Bioleaching of gold pyrite tailings with adapted bacteria
The higher the degree of pyrite oxidation, the higher is the extraction recovery of gold and silver. However, ~ 74% bio-oxidation of pyrite was enough to increase the cy- anide extraction recovery of gold and silver to 89 and 95% respectively. (4) Use of 12-weeks-adapted bacteria virtually eliminates the lag period for bacterial …

Alternatives to xanthate collectors for the
Tailings are fine-grained and composed primarily of non-economic gangue minerals, such as silicates and carbonates, as well as sulphide minerals, most commonly, pyrite (FeS 2). Proper management of tailings is essential because sulphides can oxidize in the presence of oxygen and water and cause acid mine drainage (AMD).

(PDF) Recovery of Gold and Iron from Cyanide Tailings
The total gold recovery of the whole process reached as high as 94.23%. ... Pyrite is a typical ore-forming mineral of copper, copper, zinc, and other non-ferrous metals (Agheli et al. 2018 ...

Socio-Environmental Risks Linked with Mine Tailings …
The process water from gold mine tailings presents high concentrations of total dissolved solids consisting of sulfate (4000 mg/L to 6000 mg/L) produced by the addition of cyanide in the leaching process and destruction of cyanide in the tailings [67,70]. On the other hand, the sodium concentrations are on the order of 2000 mg/L as …

Review Recovery of gold from secondary sources—A review
Kogan (2006) patented a technique for gold recovery from waste electronic equipment. The scrap was added to hydrochloric solution containing 180 g/L HCl and 250 g/L MgCl 2 for 3 h at a temperature of 80–95 °C. During this period 98% of aluminum, 94% of tin, 96% of lead and 94% of zinc were extracted in solution.

Development of copper recovery process from flotation tailings …
A new flotation tailings treatment process was developed for efficient Cu recovery. • An efficient Cu dissolution was achieved in an H 2 O media in presence of pyrite.. The dissolution mechanism of CuFeS 2 has been confirmed to be a multistage reaction.. Fe was always co-dissolved with Cu following a linear relation of C Fe = …

Acid Rock Drainage Mitigation
The residue material following metal product removal is re-treated in the separate Tailings Pyrite Plant (TPP) floatation plant to extract pyrite (iron disulphide) before disposal. ... sands dredged from the river as part of …

(PDF) Calcination of Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement Using Pyrite-Rich
The optimal conditions for the calcination of calcium sulphoaluminate cement using pyrite-rich cyanide tailings are confirmed. During the calcination process, the cyanides decompose into carbonate ...

Biohydrometallurgical treatment of old flotation tailings …
The data show that gold recovery (by cyanidation) from unoxidized pyrite flotation tailings used in the study was 50% and reached 92% after 12 days of biooxidation in the two-step process. Oxidation of pyrite tailings in the three-step process increased gold recovery up to 96% during the same period.

(PDF) Gold recovery from flotation concentrate from gold mine tailings
The method for the recovery of gold from its flotation concentrate using acidic thiourea leaching followed by adsorption on an organosilicon polymer (PSTM-3C) was discussed in the present study.

Biohydrometallurgical treatment of old flotation tailings of …
The leaching allowed to recover up to 35–36% of copper and zinc after 10 min. Leaching of pyrite tailings with biogenic ferric iron was studied. ... the new process was proposed. Gold recovery ...

An Alternative Method for the Obtention of Ceramic s from Gold …
Arial Georgia Verdana. ... it is possible to observe that the reverse flotation process achieved a recovery of silicates of 77% in the concentrate and in the case of iron and sulfur a recovery of 89% and 96.5% in the tail. ... "An Alternative Method for the Obtention of Ceramic s from Gold and Silver Tailings with High Pyrite Content ...

Pyrite Flotation Separation and Encapsulation: A
Pyrite flotation separation and encapsulation in tailings dams is proposed as a viable way to chemically stabilize tailings. Characterization of potential acid mine generation in tailings led to an innovative process in which acid-generating pyrite is separated by flotation from the coarse tailings and incorporated into the slime zone. …

Mine tailings: reprocess, recover & recycle
Say a copper mine produced 1Mt of metal in 1999 at 90% recovery. The remaining 10% of copper, around 111kt, went to tailings. If the average copper price in 1999 was US$1,500/tonne then that 10% represented US$166.5 million of metal. Fast forward 20 years and at today's price, US$5,842/tonne, if that material could be …

Recovery of gold from sulfide refractory gold ore: Oxidation …
In addition, the total recovery of gold in the whole process is 98.06%, which is lower than the total recovery of gold by the thiourea leaching and pyrite enhanced chlorination roasting, this may be due to a little gold lost in the two stages roasting process. Download : Download high-res image (399KB) Download : Download full-size …

Cleaner recovery of multiple valuable metals from cyanide tailings …
For the cyanide tailings containing hematite and pyrite, Long et al. found that under the condition of 1050 • C and CaCl 2 dosage of 4 wt%, the recovery rates of gold, silver, copper, and lead ...

Bioleaching of gold pyrite tailings with adapted bacteria
The gold content of the ore sample, coming from Bolivia, was of 10 g t −1 Au. After 24 h leaching time by direct cyanidation, low gold recovery was obtained (<20% Au), with a high reagent consumption. On the other hand, a high gold recovery was achieved for the biooxidated samples: after 24 h cyanidation gold dissolution reached about 91% Au.

New approaches for extracting and recovering metals from mine tailings
Copper and silver were extracted both from mineral residues and fresh mineral tailings by mixing 0.5 g of representative samples with 10 mL of a solution containing 3.42 M NaCl and 0.2 M HCl ( Romero et al., 2003 ), and heating for 1 h at 90 °C. 2.4. Sulfidogenic bioreactors and selective recovery of copper from PLS.

Bacterial Leaching as a Pre-treatment Step for …
These are both stirred reactor bio-leaching process and bio-heap leach process. ... 1989, Bio-leaching of gold pyrite tailings with adapted bacteria ... gold recovery of 81% was achieved following ...

Calcination of Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cement Using Pyrite-Rich …
Pyrite-rich cyanide tailings (CTs) are industrial hazardous solid wastes arising from the gold mining industry. Every year, hundreds of millions of tons of cyanide tailings are produced and discharged to tailings dams. It is of great significance to dispose of cyanide tailings harmlessly and resourcefully. The feasibility of calcination of calcium …

Geoenvironmental Study of Gold Mining Tailings in a …
We characterized the tailings from the Santa Barbara tailings dam, which is located in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, to: (i) identify its chemical, mineralogical, and metallurgical properties, and (ii) perform an environmental evaluation of the water at the surface of the tailings facility. The potential recovery of elements such as Sb, As, and …

A practical guide to re-treatment of gold processing residues
Advances in processing technology, together with a degree of gold release through ageing of the ore over many years, often provide gold recovery in the range 50–60% (headgrade around 0.4–0.5 g/t), which is sufficient to cover the low processing costs and make a positive contribution to the profitability of an operation.

Recovery of gold from the Mouteh Gold Mine …
Reco very of gold from the Mouteh Gold Mine tailings dam. of samples taken was around 200 kg (5–7 kg from each. hole). The gold assay of the samples ranged from 0.6 to 2.3. g/t, with an average ...

Transforming Mining Waste to Wealth: A Novel Process for …
Rapid economic development and increased demand for mineral products in China have led to extensive extraction of various ores, resulting in significant environmental challenges associated with the generation of industrial solid waste, particularly iron tailings. Despite being a major mining nation, China faces issues of wasteful practices, with …

DRDGold: South Africa's largest tailings project kicks into …
Phase 1 involves upgrading the Driefontein 2 plant to process tailings from the Driefontein 5 dump at a rate of between 400 000 and 600 000 tpm and depositing the residue on the Driefontein 4 tailings dam. First production is expected in the first quarter of 2019, adding up to 120 kg or 3 800 oz of gold a month to DRDGOLD's production profile.

Itronics develops new technology to recover silver and gold from tailings
January 13, 2021. The Rock Kleen technology has the potential to extend the economic life of existing mines. Credit: Patrick Crowley. US-based cleantech materials growth company Itronics has developed a Rock Kleen process that enables recovery of silver and gold from silver-gold leach tailings, through the combination of Rock Kleen liquid and ...

Environmentally friendly disposal of the full components of gold …
ABSTRACT Due to the extremely low-grade of gold in natural ores, a huge amount of gold tailings is produced in the beneficiation progress, which caused the disposal of tailings becomes extremely urgent because of the increasingly stringent environmental protection factors. The present study focuses on the innovative full …

Evaluation of a cleaner production for cyanide tailings by …
This study proposes a cleaner method for effective utilization of cyanide tailings. • Roasting cyanide tailings with 5 wt% CaCl 2 at 1273 K yields close to 90 wt% gold recovery. • The decomposition of CaCl 2 at different temperatures was described in detail. • The pollution risk of product was reduced as compared to that of raw material.

Leaching Gold and Silver with an Alternative System: Glycine …
An alternative system to cyanide as a leaching agent is presented for the recovery of gold and silver from cyanicide minerals. These minerals are characterized by the presence of copper and carbonaceous minerals in their composition, therefore increasing both the consumption of reagents and energy requirements for the …

Recovery of gold from refractory gold ores: Effect of pyrite …
The extraction of gold from refractory gold ores (RGOs) without side reactions is an extremely promising endeavor. However, most RGOs contain large amounts of sulfide, such as pyrite. Thus, investigation of the influence of sulfide on the gold leaching process is important to maximize the utilization of RGOs. In this work, the effects of …
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