hydroelectricity and the latest generation of technologies, Canadian aluminum producers have the lowest carbon …

Teck Resources Limited

Teck is one of Canada's leading mining companies, focused on providing products that are essential to building a better quality of life for people around the globe.

Mining Engineering | UBC Engineering

UBC's Mining Engineering program is consistently ranked among the top in Canada. We offer a broad professional degree program that integrates courses on engineering principles, earth sciences, and mining and mineral processing...

The Minerals and Metals Policy of the Government of Canada

The Minerals and Metals Policy of the Government of Canada fulfills important commitments the government made in Creating Opportunity, Mining Agenda and A Guide to Green Government. The Policy affirms provincial jurisdiction over mining, delineates a role for the federal government in minerals and metals that is tied to other …

The United States, Canada, and the minerals …

The United States, Canada, and the minerals challenge. An energy mix enabled by clean technologies will be far more mineral-intensive than its hydrocarbon-based predecessor. Demand for …

Tax administration for the mining industry

The tax administration group within the Lands and Minerals Sector (LMS) of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) helps mining companies and tax specialists understand relevant sections of the Income Tax Act.

Interactive Maps

The data in this map are based on Natural Resources Canada's annual Map 900A – Principal Mineral Areas, Producing Mines, and Oil and Gas Fields in Canada. Pertinent information for each mine is provided, including operation name, owner/operator, commodities extracted, and on-site facilities.

Graphite facts

Graphite facts. Graphite is a non-metallic mineral that has properties similar to metals, such as a good ability to conduct heat and electricity. Graphite occurs naturally or can be produced synthetically. Purified natural graphite has higher crystalline structure and offers better electrical and thermal conductivity than synthetic material.


Invest in Mining. Newfoundland and Labrador is geologically diverse and is richly endowed with a wide spectrum of minerals, including iron ore, base and precious metals, uranium, tungsten, molybdenum, antimony, and rare earth and industrial minerals. Our multi-billion dollar mining industry provides a wide variety of commodities to the world ...