What is the best way for AP?
Answers. You get AP in 4 ways..1: by using a special skill from a dress sphere such as mp absorb for a black mage..2: by using a special skill from a garment grid such as a grid that allows you to use cura..3: by using items in battle that heal an ally or hurts an enemy...4: killing the enemy..SO - basically never just chose attack..always use ...

Final Fantasy X Tips and Tricks: Stat Maxing Your …
You now need to progress your characters through the Sphere Grid and add Spheres to the empty nodes as you progress through it. Start by focusing on one character first and check out their stats. Next, pick a stat to maximize to 255 and begin filling empty nodes in the Sphere Grid with that Sphere. You could start with Tidus and start by ...

AP grinding/AP ability stacking/etc
For Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "AP grinding/AP ability stacking/etc". ... One 99,999 karma will make the entire team gain 99 sphere levels. My 3DS friend code: 2638-2622-9359. Hayate ... typically a good idea to keep one person at relatively low health and max out the damage ...

How does leveling up work?
Points are accumulated by fighting battles as before. When a sufficient number of points are accumulated, one gets a "Level Up" notification as part of the battle display. When that occurs, each character's stats increase by a predetermined amount set by the game. This process continues through Level 99 for each character.

How to Level Up Fast | Best Exp Farming Guide and Grinding Spots
Go with the 1st Battle of the Shinra Combat Simulator. If you select the Shinra Combat Simulator in Chapter 17 on your second playthrough, you can level up extremely fast (after the battle with 4 Unknown Entities ). The first battle can be cleared extremely easily by just mashing the attack button, and it is pretty short, so this is a …

Final Fantasy XII Tips and Tricks: Grinding and Power Leveling …
2) Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. The second chain/power leveling location is at the entrance to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Platform 1 – East Tanks). Kill the Alraune enemies in the area as they drop Succulent Fruits which can be sold for 363 gil each. The more Alraune that you chain together, the higher the percentage chance that they will drop more ...

How to get level 2 key spheres?
Level 2 Key Sphere 1. Removes a Level 2 Lock on the Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Piercing: 1x Level 2 Key Sphere 2. Aeon Ability: Armor Break: 2x Level 2 Key Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Catastrophe -,1 = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Area Creations Drop: Spherimorph - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods Seymour Natus - 2,4;2,4 = …

Cloister of Trials Solutions
Here, ignore the 1st intersection and go right at the 2nd. Take 1 sphere from the pedestal and insert it into the slot here. This opens a new section in the cloister. Ride the pedestal all the way ...

Which Sphere Grid Should You Choose In Final Fantasy X?
Upon starting a new game, players are asked whether they'd like to use the Standard Sphere Grid or the new Expert Sphere Grid. As their names imply, the Standard grid leads to characters with very defined roles that the game is balanced for. The Expert grid, on the other hand, grants the player a lot more flexibility in how they develop their ...

How do you unlock locks in the sphere grid?
How do you unlock locks in the sphere grid? Cmac4 14 years ago #1. In the sphere grid there are locks... i think level 1 to 4 and i dont know ho tow unlock them in the game tutorial about the grid i dont remember it even mentioning them. So what do i need to do? k_adsl123 14 years ago #2. During the game you'll find Key Spheres for each of the ...

Sphere Grid | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
The Sphere Grid(スフィア, Sufia Ban?, lit. Sphere Board) is the ability and character development system in Final Fantasy X. It is a roughly circular grid of interconnected nodes arranged in smaller circular …

Level 4 Key Spheres Final Fantasy X
Level 4 Key Spheres. One of the earliest things to road block you in Final Fantasy 10 will be Level 4 Key Sphere locks on the Sphere Grid. There's usually at least 2 or 3 of these blocking the way to extremely useful abilities like Doublecast or Full-life and amassing enough of these may be a bit confusing to those who are unfamiliar with the game.

Final Fantasy: Most Time-Consuming Leveling Systems
Final Fantasy 13-2, the sequel to Final Fantasy 13, built on its predecessor's leveling system and made it a bit more complex. In FF13-2, paradigm roles each go up to level 99, and each role has ...

Sphere Grid
The Sphere Grid is the leveling up system of Final Fantasy X. In all its glory it looks like a huge grid with hundreds of nodes which are connected to each other. However not all of them are...

Level grinding | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Level grinding, power leveling, or training, is a term used to describe walking around an enemy-infested location and defeating enemies in battle for the sake of leveling up. The point is to strengthen the team, often for an upcoming boss. Level grinding may also be called farming, usually used for more specific cases, like AP farming or experience …

Where can I find and how should I use level 1 key spheres?
You may encounter a creature called Sand Worm. Its rare drop is the Level 1 Key Sphere. You will get three more as "gifts and mini game prizes" as the story line continues. Finally, there are additional monster drops of Level 1 Key Spheres and also bribe opportunities that yield Level 1 Key Spheres. Drops - Master Coeurl and …

Final Fantasy X: How To Obtain All 8 Aeons
Remove the two Djose Spheres from the wall on the right and place both inside the pedestal. Run over to the glowing white tile over on the left to reset the position of the pedestal. Push the ...

How to Gain AP Fast | FFX|Game8
This page contains information about the fastest ways in gaining AP in the game Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remastered (FF 10, FF X). Read on to know more about the best methods in levelling in the game.

Level 3 Key Spheres Final Fantasy X
Monsters you can Bribe/Steal Level 3 Key Spheres from: Demonolith (Inside Sin) - 900,000gil will get you 40. If you get Steal on Kimahri prior to the fight with the Ronso brothers at the start of Mt. Gagazet you can …

Final Fantasy X Tips and Tricks: Quick Leveling / Power …
Utilizing the Don Tonberry trick to quickly powerlevel your characters, gain AP and navigate through the Sphere Grid - A section of the walkthrough and strategy guide for Final Fantasy X (FFX) by Jegged.com.

Final Fantasy X Sphere Grid
When you gain enough AP, you will gain a Sphere Level. This will move you along the Sphere Grid. with each Sphere Level, you will be allowed to either move forward one space, or backwards up to four spaces. when …

Seven things I wish I knew before starting Final Fantasy X
Make sure Lulu has the attack 'Fira' before Operation Mi'Hen—it makes the ensuing dull boss battle a lot easier. 2. Follow the obvious path on the sphere grid. FFX's progression system, the ...

FFX Luck Sphere Farming (Locations & Common Uses) – …
Uses For Luck Spheres. They add Luck nodes to the Sphere Grid! Luck Spheres are half of what you'll need to start juicing up your luck stat (with Fortune Spheres being the other half). Rikku can also use them in some of her mixes if you really want. Final Elixir (Mega-Potion + Luck Sphere) – Recovers the party to HP and MP, cures ...

Where do I find Lv. 3 Key Spheres?
They can be found in a chest in Sanubia Desert: Central, a chest in the Calm Lands, and a chest in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. It's the first prize for the Chocobo Minigame in the Calm Lands, hyper dodger. Level 3 Key Spheres are dropped by Defender Z (Zanarkand Ruins), Behemoth King (Inside Sin), Demonolith (Inside Sin), …

How to Level Up Fast | FF12|Game8
Leveling Up - The Basics. Leveling up in FF XII requires a bit more than just sticking the pointy end of your sword into your enemy. The various enemies in Final Fantasy XII doesn't just give up gil and various items upon death--they also give out XP, which is needed for the growth of your party. Check out the basic facts that goes into ...

Where is the best place to level up in Final Fantasy X?
13. Omega Ruins is where I did my grinding. The area has some high level monsters to fight. The Monster Arena also has some particularly nasty monsters, if you unlock them. Confirmed here. Just make sure that you …

How to use Sphere Grid Beginner Tips and Tricks
This page teaches the player about using the Sphere Grid in the game Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remastered (FF 10, FF X). All information about the Sphere Grid, using the Sphere Grid, Sphere Levels, AP, are found in this page. ... The character however, can only move to adjacent nodes connected by a path. Moving will also consume a Sphere …

FF6: The Best Grinding Spots To Level Up (EXP
So here's a few areas that work best for grinding up that experience. 3. Floating Continent (World of Balance) The Floating Continent functions as the Point of No Return for the first half of the game. As such, it seems …

Where do you get lv. 4 key spheres?
Level 4 Key Spheres are dropped by Spectral Keeper (Zanarkand Ruins, Land Worm (Inside Sin). You can also Bribe Chimera Brain (Calm Lands, 196,000 gil for 2). They can be found in a chest in Gagazet: Mountain Trail, and a chest in Inside Sin: City of Dying Dreams. You also have a chance at getting them in Omega Ruins in the random …

Lv 3 Key Sphere
The Lv. 3 Key Sphere is used to unlock Lv. 3 locks on the Sphere Grid. These are usually blocking some abilities, as well as higher attribute nodes (the +4 ones and the like). You will also find them in conjunction with Lv. 4 Key Spheres, so it's important to not waste them as you come across them. Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads.
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