A numerical integrated approach for the estimation of the …
The point load test (PLT) has been considered a flexible approach to estimate the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rocks. Previously, empirical equations were obtained by mathematical fitting or machine learning to predict the UCS of rocks. The acquisition of these equations usually required a large amount of experimental data, …

Geosciences | Free Full-Text | The Influence of Pre-Existing
UCS and PLT data concerning foliated rocks in the literature [36,42] plotted on the same diagram confirms that, indeed, for foliated rocks, the UCS and the PLT can be related to each other. The zero-intercept regression equation obtained for each data set has given conversion factors of seven (current data set), 12 and 20 . This difference ...

Analytical Model for Predicting the UCS from P …
Rock mechanics and rock engineering projects require determining, among other parameters, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock. For such a purpose, it is not uncommon to perform ultrasonic pulse …

Utilizing the strength conversion factor in the estimation …
However, conversion factor k is non-unique (varies between 8 and 30 for PLS to UCS conversions and between 2.7 and 50 for the ITS to UCS conversion) and depends on the degree of anisotropy of the ...

Summary of the Transformational Relationship between …
The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of rock has been recognized as one of the major technical factors of rock-related engineering constructions [1,2,3], and it has also been regarded as the basic parameter of geotechnical engineering designs and constructions [].Moreover, UCS has been used in various aspects of the rock-mass …

Conversion of Point Load Test Results to Conventional
Based on this study, in order to convert PLA to UCS values for rocks such as quartz or sandstone and soft rocks such as shale a conversion factor of 21 to 24 and 14 to 16 was …

Comprehensive study on the Python-based regression …
The strength of rock under uniaxial compression, commonly known as Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), plays a crucial role in various geomechanical applications such as designing foundations ...

Granite Ucs Conversion Factor
Granite Ucs Conversion Factor The samples of granite and limestone are in fresh state (grade 1). Literature review shows that the conversion factor, K for correlating between UCS and Is (50) lies between 16-29. ... arboassistent,granite ucs conversion factor. plt conversion factor ucs for limestone customer case . granite UCS …

The focus of this paper is to present the data analysis used to correlate the point load test index (Is 50) with the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), and to propose appropriate Is50 to UCS conversion factors for different coal measure rocks. The rock strength determined by the PLT, like the load frame strengths that they estimate, are an ...

(PDF) Conversion of point load test results to
Relationship between UCS a nd PLA for Limestone, ... Rusnak and Mark (1999) had proposed 21.9 as conversion factor for typical shales, ... point load test (PLT) has been selected which is a …

Using the point load test to determine the uniaxial …
H istogr am show ing hte dif ferenc e betw een UCS predicte d by the PLT us ing equation 5, and the 95% conf idence interval o f the measured UCS. The zero bar includ es all cases that fell with ...

Strength (UCS). It is often estimated on the field or trough Index-to-strength conversion factors proposed by various researchers for a specific rock type. The research presented in the paper involved field estimation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength using Schmidt rebound hammer and Point Load laboratory testing on limestone rock samples.

Prediction of Uniaxial Compression Strength of Limestone Based …
Uniaxial compression strength (UCS) is a fundamental parameter to carry out geotechnical engineering design and construction. It is simple and efficient to predict UCS using point load strength (PLS) at engineering sites. However, the high dispersion of rock strength limits the accuracy of traditional fitting prediction methods. In order to improve …

PLT to UCS correlation factors for various lithologies …
Context in source publication. Context 1. ... correlation factors for converting PLT to UCS have been calculated using an extensive UCS compilation for Kiirunavaara (Andersson 2021). These range ...

Staff View: Rock point load test (PLT index) and its …
As rock UCS is typically adopted for foundation design purpose, the conversion factor between PLT index and UCS was derived for the typical bedrock formation encountered in Kuala Lumpur, namely Granitic rock and Limestone. This study also depicts the estimation of mobilized rock unit shaft friction with respect to the corresponding UCS value ...

Correlation between uniaxial strength and point …
From the results of these tests, a conversion factor equal to 14 is proposed to correct the point load strength index in order to …

Prediction of Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) …
In the study cored rock specimens were tested for UCS tests, Point Load tests (PLT) and Schmidt Rebound Hammer Tests (SRHT). All the tests' results were analysed using statistical techniques to ...

(PDF) Correlation Between Point Load Index And Very Low …
But as the ratio of (mean UCS/mean PLT) increases the k factor increased linearly as the equation, k=0.871(mean UCS/mean PLT), which is a new derived equation easily can be used and must be the ...

Utilizing the strength conversion factor in the estimation of …
The strength conversion factor (k) is the ratio between the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and the point load index (PLI). It has been used to estimate the UCS from the PLI since the 1960s. Many researchers have investigated the relationship between UCS and PLI for various rock types of different geological origins, such as …

Summary of different correlation factors sourced …
A conversion factor of carbonate rocks in the linear regression without intercept for UCS–PLI, UCS–BTS, UCS–SHR, and UCS-E was observed as 14.32, 7.26, 1.71, and 3.52, respectively.

Conversion of Point Load Test Results to Conventional
3 Tables 1 and 2 show the conversion factors between UCS and PLA for shale and limestone rocks from several studies, respectively [6, 7, 8, 9].

Utilizing the strength conversion factor in the estimation …
The strength conversion factor (k) is the ratio between the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and the point load index (PLI). It has been used to estimate the UCS from the PLI …

Point Load Test | Geoengineer.org
Introduction. Point Load (PL) is a test that aims at characterizing rock materials in terms of strength. It is an index test, meaning that it can be performed relatively quickly and without the necessity of sophisticated equipment to provide important data on the mechanical properties of rocks. Index tests have been widely used in soil ...

Predicting the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of a Limestone …
This work studies the variation in strength and hardness on 'Pedra de Borriol' limestone, a Cretaceous natural stone, exposed to high temperatures, by means of …

(DOC) Conversion of Point Load Test Results to …
T. N. Singh et al [1] had run numerous tests on various rock types that one of which is shale. UCS versus PLA graphs have been plotted and at last different conversion factors for different rock types are …

The estimation of uniaxial compressive strength conversion factor …
In the literature, conversion factors on different sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks can be found, but no study exists on trona. In this study, laboratory UCS and field PL tests were carried out on trona and interbeds of volcano-sedimentary rocks. Based on these tests, PL to UCS conversion factors of trona and interbeds are proposed.

Correlation between the point load index (Is(50)) and the …
The PLT uses specimens formed by regular and irregular rock fragments or cylindrical specimens [6, 7] (generally from probes) that are not subjected to strict require-ments to be admissible. This test may take place in situ or in the laboratory. This work presents the most appro-priate values correlating PLT and UCS in limestone from

A numerical integrated approach for the estimation of the …
Exact copies of PLT and UCS tests can be realistically reproduced, which can help users better understand the construction and working principle of the testing machine. ... The estimation of uniaxial compressive strength conversion factor of trona and interbeds from point load tests and numerical modeling. J Afr Earth Sci, 131 (2017), pp. …

Correlation between UCS and PLI for shale specimens.
Kaya and Karaman (2016) obtained conversion factors of PLI to UCS to the tune of 12. 98, 17.68, and 15.32 for pyroclastic, volcanic, and plutonic igneous rocks, 18.55 and 13.51 for chemical and ...

Utilizing the strength conversion factor in the …
ratio, which is termed the strength conversion factor (k). Broch and Franklin (1972) indicated that the UCS was approximately 24 times the PLI for a standard-size (50-mm) core. Bieniawski (1975) showed that the UCS was nearly 23 times the PLI. Pells (1975) stated that using an index to strength conversion factor of 24 yielded a 20 %
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