Ghana's illegal mining continues because the rules and …
The study identified two key related factors that drive illegal mining in Ghana. First, the mines are transient but getting a mining license is time-consuming.

In this paper, we examined some factors influencing participation in illegal mining in Ghana. We sampled 300 respondents from five areas known for illegal mining in Ghana.

Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Ghana
ICLG - Mining Laws and Regulations - Ghana Chapter covers common issues in mining laws and regulations – including the acquisition of rights, ownership requirements and restrictions, processing, transfer and encumbrance, environmental aspects, native title and land rights.

Global mining footprint mapped from high-resolution …
A global map of mining land use which utilizes high-resolution satellite data shows the growing scale of mine activities across countries and highlights widespread overlap with protected areas.

(PDF) Governance challenges of small-scale gold …
Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in Ghana: Insights from a process net-map study.

Illegal Mining In Ghana
Illegal Mining In Ghana. Ghana is one of the leading producers of gold in Africa and the seventh leading producer in the world. Large commercial companies mine the majority of it using heavy machinery. Small-scale mining (SSM) has been carried out for many years, generating employment and income. But now about 35 percent of the …

Earning a social license to operate: Perspectives of mining communities
The granting of a social license to operate has proved fundamental in safeguarding the operations, investments and reputation of mining companies.

Mineral Rights
The various types of Mineral Rights and Licences available in Ghana. LICENSE TYPE. PURPOSE. AREA. MAXIMUM DURATION. Reconnaissance Licence (RL) Regional exploration not including drilling & excavation. Blocks of 21 hectares, not exceeding 5,000 contiguous blocks. 12 months renewable.

Obtaining a Gold Buying and Export License in Ghana: A …
Ghana is a prominent business destination in West Africa which boasts of abundant mineral resources, with gold being a major highlight. For individuals and companies interested in trading gold in Ghana, getting a gold buying and export license is a fundamental requirement. In this article, we will provide you with valuable guidelines on how to secure …

Minerals Commission Official Website
Mining Cadastre The implementation of Mining Cadastre Administration System (MCAS) at the Minerals Commission seeks to improve and strengthen current levels of compliance …

Minerals Commission in Ghana launches Online Mining …
The Government of Ghana mining Online Repository was released during a soft launch on the 19th of July 2016 by the Minerals Commission Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Toni …

License Procedure
The forms are available to the general public to begin the process of obtaining licences for the various mining procedures. Download forms. +233 030 277 1318. +233 030 277 …

Governance challenges of small-scale gold mining in Ghana…
The objectives of this framework were to promote, formalize and regulate the mining sector ( Government of Ghana, 2014; Teschner, 2012 ). Concurrently, large scale mining contributed close to 90 % of the total gold produced ( Government of Ghana, 2014 ). Since then, ASM has grown steadily, however, with rapid spikes in growth over the …

Mineral final
1.1 Background Information Ghana's mining history, particularly gold, dates back to the fifteenth century. The industry was very vibrant during the pre- independence period when mining policy was largely geared towards assisting and promoting the maximization of mineral production in the interests of the colonial powers.

(PDF) Illegal Mining and Sustainability Performance: Evidence …
Abstract and Figures. As illegal mining in Ghana has become increasingly rampant ever, this study aimed at examining the effect of illegal mining on the dimensions of sustainability performance ...

Registering for a Gold Buying and Export License in Ghana
Registering for a gold buying and export license is required for all persons interested in trading in gold in Ghana. Ghana is one of the most attractive business destinations in the West African sub-region. One of the mineral resources that is available to the nation is gold. In this article, we provide helpful guidelines on how to …

• The main regulatory body in the Ghana mining sector is the Minerals Commission, this is a government agency established under Article 269 of the 1992 Constitution and the Minerals Commission Act 1993, Act 450.

(PDF) Illegal Mining and Sustainability …
Abstract and Figures. As illegal mining in Ghana has become increasingly rampant ever, this study aimed at examining the effect of illegal mining on the dimensions of sustainability performance ...

(PDF) Earning a social license to operate: Perspectives of mining …
For example, in 2006, Goldfields (a large-scale mining company in Ghana) decided to address its social license challenges at its mining site in Damang by implementing a social development programme called the Sustainable Empowerment and …

List of minerals/licences
Mineral Rights / Registered Mine Support Service Mining Lease Restricted Mining Lease Reconnaissance Prospecting Licence Small Scale Support Services Traders and Dealers Mining Lease Restricted Mining Lease Reconnaissance Prospecting Licence Small Scale Support Services Traders and Dealers

Illicit Chinese Small-Scale Mining in Ghana: Beyond …
While some scholars have attributed illicit small-scale mining to many factors, including institutional weakness, corruption, and cumbersome bureaucratic processes of acquiring a mining license, this study further explores the subject matter, demonstrating that the drivers of illegal small-scale mining in Ghana are complex and deeply-rooted in ...

Ghana: mining licence process map
Ghana is Africa's largest gold producer, and gold contributes to more than 90 per cent of the country's total mineral exports. This map depicts the process of obtaining a prospecting licence for large-scale mineral extraction (for all minerals excluding industrial minerals).

Artisanal and small-scale mining formalization challenges in Ghana
Yet, in other contexts like Ghana, the term 'artisanal mining' does not explicitly exist in the mining codes but 'small-scale mining' is used to describe the broad spectrum of activities in this mining subsector ( Government of Ghana, 2006 ).

Setting Up Of Mining Support Service Company In Ghana
Ghana requires a particular method of setting up a mining support service company with a license from the Minerals Commission to provide mineral rights companies with the support services needed. To obtain a permit in Ghana for the provision of mining support services in the mining sector, an applicant has to go through a three …

Ghana's artisanal miners are a law unto themselves: …
A major problem with unlicensed mining is government's inability to enforce mining laws. About 85% of artisanal and small-scale mining operators have no license to operate.

Illegal Mining in Ghana
This story map captures the breath taking story of illegal gold mining activities in Ghana. It illustrates the effects of unregulated surface and alluvial mining activities have affected major river bodies and how the government is deploying GIS technology to rescue the situation.

Ghana: mining licence process map
Ghana is Africa's largest gold producer, and gold contributes to more than 90 per cent of the country's total mineral exports. This map depicts the process of obtaining a prospecting licence for large-scale mineral …

Historical overview of traditional and modern gold mining in Ghana
The advent of colonialism and the introduction of modern scientific mining in Ghana during the last decade of the nineteenth century enabled European mining companies to gain control over the ...

Mining industry in Ghana
Mining industry in Ghana - statistics & facts. Ghana was the sixth-largest producer of manganese in the world as of 2021. The production volume of the metal reached 3.3 million metric tons that ...
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