Ecological Impact Of Iron Ore Mining In Maharashtra

JSW Steel Integrated Report 2020-21

We currently operate 13 iron ore mines across Karnataka and Odisha, to support our raw material requirements. We ensure that sustainable mining with minimal environmental and social impact is practised across …


whether iron ore mining at Surjagad forest area of Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra was implemented considering the social, environmental, economic and cultural impact …

The mining sector of Liberia: current practices and environmental …

Liberia is endowed with an impressive stock of mineral reserves and has traditionally relied on mining, namely iron ore, gold, and diamonds, as a major source of income. The recent growth in the mining sector has the potential to contribute significantly to employment, income generation, and infrastructure development. However, the …

Iron ore mines in India: Unearthing India's Iron Wealth

Naturе's mеtallurgical marvеl, iron ore mines in india, is a vital raw material for stееl production. Formed through gеological procеssеs, iron orе dеposits arе found worldwide. Thеsе rich rеsеrvеs, composеd primarily of iron oxidеs, fuеl industriеs and infrastructurе, shaping modern civilization. It's a tеstamеnt to Earth's rеsourcе …


Centre for Wildlife Studies (CWS) and the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) jointly studied the impact of Iron-ore mining in Kudremukh National Park on water quality of the Bhadra River. This study was funded by the Wildlife Conservation Society, New York as part of the efforts to understand human impacts on …

A Critical Evaluation of Environmental Impact

Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) form the basis of estimation of environmental and socio-economic impacts of developmental projects. In this study we examine 65 EIA reports of mines in Goa.

A review on environmental impact assessment of limestone mining …

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a superior tool use for assessing environmental changes in the opencast limestone mining region. In mining and its development, there is currently pervasive global concern focused on the need to move the mining sector to a more sustainable environment.


The 'Redi Iron Ore Mine' is yet to start mining and shall operate taking all precautionary measures to reduce the impact of mining operations on Air, Water, Noise and Soil and …

The Impact of Bauxite Mining on the Physical …

The impact of mining activities on pollution of air, water, land, soil quality, vegetation including forest ecosystems, and on human health and habitation has become a matter of serious concern. Any deterioration in the physical, chemical, and biological quality of the environment affects human health, flora and fauna. Mining and its subsequent activities …


Mining. Mining. Overview. Mining and Quarrying has grown at the rate of 11.5% from 2020-21 to 2021-22 with a Gross State Value Added (Nominal GSVA) of Rs. 61,517 Crore in the year 2021-22 The total potential mineral area in the state is about 58,000 sq km, which is about 19% of the state's total geographical area.

Environmental Impact of Steel

The mining of iron ore is highly energy intensive and causes air pollution in the form of nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from diesel generators, trucks and other equipment.

Intergenerational Equity Case Study: Iron-ore Mining in Goa

In an ongoing public interest litigation (PIL) around iron-ore mining in Goa, the Supreme Court is examining how to implement the intergenerational equity, that is, the principle that future generations must inherit at least as much as the present inherited. The petitioner, the Goa Foundation, an environmental non-profit organisation, is advocating …

Surjagarh Iron Ore Mines

Lloyds Metals and Energy Ltd (LMEL) was awarded the Surjagarh Iron Ore Mine lease (SIOM) in 2007, valid up to 2057. Thriveni was appointed as the MDO in 2021 for the life of mine in order to fulfill the task of developing it into a world-class mine. The mining activity commenced in Surjagarh mines in May 2021, and achieved an impressive 3 Mtpa …

ecological impact of iron ore mining in maharashtra

Environmental Impact Assessment of Iron Ore Mine in GOA · Iron Ore reserve at this mine varies from powdery high grade ore of FE content 59% 60% to lowgrade siliceous magnetite having FE contents of 30% 55% The Low grade Iron Ore is transported by Tipper trucks to the beneficiation plant of M/s Dempo Mining Co situated at Surla, …

Environmental impact due to iron ore mining in …

Abstract. Iron ore is an important mineral in Chhattisgarh. The production of iron ore is 5.50 million tones per year. Due to massive extraction of iron ore, it pollutes air, water and soil. When ...


The environmental problems associated with the iron ore mining are diverse. The removal of vegetation, top soil, overburden/waste and ore, brings about the inevitable natural consequences, which manifest in many ways, deforestation, climatic change, erosion, air and water pollution and health hazards.

Open cast mine monitoring and environmental impact …

Environmental impact of opencast iron ore mines in Goa, India has been studied using remote sensing data and limited ground based information with the help of Leopold matrix method, factor analysis and cluster analysis methods. From the remote sensing studies it was observed that increase in mining activities are associated with …

Environmental Clearance Process for Mining Projects in India

To ensure that mining projects are environmentally sound and sustainable, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has issued the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006, which lays down the procedure for obtaining environmental clearance (EC) for various types of projects or activities. The EIA ...


The present study envisages on quantitative determination and impact of heavy metals in the surface water and soil samples due to mining. Map of ore mines located in the state of Chhattisgarh ...

Bibliometric and Scientometric Assessment of the Environmental Impact

Open-cast iron ore mining is vital for the global economy, providing the raw material for steel production. It is cost-effective and allows for the efficient extraction of large ore quantities within shorter timeframes compared to underground mining. However, open-cast mining can have significant environmental impacts. Open-cast iron ore mining …