MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble
MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) was designed by aerospace engineer Jim Humble, who tested his MMS protocol for malaria, AIDS, herpes, tuberculosis, and cancer.

After the first cases of malaria recovered, Jim went on to develop a specific formula, which he called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, and then later Master Mineral Solution), along with numerous protocols. Since that time, MMS/Chlorine Dioxide has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide ...

Dramatic recovery from debilitating CFS
After the first cases of malaria recovered, Jim went on to develop a specific formula, which he called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, and then later Master Mineral Solution), along with numerous protocols.

Courts vs. MMS During the Pandemic Chlorine Dioxide Arrests
The charges stemmed from their alleged involvement in selling toxic bleach under the guise of a fake "miracle" cure for COVID-19. ( a) The family, closely affiliated with Jim Humble, faced arrest for actively promoting chlorine dioxide, referred to as MMS by Humble, as a potential remedy for the ongoing pandemic.


How to Use Chlorine Dioxide or MMS for Addressing …
Chlorine dioxide water purification drops, known as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution, have gained recognition for their diverse therapeutic potential against various infectious and degenerative diseases. This guide will shed light on how chlorine dioxide functions in the body and its use in addressing conditions like cancer, influenza, and more.

What I Learned from My Dad Jim Humble and MMS | Miracle Mineral …
My book includes all the basis put forth by my father, Jim Humble, in his MMS work before he went into hiding, including my latest findings, conclusions, and new current data. I unashamedly reference dad's work and even used his nickname for chlorine dioxide, "MMS," because that is the way that I grew up with chlorine dioxide by referring ...

Jim Humble
Hundreds of thousands of people in more than 150 countries have benefitted from MMS (Master Mineral Solution). Thousands of cancer cases of all kinds have been overcome and the same is true of many other diseases as well.

MMS Protocols 1000 Plus 3000 CDS Chlorine Dioxide
The CDS Protocol uses Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) or CDS 3000 PPM, created by infusing pure or distilled water with the gas from activated drops of chlorine dioxide. To conduct the CDS Protocol, 1 liter of water should be mixed with 2 teaspoons of CDS 3000. CDS/water should be consumed in 8 to 12 servings throughout the day, or once every …

Ear infection
Ear infection - MMS Testimonials - Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Solution. Use the Tags section to look up only testimonials involving a specific issue. Example: prostate cancer, joint pain . MMS / Chlorine Dioxide. In 1996 a man named Jim Humble discovered that a simple water purification substance was effective in eradicating ...

After the first cases of malaria recovered, Jim went on to develop a specific formula, which he called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, and then later Master Mineral Solution), along with numerous protocols. Since that time, MMS/Chlorine Dioxide has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide ...

Jim Humble's Master Mineral Solution for the Third Millennium
Follow the amazing journey of MMS, "Master Mineral Solution", previously known as "Miracle Mineral Supplement". It is Jim's new book that continues to tell the story of …

Office of Public Affairs | Seller of "Miracle Mineral Solution
Evidence at trial showed that Smith operated a business called "Project GreenLife" (PGL) from 2007 to 2011. PGL sold a product called "Miracle Mineral Supplement," or MMS, over the Internet. MMS is a mixture of sodium chlorite and water.

The Miracle Mineral Solution: MMS Protocol 1000+DMSO …
In conclusion, Protocol 1000+DMSO represents a groundbreaking advancement in MMS therapy, offering renewed hope and potential for individuals grappling with persistent …

What do the FDA, CDC, EPA, and NASA have to say about …
Since 2010, the FDA has warned consumers about the dangers of Miracle or Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS, Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Protocol, Water Purification Solution (WPS) and other similar products.

How to Mix MMS Drops
To make a 10% solution of citric acid: Put one level tablespoon full of crystals in a clean glass or jar. Then add 9 level tablespoons full of purified water into the same jar. When the crystals have dissolved, this is a 10% solution. In all cases when using the citric acid as an activator, use 5 drops for each 1 drop of water purification ...

Sodium Chlorite: What Is It and Can It Be Medicinal?
Sodium chlorite — also referred to as chlorous acid, sodium salt textone, and Miracle Mineral Solution — is composed of sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), and oxygen (O 2 ).

Chlorine Dioxide Therapy
Chlorine dioxide is very simply 1 atom of chlorine and 2 atoms of oxygen (ClO2). Bleach, on the other hand, is a concoction consisting of ~3-6% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) as its base, to which sodium hydroxide, …

Reminder: Miracle Mineral Solution has dangerous and
Miracle Mineral Solution products, also described on associated websites as water purification solutions, are promoted as effective destroyers of pathogens, fungi, disease, bacteria and viruses, and more recently, COVID-19.

FDA Warns Consumers of Serious Harm from Drinking Miracle Mineral
The FDA advises consumers who have experienced any negative side effects from MMS to consult a health care professional as soon as possible and to discard the product.

MMS Product - Single Kit + DMSO. Now only $49.80! (was $67.00) The chlorine dioxide molecule, known in this application as the MMS Solution, has been shown to destroy bacteria, fungi, molds, yeast & parasites. This molecule has the unique ability to donate & receive electrons - meaning the molecule can be recycled many times over before losing ...

My Experience with MMS (Chlorine Dioxide): Is It …
MMS is a term coined by Jim Humble, which stands for Master Mineral Solution. MMS is chlorine dioxide, a chemical compound that deactivates poisons and pathogens in the body.

Health Canada reminds Canadians of dangers of Miracle Mineral Solution
MMS has been promoted under different names, such as "Miracle Mineral Supplement," "Master Mineral Solution," or its ingredient, sodium chlorite. The products have been promoted as treatments for a range of health ailments, including serious conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and childhood autism.

Mineral Solution
The MMS Miracle Mineral Solution is based upon the sodium chlorite salt - which liberates chlorine dioxide gas.

Miracle Mineral Solution hoax: FDA warns consumers to …
Miracle Mineral Solution also goes by Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS, Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Protocol and Water Purification Solution.

FDA warn about 'life threatening' side effects of 'miracle' cure
A recent FDA news release outlines the potential dangers of so-called Miracle Mineral Solution, a product sold to 'cure' a range of conditions.

MMS | Miracle Mineral Solution
To MMS, είναι το ορυκτό διάλυμα, το οποίο χρησιμοποιείτε για να βοηθήσει ασθενείς να ανακτήσουν την υγεία τους. Αγορά MMS.

FDA warns consumers about the dangerous and potentially …
The FDA is warning consumers not to purchase or drink Miracle Mineral Solution, a product sold online as a medical treatment due to a recent rise in reported health issues.

MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), also known as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, or the CD protocol, is a controversial substance promoted as a …

MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble
MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) was designed by aerospace engineer Jim Humble, who tested his MMS protocol for malaria, AIDS, herpes, tuberculosis, and …
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