Fluorescent Bulb Crusher
Straight, U-Bend, and CFL Lamp Crusher: Capacity of 4' T12 Lamps* 875 per drum: Capacity of 4' T12 U-Tube Lamps* 550 per drum: Capacity of CFL Lamps* 3,000 per drum: Capacity of 4' T8 Lamps* ... Click here to download our Fluorescent Bulb Crusher brochure (Straight/U-Shaped/CFL) search box Call or Email for a Free Savings Analysis …

Bulb Eater — TerraCycle Regulated Waste
In addition to providing OSHA and ACGIH compliance, the Bulb Eater® 3 lamp crusher frees up valuable storage space normally filled with boxes of spent whole lamps, …

Frequent Questions About EPA's Mercury Lamp Drum-Top Crusher …
3. What does the Mercury Lamp Drum-Top Crusher Study show? Three of the four devices included the Study usually maintained mercury levels within a containment structure, constructed for the Study, below the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 0.1 mg/m3. One device generally …

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Sub Rosa (TV …
Sub Rosa: Directed by Jonathan Frakes. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. Dr. Crusher meets the man in her dead grandmother's life when she tries to put her affairs in order, whom …

Sub Rosa (episode) | Memory Alpha | Fandom
Beverly Crusher attends her grandmother's funeral, but a mysterious entity that inhabited her grandmother is now focusing on her. Doctor Beverly Crusher reads a eulogy before her late grandmother's coffin at the Caldos colony graveyard, with Counselor Deanna Troi and Captain Jean-Luc Picard at her side, describing her grandmother, Felisa Howard, as a …

Bulb Crusher Light Bulb & Lamp Crushers
Light bulb crushers pulverize dead or broken fluorescent bulbs to minimize the space required for storing them, and they have filters that capture contaminants released …

Balcan Lamp Recycling Systems
The Balcan lamp crusher is a heavy duty unit, forming the front end of some of the MP range of lamp recyclers. Cost of ownership is 2-3 times less than single load drum top crushers. Safely reduce lamp volume and control emissions prior to recycling.

The Bulb Eater Lamp Crusher | JLC Online
A strange machine from the hidden world of MRO. The Bulb Eater Lamp Crusher; Courtesy of the Air Cycle Corporation. MRO stands for maintenance, repair, and operations, the "hidden" world of workers who keep things going at office buildings, factories, airports, and the like. Most of the tools used for MRO work are the same as …

Lamp Crusher
Air Cycle Corp. (Lisle, IL) is introducing its CFL Premium Bulb Eater, a new version of its bulb crusher. The device can crush and store up to 3,000 compact fluorescent lamps for recycling, the company states, and it can also crush tube lamps. A three-stage filtration system captures 99.99% of the mercury vapor, the company reports.

RCRA Closure of Lamp Crushing Operations
In 2009, the national headquarters of an insurance company purchased a commercial lamp crusher as part of a company-wide "Green" initiative. Lamps that were generated from routine replacement of light fixtures throughout the office building complex were crushed onsite prior to periodic disposal as hazardous waste (D009). Following a …

Bulb Eater
The Bulb Eater® 3 is the next generation of Bulb Eater® Lamp Crusher which crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable material while capturing over …

A fluorescent lamp drum top crusher is a unit typically comprised of a 55-gallon drum that has been retrofitted with a cover and a chute for feeding fluorescent lamps into the drum. The bulb crushing unit operates under negative pressure and with filters to capture air pollutants. The purpose of the unit is to crush the lights, reducing the ...

Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycler | Mercury Instruments
Discover the ultimate solution for safe and efficient bulb disposal with Bulb Eater. This lamp crusher unit is mounted to a 55 gallon drum and can hold up to 1350 4' fluorescent lamps.

Universal Bulb Crusher | Lamp Compactor | CFL's and HID's
CRUSHER. Handles all types of bulbs such as CFL's, Straight, U-Shaped & HID's (up to 6") REDUCE BULB & LAMP DISPOSAL COSTS BY UP TO 50%; STORAGE SPACE BY 80%; AND. FOR EVERY 50 BULBS PROCESSED SAVE ABOUT 1 MAN HOUR SPENT ON BOXING VERSUS CRUSHING. All-in-One Bulb Crusher.

Bulb Eater | Lamp Crusher – Crush Nationwide Lamp Disposal
CAPTURES 99.99 % OF ALL VAPOURS RELEASED!!! WHY USE THE BUBLEATER?: Crushes straight lamps of any length. Crushes u-tube lamps of any size ( VRSU premium Machine only) Crushes 4 – foot fluorscent lamps in 1 second. Reduce labour by up to 20 hours per 1000 lamps. Minimize storage space by up to 80 % with the Bulb Eater.

Busted Fluorescent Lamps, Bulb Crusher
Recycle Lamp Crusher – Brand Name Light Bulbs – Ballasts … Bulb Eater crushes spent straight linear fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable … Air Cycle 330-005 VRS Light Bulb Eater Fluorescent Tube Crusher.

Long-lasting roller crusher and sizer solutions I FL
Robust roller crusher and sizer offering to maximise your crushing capabilities. Our roller crushers and sizers are built to last, with strong frames and self-lubrication systems to reduce your maintenance burdens. They offer reliable crushing of materials in the cement and mining industry, including highly-abrasive and sticky ones, and ...

Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycler | Mercury …
Quick Facts for Fluorescent Light Bulb Crusher. Crushes straight lamps of any length. Crushes u-tube lamps (model VRS-U only) Crushes a 4-foot fluorescent lamp in 1 second. Reduce labor by up to 20 hours per 1,000 …

Fluoresent Light Bulb Crushing Machine | Lamp …
The Bulb Eater® 3 is the next generation of Bulb Eater® Fluorescent Lamp Crusher which crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable material while capturing over 99.99% of the vapors released. …

Bulb Eater 3L with Intelli-Technology 333.100-120
Add to Wish List. Bulb Eater 3L with Intelli-Technology 333.100-120 Quick Facts. Single model capable of crushing straight linear lamps of any length, u-tubes, & CFL's. Crushes a 4-foot fluorescent lamp in less than 1 second. Reduce labor by up to 20 hours per 1,000 lamps. Save up to 50% on recycling costs.

EPA's Mercury Lamp Drum-Top Crusher (DTC) Study | US EPA
As part of ongoing efforts to encourage safe management of mercury-containing equipment and fluorescent lamps, EPA conducted the Mercury Lamp Drum-Top Crusher (DTC) Study. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of four DTC devices to contain the mercury released from crushed lamps in terms of preventing …

Bulb Eater® 3 Light Bulb Recycler | Accessories | Safety-Kleen
The safe, efficient way to recycle fluorescent lamps. The Bulb Eater® 3 system not only crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length, U-tubes and CFLs into recyclable material, but it also captures over 99.99% of the vapors released! The system, which is mounted to a 55-gallon drum, can hold up to 1,350 4' fluorescent lamps. Powerful DC ...

AirCycle Bulb Eater® 3L Machine 120V
The Bulb Eater® 3L is the next generation of Bulb Eater® Lamp Crusher which crushes spent fluorescent lamps of any length into recyclable material while capturing over 99.99% of the vapors released. The system, which is mounted onto a 55-gallon container, can hold up to 1350 4-foot fluorescent lamps. The Bulb Eater® 3L lamp crusher unit ...

In 1980 Balcan manufactured the first commercial lamp crusher. Today, Balcan Lamp Crushers are used extensively throughout the world, both manually & electrically operated they are used in all climates to help reduce volume and control the mercury emissions generated during crushing.

Bulb Crusher Light Bulb & Lamp Crushers
When it comes to Bulb Crusher Light Bulb & Lamp Crushers, you can count on Grainger. Supplies and solutions for every industry, plus easy ordering, fast delivery and 24/7 customer support. ... Light bulb crusher accessories maintain or improve the functionality of the crushers. Light Bulb & Lamp Crushers. Clear All.

Bulb Crusher & Fluorescent Lamp Crushers | Zoro
Lamp Crusher Units are machines designed to reduce the size of fluorescent lamps, light bulbs, and tubes. These units come in a variety of sizes and typically have a container or …

Air Cycle 210-1120 Bulb Eater 3L 120V Fluorescent Lamp …
Streamline your lamp disposal process with the Air Cycle 210-1120 Bulb Eater 3L 120V Fluorescent Lamp Crusher. This powerful machine offers a single solution for crushing …

BE3L 333-100-240 (old part #) Ref part number: 210-1240 …
Crushes a 4-foot fluorescent lamp in less than 1 second; Reduce labor by up to 20 hours per 1,000 lamps; Save up to 50% on recycling costs; Minimize storage space by up to 80% with lamp crusher; The most fun you can have disposing of lamps! Special Features: 4 or 5-stage filter system; Onboard controls with Intelli Technology

Award-Winning Bulb Eater®
The Bulb Eater® is a lamp crushing system that safely crushes lamps on-site, saving facilities time, storage space, and money! To learn about our monthly promotions, contact our team at 866-583-1843 or fill out the form below. The Award-Winning Bulb Eater® from TerraCycle Regulated Waste. Call 888-404-3968 to Inquire!

Ensuring lamp disposal safety
Dextrite Fluorescent lamp crusher solutions. We specialize in the design and manufacture of fluorescent lamp disposers, crushers, which meet environmental and safety standards for the disposal of spent lamps. DEXTRITE - Ensuring lamp disposal safety. Dextrite est spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de concasseurs de lampes fluorescentes …
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