The Extractive Metallurgy of South Africa's Platinum Ores
burg) Platinum Mines, Ltd. and Pot-gietersrust Platinums Ltd. In the last 80 years, PGM extraction technology has evolved from crude mill-ing and gravity concentration to highly computer-controlled large-capacity mill-ing and flotation circuits in the minerals-The Extractive Metallurgy of South Africa's Platinum Ores L.A. Cramer processing area.

Mintek, a national resource of minerals processing …
The technical resource base associated with these projects still resides at Mintek. In this paper the objective is to show how Mintek developed an expertise base in the minerals processing of platinum ores and how this resource base has been fundamental to much of the expansions that have occurred in this industry over the last few years.

Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) are recovered through underground and open pit mining from poly-metallic sulphide ores containing PGMs, Nickel, Copper and other metals: • …

Assay Determination of Platinum in Ore & Gold Bullion
The solution should be stirred occasionally, and in about 2 hr. flocks of precipitate should appear. It may be filtered in from 3 to 4 hr., but it is a good plan to let it stand over night if possible. The amount of hydrogen sulphide required depends, of course, upon the amount of platinum present. If this should be roughly known or suspected ...

Mineral Processing
Mineral Processing. Mineral processing refers to the various techniques used to separate minerals from their ores, which can be challenging and require different methods depending on the type of mineral. ... Metalliferous deposits having varied metal content like in gold, platinum, chromite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, bauxite, hematite ...

Platinum Group Minerals | Encyclopedia MDPI
Russia and South Africa are the world’s leading producers of platinum group elements (PGEs). This places them in a unique position regarding the supply of these two key industrial commodities. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative high-level overview of aspects of the geological occurrence, mineralogy, …

(PDF) Bioprocessing of oxidized platinum group element (PGE) ores …
The oxidized PGE ores are treated with various acidophilic, iron and sulfur oxidizing microorganisms to enhance the PGE mineral recovery in the second chemical extraction step (Hedrich et al. 2020).

Potential Processing Routes for Recovery of Platinum …
The beneficiation of platinum group metals (PGMs) from pristine (unweathered) sulfide ores has conventionally been conducted through froth flotation, which typically achieves platinum recoveries of over 85%. The achieved successes of PGM concentration by flotation from the pristine sulfide ores are largely due to the occurrence …

Extraction and Refining of the Platinum Metals | Johnson …
This article describes the complex and lengthy cycle of operations required to effect complete recovery of the six platinum metals and to yield at the same time …

(PDF) Overview of Mineral Processing Methods
The first process that most of the ores or minerals undergo after they leave any mine, is mineral processing or mineral/ ore dressing. It is a process of ore preparation, milling, and ore dressing ...

(PDF) Commercial Processes for the Extraction …
Kyriakakis G (2005) Extraction of gold from platinum group metal (PGM) ores. Dev Miner. ... XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2012 Proceedings/New Delhi, ...

Extraction of Platinum Group Metals | IntechOpen
About 80% of the worlds' reserves for platinum group metals (PGMs) are in South Africa's Bushveld Igneous Complex. Processing of …

Challenges Related to the Processing of Fines in
Studies on various platinum ores have shown that rheologically complex behaviour is dependent on the amount of phyllosilicate alteration minerals, with ores such as Platreef and Great Dyke being potentially problematic [76,77]. Rheology has an influence on most of the processing steps on platinum concentrators.

Direct leach approaches to Platinum Group Metal (PGM) ores …
The major portion of platinum and palladium produced today from primary sources originates from the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa. The most important reefs mined are the Merensky, Upper Group Two (UG-2) and Platreef (Cramer, 2001).Ore grades range from 3 to 8 g/t PGM, with associated nickel and copper in the 0.1–0.2% …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Challenges Related to the Processing …
Effective gangue management can also be considered by on-going monitoring of the concentrator feed for phyllosilicate mineral content as platinum ores show considerable local geological variation and ... In Proceedings of the 24th International Mineral Processing Congress, Beijing, China, 24–28 September 2008; Science Press: …

platinum Archives
The mineral processing plant manufacturer Appropriate Process Technologies (APT) is currently changing its strategy to target platinum miners, in Zimbabwe. The company is designing a new modular platinum gravity recovery system that can be used to process primary ores. The firm's chief executive, Kevin Peacocke, said in a statement that: We ...

Mineral Processing: An In-Depth Guide
11:46 am. Mineral processing is a key activity in the mining world, focusing on boosting the worth of raw minerals pulled from the earth. This crucial step turns the dug-up ores into cleaner and more concentrated versions that are ready for more use. By using both physical and chemical methods, mineral processing separates good, useful …

Platinum Processing | Equipment, Process Flow, Cases
Platinum processing description from its geology mineral property to how to extract mineral from rock and placer deposit, related processing plant flow chart and …

(PDF) The Geological Occurrence, Mineralogy, and Processing …
The Norilsk ore district is one of the world leaders in the production of platinum metals. Long-term research focused on the detection of sulfide platinum-copper-nickel ores contributed to the ...

Potential Processing Routes for Recovery of …
The beneficiation of platinum group metals (PGMs) from pristine (unweathered) sulfide ores has conventionally been conducted through froth flotation, which typically achieves platinum...

The effect of ore blends on the mineral processing of platinum ores
The positive outcome of a mixture design in mineral processing can be seen from a laboratory study performed by van Tonder et al, (2010) where they studied the effect of ore blends in platinum ...

Characterizing and recovering the platinum group minerals…
Various methods (such as the mineralogical data, chromite content, grade of PGEs, and sulphur content, etc.) are used to classify PGEs ores. A combination of PGEs content and mode of geological occurrence to classify ore types has been adopted from the classification presented in CIM Special Volume 23: Platinum Group …

Bioprocessing of oxidized platinum group element (PGE) ores …
Bioleaching is industrially applied to recover e.g., copper, cobalt, nickel and zinc from sulfidic minerals. Refractory gold ores, in contrast, are processed via biooxidation, which is a bioleaching process where the sulfidic host mineral is dissolved but the target metal remains in the residue for further chemical extraction.

The extractive metallurgy of south africa's platinum ores
The extraction technology for platinum-group metals (PGMs) has changed dramatically in the last 80 years, and the changes are likely to continue for years to come. This article will review advances in PGM extraction, including developments in semi-autogenous and fully autogenous milling; flotation equipment applications for treating …

Platinum Group Elements Mineralogy, Beneficiation, and Extraction
The extraction process routes to recover high purity of platinum group elements are also reviewed. The classification briefly describes the different types of ore deposits. The mineralogical analysis gives a general idea about the distribution and behavior of the platinum group element ores; also it helps to choose the beneficiation …

Mineral processing | Metallurgy, Crushing & Grinding
mineral processing, art of treating crude ores and mineral products in order to separate the valuable minerals from the waste rock, or gangue. It is the first process that most ores undergo after mining in order to provide a more concentrated material for the procedures of extractive metallurgy. The primary operations are …

The extractive metallurgy of south africa's platinum ores
The extraction technology for platinum-group metals (PGMs) has changed dramatically in the last 80 years, and the changes are likely to continue for years to come. This article will review advances in PGM extraction, including developments in semi-autogenous and fully autogenous milling; flotation equipment applications for treating high-chrome ores; …

The effect of ore blends on the mineral processing of platinum ores …
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of ore blends on the mineral processing of platinum ores. The study is conducted using a simplex lattice mixture design for a range of ores of relevance to the Waterval UG2 Concentrator. The main aim of the paper is to determine whether blends of ores display linear grinding and flotation ...

Commercial Processes for the Extraction of Platinum Group …
Several researchers have also reported hydrometallurgical or the combination pyro-hydrometallurgical processes as a pre-treatment step for the recovery of PGM from ores/concentrates [17,18,19,20,21,22].Hydrometallurgical processes consisting of leaching operation for enrichment PGMs from base metal (Cu, Ni, Co, Fe) sulfide minerals have …

(PDF) Processing of platinum group metal ores in Russia …
The presented study is devoted to a comparative review of the mineral raw material base of platinum group metals (PGMs) and technologies of their processing in South Africa and Russia, the largest ...
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