(PDF) Valorisation of mine waste -Part I: Characteristics of, …
Valorisation of mine waste -Part I: Characteristics of, and sampling methodology for, consolidated mineralised tailings by using Witwatersrand gold mines (South Africa) as an example

Conservative design central to meeting tailings standards
The evaluation of static and cyclic liquefaction of mine tailings and soils is a key focus for tailings dam engineers, in response to the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management, SRK notes ...

Gold Fields South Deep Gold Mine
The responsible management of Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) The use of innovation and technology – surface and underground ... for 4IR and digital transformation at Gold Field's South Deep mine. …

Geochemical fractionation of metals and metalloids in tailings …
2 Environmental Remediation and Water Pollution Chemistry Group, Department of Ecology and Resource Management, University of Venda, Private Bag x 5050, Thohoyandou, 0950, South Africa. 3 Mining and Environmental Geology, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa.

Catalogue of South African mine tailings for
South Africa can be a global leader in CO 2 removal strategies hosted on mine sites.. The country produces millions of tonnes of minerochemically suitable tailings. • There is a MtCO 2 removal capacity, notably in high tailing producer diamond mines.. Cataloguing tailings and CDR potential draws attention to key site opportunities.

South Africa needs to refresh how it manages by-products from mining
A gold tailings dam under construction in South Africa. Author supplied. To extract minerals from host rocks, mines grind down rock into fine sand. Once the mineral is extracted, most of this fine ...

INTASOL – INTASOL Tailings is a leading supplier of efficient tailings …
Providing superior operational and advisory services in hydro mining, tailings deposition and tailings dam water pond management to the mining, minerals processing, energy, and petrochemical industries. ... Integrated Hydro Mining Services at Free State South 5 …

Our commitment to environmental management is supported by our Board-approved Sustainability Policy and managed through our internal standards. Our internal environment and climate change standard applies to all South32 employees, contractors and visitors, across our operations, functions, projects and exploration activities where we have ...

Tailings.info Tailings Storage Guidelines and Standards
Mining in South Africa is regulated by the Water Act 1998, the Minerals Act 1991 and the Mine Health and Safety Act 1996. The Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) is responsible for implementing the provisions of the Acts (Anglo 2005). ... Tailings management in South Africa is regulated by law in the Guideline for the Compilation of …

Joint statement on Jagersfontein tailings failure
Pixabay. Joint Statement on Jagersfontein tailings failure from the co-conveners of the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM): ICMM, PRI and UNEP. The failure of a dam containing mine waste – or tailings – in Jagersfontein, in South Africa's Free State province, on 11 September was a tragedy that underscores …

Business development portfolio within Geotheta. Mike has 35 years' experience in Tailings Storage Facility design, construction, commissioning, operations, and closure. Operational TSF audits in terms of the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management within South Africa and Internationally.

Evaluation of a 20–40 year old gold mine tailings …
With the exception of conductivity, these values are very similar to those of the analogue natural soils, Mine Closure 2009, Perth, Australia 127 Evaluation of a 20–40 year old gold mine tailings rehabilitation project on the Witwatersrand, South Africa A.S. Rossouw et al. i.e. pH 5.01–5.50 (0.1 M KCl) and pH 6.28–6.47 (water ...

Short Courses – Tailings and Mine Waste Conference Series
The workshop will end with an interactive panel discussion, with the goal of assessing Brazil's approach to auditing and its effectiveness in improving the tailings management culture in Brazil. Participants will leave with actionable insights and a deeper understanding of their roles in ensuring safety, environmental protection, and ...

A framework for a sustainable approach to mine tailings management
It is also in this way that different international organizations involved in mining investment projects, such as ICMM, UN, and PRI, are promoting a global standard for mine tailings management ...

Mining Water Innovation Conference & Exhibition
SPONSOR & EXHIBITMahesh [email protected]+91 77955 60883. TO REGISTER. [email protected]. Mining Water Innovation Conference and Exhibition is Africa's only event dedicated to the water resources sector discussing all aspects of mine water management, treatment, closure, water characterization and …

(PDF) Oxidation process and hydrology of tailings dams: …
Detailed multidisciplinary investigation of selected tailings storage facilities (TSFs) from the Witwatersrand gold mines generated datasets of mineralogy, chemistry, hydraulic properties, oxygen ...

Tailings.info Merriespruit tailings dam failure
Merriespruit Tailings Dam Failure, ia, South Africa. Figure 1: Merriespruit tailings engulf the town. Introduction. On the 22nd February 1994 the Merriespruit tailings dam failed by overtopping as a consequence of heavy rains causing a flowslide (static liquefaction) of part of the embankment (Davies 2002).

South Africa: Beware when acquiring tailings dams as part of a mine …
In South Africa, a different regulatory regime applies to tailings facilities that are part of a producing or recently closed mine (on-mine tailings facilities) ... (ICMM) instituted Global Tailings Reviews, which saw the publication of the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM).

Tailings Management Online Course | Professional Certificate for Mining
AusIMM, in conjunction with leading experts in the mining industry, has developed the Professional Certificate in Tailings Management. This 8 week online course delves into geotechnical, geochemical, governance, closure and socio-economic considerations of tailings management. This course offers a comprehensive and practical exploration of …

Mining companies pressed to embrace global standards …
Earlier on 11 September 2022, a tailings dam collapsed at the closed Jagersfontein diamond mine in Free State, South Africa. The tailings flowed over 8km and left a path 1.5km wide, entering several streams and rivers including the Prosesspruit, before continuing to the Kalkfontein Dam which is used for drinking water and …

The Nature and Articulation of Ethical Codes on …
Published back in 1998 by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS, 1998), the principal management "Guidance Document" for management of tailings facilities in South Africa is the CPMRD ...

Environmental Risk Assessment and Risk Management …
The pH of mine tailings soils and the stream sediments at New Union Gold Mine was found to be acidic and the pH range was 3.93 to 6.28 (fig. 2). The acidic nature of the mine tailings would provide adverse conditions for the growth of plants and grass that may be used for the re-vegetation of the mine tailings.

Cleaning up tailings dams, and the Jagersfontein collapse
Between 2am and 6am on 11 September, 2022, residents of Charlesville and Itumeleng in South Africa's Free State province heard a deep rumbling sound. Shortly after, a massive wave of tailings sludge crashed into the two, sweeping away four community members, covering farmland and grazing fields, and destroying multiple homes.

Potential role of acid mine drainage management towards …
The formation of AMD can be prevented by reducing oxygen diffusion into the mine tailings (Nyquist and Greger, 2009; Sahoo et al., 2013b), which seems to be difficult in the case of South Africa as the tailings dams are not sealed and are exposed to rainwater (Rösner, 1999; Rösner et al., 2001; Naicker et al., 2003; Abiye, 2014).

Oxidation process and hydrology of tailings dams: …
Oxidation process and hydrology of tailings dams: Implication for acid mine drainage from TSFs management -The Witwatersrand experience, South Africa Bisrat Yibas 1, W Pulles 2, S Lorentz 3, B Maiyana 4, C Nengovhela 4 1 Council for Geoscience, Environmental Geoscience Unit, 280 Pretoria Rd, Silverton, 0184, South Africa, byibas@geos …

Mine waste leaves toxic legacies in South Africa
The release to the environment of mining waste can result in profound, generally irreversible destruction of ecosystems. Waste from gold mines constitutes the largest single source of waste and pollution in South Africa. Gold mining waste was estimated to account for 221 million tonnes or 47 % of all mineral waste produced in …

Environmental exposure to uranium in a population living in …
Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study to assess i) uranium (U) concentrations in individual hair samples of children and adults living in close proximity to mine tailings in Northeast- Soweto in Johannesburg, South Africa, and ii) the association between U concentrations in hair and various factors, including zone of residence, socio …

Geochemical modeling of CO2 sequestration in ultramafic mine …
In ultramafic tailings, mineral weathering promotes spontaneous CO 2 sequestration.. Complex mineralogical assessments have been used to determine CO 2 sequestration rates in mines.. Geochemical mass balance models require less sampling and provide comparable CO 2 sequestration rates.. Long-term CO 2 sequestration in …

2. Tailings management
on Tailings Management (GISTM). Adopting the GISTM is a requirement of all member companies of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). Sibanye-Stillwater has 38 TSFs under current management as listed in the table – both in South Africa and the United States – most of which were inherited through recent acquisitions.

Tailings management
Management of Tailings and Water Storage Procedure. Download all. Add all to basket. Our Tailings Policy was released in July 2021, reinforcing our commitment to proactive, safe and sustainable tailings management, helping to protect the health and safety of our people, communities and the environment in every region we work in.
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