The Drill Down: Best Gold Assays of June 28-July 5
The latest data, identified using the Mining Intelligence platform, reveals a series of impressive gold assays from various exploration and production stages around …

DNR: Reclamation: Mine Regulation
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. Alton Field Division. 501 Belle St., Suite 216. Alton, IL 62002. Phone 618-463-6460.

The Reclamation Branch regulates exploration and mining operations in Nevada on both private and public lands. The branch issues permits to exploration and mining operations to reclaim the disturbance created to a safe and stable condition to ensure a productive post-mining land use.

Wyoming Mining & Minerals
The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement has granted reclamation and sustainability awards to several of Wyoming's coal mines over the past two decades.

Surface Mining | Environmental Protection Division
Surface Mining. The Surface Mining Unit reviews applications and approves surface mining land use plans, issues surface mining permits, conducts compliance evaluations of surface mining operations, reviews and approves bonding requirements for surface mining operations and ensures reclamation of completed mining operations. Related Files.

Dewatering and pit and mine reclamation
The essentials of dewatering pit and mine reclamation remain the same. Pit and Mine Dewatering. Quarries, pits, and mines can unfavorably affect surface and groundwater in several ways. This is ...

ia Energy
Mineral Mining and the VTCA also jointly sponsor an annual mined land reclamation awards program. Mine operations that have performed exemplary, or innovative reclamation of lands previously disturbed for mining are nominated by their respective mine inspectors for awards in quarry and non-quarry categories.

Donlin Gold talks about reclamation and finances …
The physical reclamation process includes reseeding the patch of ground that is disturbed by mining operations; Graham says that the mine would try to use as much natural vegetation as possible.

Rules and Regulations | Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining …
Mailing Address - All DRMS Offices. Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety. Room 215. 1001 E 62nd Avenue. Denver CO 80216. Denver Office Physical Address. 1313 Sherman Street, Room 215. Denver CO 80203. P 303.866.3567 / …

Yukon Gold Mining Regulations: What You Need to Know
While gold mining and prospecting in the Yukon is an exciting endeavor, it's crucial to remember that it is a regulated activity under Yukon law. Whether you're an amateur prospector or planning to start a full-scale operation, it's essential to know and understand the regulations that govern gold mining in this region.

Secondary Gold Recovery & Reclamation of Historic …
Reclamation improves the landscape by removing historic legacy material, some of which have potential for ARD.

Nevada Mining and Minerals
Nevada Leads the Nation in Mining Mining has been and continues to be vital to Nevada's economy. The BLM Nevada solid minerals program consists of locatable minerals, such as gold and silver, and is the only state producing lithium, which is quickly becoming the "gold rush" of the 21st century due to its value for use in emerging technologies in stored energy.

Alabama Department of Labor
The State of Alabama Department of Labor Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program (AML) administers and oversees the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program in Alabama. The agency is responsible for resolving problems such as mine fires, mine subsidence, dangerous highwalls, open shafts and portals, mining-impacted water supplies and …

Warrawoona Gold Project, Pilbara
The Warrawoona gold project is located in the historic Warrawoona Greenstone Belt, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Abandoned Mine Lands
The Abandoned Mine Land (AML) program addresses physical safety and environmental hazards associated with abandoned hard rock mines on BLM-managed public lands. Abandoned mines are those mines that were abandoned prior to January 1, 1981, the effective date of BLM's Surface Management regulations issued under authority of the …

In 2019, Comexico LLC, a Colorado-based subsidiary of Australian mining company New World Resources Ltd, acquired 20 mining claims in the Jones Hill area near Tererro, NM. Comexico applied for permits to …

All Nevada Gold Mines sites have five-year concurrent reclamation and closure plans. The plans are developed with progressive closure in mind, helping sites anticipate and …

ntil after mining and milling cease. Small mines often have just one tailings facility, one pit, and one or two waste rock dumps, and at these sites the opportunities for progressive reclamation are limited. On the other hand, many active underground and open-pit mines have about 10 to

Mining Guidance And Policies
Mining Guidance And Policies. The mining and technical guidance routes will provide information on Mining issues needed to comply with the Rules and Regulations for mining in New York State. Mined Land Use Plan - Documents required as part of Mined Land Use Plan. Mined Land Financial Security - Forms and General Information regarding …

Donlin Gold talks about reclamation and finances ahead …
The physical reclamation process includes reseeding the patch of ground that is disturbed by mining operations; Graham says that the mine would try to use as much natural vegetation as possible.

Iowa Mineral Program
Iowa Mineral Program. The Bureau licenses each mineral mine operator and registers each mine site. There are just under 1,000 registered mineral sites in Iowa, utilized by 197 operators in 96 counties. Minerals extracted at these sites include: limestone, sand and gravel, gypsum and clay. The limestone industry alone produces over 33-35 million ...

Mineral Land Regulation & Reclamation
The three types of surface mining approvals that DOGAMI issues include Operating Permits, Exploration Permits, and Exclusion Certificates. The type of permit/certificate required for your operation depends on quantity, acreage, and/or planned activities. For additional detail and application requirements please review each permit …

Mining and Reclamation | SCDHEC
Mining and Reclamation. South Carolina has about 500 active mine operating permits. In 1974, the S.C. Mining Act was passed to ensure all mined lands would be returned to some useful purpose and for the protection of people and the environment. The Act and regulations outline the application process, how to conduct mine operations, and …

Mining Law Reform
Tuesday marked the 150th anniversary of the Mining Law. At the time of its enactment, Congress designed the Mining Law to encourage mineral exploration and …

Reclamation in Alaska
Reclamation in Alaska. October 20, 2021. In April 2021, Kinross Alaska announced a partnership with Trout Unlimited on the Alaska Abandoned Mine Restoration Initiative, which is the first partnership of its kind in Alaska. Kinross, a major mining company, and the Trout Unlimited conservation organization are working alongside …

Australian mine rehabilitation: Projects leading the way
Rehabilitating Australia's mines: projects leading the way. Australia is home to mining operations that can inflict damage on the natural environment; however mining rehabilitation projects are becoming more common and more ambitious in their scope. JP Casey takes a closer look at some of the country's biggest and most …

Mining and Mitigation Program
The Mining and Mitigation Program regulates mining in Florida. Mining Program staff review Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) applications, State 404 (dredge and fill) permit applications, and reclamation plans for mines. Staff are responsible for permitting, compliance, inspection and enforcement at mine sites. More information about the …

Mining Law Reform
Tuesday marked the 150th anniversary of the Mining Law. At the time of its enactment, Congress designed the Mining Law to encourage mineral exploration and development on Federal lands and the settlement of the West. The law allowed citizens to explore public lands for valuable minerals (such as gold, silver, and copper), to stake a …

How Gold Is Mined | Gold Mining Process | World Gold Council
The actual mining of gold is just one step of the gold mining process. Learn how gold is mined and the five stages of a large scale gold mining project.

Part 3. Metal Mine Reclamation
RECLAMATION. Part 3. Metal Mine Reclamation. 82-4-301 Legislative intent and findings. 82-4-302 Purpose. 82-4-303 Definitions. 82-4-304 Exemption -- works performed prior to promulgation of rules. 82-4-305 Exemption -- small miners -- written agreement. 82-4-306 Confidentiality of application information.
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