Dara-i-Suf coalmine owners want their problems resolved
KABUL (Pajhwok): Some coalmines owners in the Dara-i-Suf district of northern Samangan province says without certain companies who have coal purchase contracts others are not allowed to purchase coal and this faced the coalmines owners with huge problems and may force them to stop mining. But the Ministry of Mining and …

Taliban signs $6.5bn mining contracts in Afghanistan
The Taliban Government in Afghanistan said on Thursday it has signed seven mining contracts amounting to $6.6bn (Af527.37bn) in investment, a record round of such deals since it seized power in 2021. The signing ceremony took place on Thursday in the presence of the Taliban Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and other …

Afghanistan's coal mines rely on child labor : NPR
Since the return of the Taliban, Afghanistan's coal exports have increased — and so has child labor. At a coal mine in Baghlan province, boys earn between $3 and $8 for a day's work.

Ministry of Coal, Government of India
In mining, overburden (also called waste or spoil) is the material that lies above an area that lends itself to economical exploitation, such as the rock, soil, and ecosystem that lies above a coal seam or ore body. In many mineral industries, like coal industry, in open cast mines, coal can be extracted only after removing layers of soil ...

Greening the Mines: Coal and Lignite PSUs Lead the Way in …
Coal and Lignite Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), under the guidance of the Ministry of Coal, have not only increased coal production levels over the years to meet the escalating energy demands of the nation but have also demonstrated their dedication to environmental preservation by implementing various mitigation measures. One such …

s.zamin Hemmat's Post
That is the exactly the same idea as I have. It has been over a month since the Taliban took over Afghanistan. Millions of Afgans are currently at high risk.

Industrial railways – coal | Railways of Afghanistan
There are a handful of coal mines in Afghanistan, at least two of which have hand-worked narrow gauge railways and appear to have used locomotives in the past. Afghanistan has had a small coal mining industry since shortly after the World War I, producing coal for the domestic market. There are three main mining centres: Darra-i …

GET TO KNOW ABOUT US | Ministry of Mines
Activities. The current activities of Ministry of Mines consists of reconstruction, development and arrangement of amicable investment, supervision of Ainak copper mine contract, tendering Haji Gak Iron …

Afghanistan and coal
Afghanistan is a minor producer and consumer of coal, producing 2.1 million tonnes and ranked in 42nd in the world.[1]

Ministry of Mines, Government of India, Home
Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal, JS, Ministry of Mines, addressed the 'Govt and Industry Interaction on Critical Minerals & Emerging Renewable Energy Technologies' as the chief guest.

Ministry of Coal, Government of India
Ministry of Coal has launched 6th tranche and second attempt of 5th tranche of commercial coal / lignite mine auction on 03.11.2022. In this tranche, 141 mines are offered, out of which 133 are offered under 6th tranche and 8 are offered under second attempt of 5th tranche. Of 133 mines offered under 6th tranche, 29 mines are under CM …

The Green and the Black: Social and Economic Aspects of a Coal Mine …
The Green and the Black: Social and Economic Aspects of a Coal Mine in Afghanistan Louis Dupree American Universities Field Staff, 1963 - Coal mines and mining - 30 pages

s.zamin Hemmat | LinkedIn
Check out professional insights posted by s.zamin Hemmat, Mining Engineer in North Coal Mines Department, Ministry of mines and petroleum(MOMP)

AnnuAl RepoRt 2021-22
MiNiSTRY OF MiNES vi Page ML Mining Lease MMDR Act Mines & Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy MoC Ministry of Coal MoEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change MOiL Manganese Ore india Limited MoM Ministry of Mines MoU Memorandum of …

8 die of suffocation at coal mine in N. Afghanistan
AYBAK, Afghanistan, April 22 (Xinhua) -- About eight laborers died of suffocation at a coal mine pit in Afghanistan's northern province of Samangan on Sunday, a local official said Monday. The laborers were working at the coal mine in Dara-i-Suf-i-Bala, west of provincial capital Aybak, when a poisonous gas leaked and accumulated, suffocating ...

Huge response to 9th Round of Commercial Coal Mine …
The Ministry of Coal has received an overwhelming response for the coal mines offered under the 9th round of commercial coal mine auctions. A total of 40 bids have been received in offline form.

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Mines …
Afghanistan is host to vast mineral resources, a lot of which are extracted on the basis of Artisanal and Small scale Mining (ASM) like gemstones, coal, constructional materials, dimension stones, gold and some of the industrial minerals such as clays, gemstone minerals (Corundum, Garnet, and Tourmaline etc), limestone, gypsum, mica, salt, talc …

Ministry of Coal, Government of India
About Ministry. The Ministry of Coal has the overall responsibility of determining policies and strategies in respect of exploration and development of coal and lignite reserves, sanctioning of important projects of high value and for deciding all related issues. Under the administrative control of the Ministry, these key functions are ...

Coal Mines Data of Afghanistan
Coal production data for the year 2002, according to the Ministry of Mines and Industry of Afghanistan are given in Table 4.

Taliban Wage War Over Coal Mining in Afghanistan
July 5, 2022, 4:01 PM. By Stefanie Glinski, a journalist based in Istanbul. YAKAWLANG, Afghanistan—Fighting has been ongoing in the remote Balkhab district of Afghanistan's northern Sar-e-Pol ...

Afghan Govt Earns 300m Afs from Coal Mine | TOLOnews
Local officials in the northern Samangan province say the province has profited 300 million Afghanis (around US$ 6m) in the first six months of this year

Ministry of Coal, Government of India
The adoption of sustainable development principles in coal mining sector has been gaining ground over the years. Ministry of Coal not only envisions to secure availability of coal to meet the rising energy demand of various sectors but also prioritise due care for local environment and host community. Coal sector envisages to promote sustainable …

al mining mpanies in mpumalanga afghanistan
coal mining companies in mpumalanga afghanistan. Mbuyelo Coal Coal Mining Industry Mbuyelo Coal has a rich footprint in the Mpumalanga province of lush South Africa It is born from the company Mbuyelo Group (Pty) Ltd which has its main business in the coal mining industry and is similarly growing its portfolio in other businesses such as the ...

Ministry of Mines and Mining Development
The Ministry of Mines formulates, monitors and evaluates the implementation of mining development policies which are geared to effectively account for the country's mineral resources for the benefit of …

Ministry of Coal
Our goal is to secure availability of coal to meet the demand of various sectors of the economy in an eco-friendly, sustainable and cost effective manner. This website aims to streamline all the approvals and clearances needed for coal mine operationalization through a single gateway for early operationalization of coal mines as …

An Introduction to the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum
Ministry of Mines and Petroleum as the manager of all-natural resources in Afghanistan is committed to performing its responsibilities for sustainable usage of the resources (Minerals and Hydrocarbons) to sustain financial growth and the balance payment. Following the mining sector roadmap, the regulatory body of the Ministry initially has ...

National Coal policy
OAL MINE DEVELOPMENT16.1This Policy supports the strengthening of linkages between coal mining and related industry, power-generation, infrastructure and fiscal regimes that will impact costs, pricing and affordability of services for the p.

Herat Mineral Appearances | Ministry of Mines
According to the National Statistics and Information Authority, Herat's population is estimated at 2140662. According to the Geological Survey of Afghanistan and the information obtained by the directorate of Herat Mines Department, Herat province has various natural and mineral appearances, of which 113 areas have been listed in the …

Afghanistan Petroleum Authority | Ministry of Mines
Afghanistan Petroleum Authority was established in 2013. Its tasks include project management, governance, regulation and supervision of the country's oil and gas sector. The Authority also enabled the marketing to the oil and gas resources, development of gas pipelines and other gas related facilities. Afghanistan Petroleum Authority has the ...
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