90 Best Free CSS HTML Image Slider & Slideshow
The Free CSS HTML Image Slider & Slideshow is a versatile and customizable tool that allows you to create stunning image sliders and slideshows for your website or web application. It is built using CSS and HTML, making it lightweight and fast-loading. This image slider offers a range of features and options to enhance the visual …

6 Best jQuery Vertical & Horizontal News Ticker Plugins
4. jQuery – Easy ticker Plugin. jQuery easy ticker is a news ticker like plugin, which scrolls the list infinitely. It is highly customizable with lot of features and it is cross browser supported. 5. liScroll. liScroll is a jQuery plugin that transforms any given unordered list into a scrolling News Ticker. 6. vTicker.

11+ Best Free jQuery Image Slider and Carousel Plugins – …
Upgrade your website functionality with the "10 Best Free JavaScript & jQuery File Upload Plugins. Unslider. Unslider is renowned for its fluid, flexible, and minimalistic characteristics. Leveraging HTML in your slides and extending with CSS, this slider stands out for its simplicity and versatility.

35+ jQuery 3D Slider & Carousel Plugin with Examples Demo
Bee3D Slider is a floating 3D slider and carousel plugin built with pure Javascript and CSS3 transformations! Features: Touch-Enabled. 9 3D Effects available, with more on the way…. Autoplay, with optional pause on hover. Infinite Loops. Parallax effects, optional. Auto-Focus on load. Lightweight, 5KB minified.

Roller | jQuery Plugin Registry
A jQuery plugin for simple content carousels. Part of the Formstone Library.

jQuery Plugin For Scrollable Table With Fixed Header And …
1. Add both jQuery and jQuery UI into your html file. 2. Include the jQuery table scroll plugin's files after jQuery. 3. Call the function on the table to make it scrollable with floating thead and tfoot. 4. Plugin's default customization options. // …

10 Best JavaScript Plugins For Responsive Text (2024 Update) | jQuery
For instance, you can use the plugin to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element. [ Demo] [ Download] Responsive Performant jQuery Text Resizing Plugin - FancyTextFill. A responsive and high-performance jQuery text resizing plugin that automatically increases and shrinks the font size of your text to fit its container.

550+ Best jQuery Menu & jQuery Dropdown Menu with …
flxMenu : jQuery Dropdown Navigation Plugin. The flxMenu plugin is a responsive, cross-browser jQuery plugin that helps you create dropdown navigation for both desktop and mobile devices. Features: automatically switches to a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint. supports infinite …

10 Best Mega Menu Systems In JavaScript And Pure CSS
jQuery Mega Menu Plugins: A responsive, stylish, mobile-friendly mega menu (multi-column dropdown menu) built using JavaScript (jQuery), CSS/CSS3, and nested HTML lists. [ Demo] [ Download] jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like …

35+ jQuery Step Form Wizard Plugin with Example
With Timon – Step Form Wizard you will have power combo of 21 different styles, 8 different transition effects, validation in your step form, titles and subtitles with multiple step., also Timon – Step Form Wizard has predefined set of form sizes from tiny to large. You can easily create and customize any form to fit your needs.

10 Best Parallax Scrolling Effects (2024 Update) | jQuery …
rellax is a small vanilla JavaScript library which provides a smooth parallax scrolling effect on any DOM elements. [ Demo] [ Download] Lightweigt Background Parallax JavaScript Library – Ukiyo.js. A lightweight, configurable, fresh new parallax library that makes creating stunning background parallax scrolling effects a breeze. Demo Download.

10 Best Toast Notification jQuery/JavaScript Plugins (2024 …
The jQuery Toast plugin makes it easier to create customizable toast-style temporary alert messages on the webpage using Bootstrap 4 toasts component. [ Demo] [ Download] Toast is a jQuery notification plugin used to display animated, highly customizable & styleable, stackable visual feedback messages on your web page.

24 Best jQuery Image Sliders | Envato Tuts+
1. bxSlider. bxSlider is a simple and easy-to-install jQuery image slider that has all the basic features. Just download the zip file, copy the code to your website, and you're ready to go. 2. Owl Carousel 2. …

10 Best Scrollspy Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
One Page Scroll Site Navigation Plugin With jQuery. A jQuery plugin for creating a sticky site navigation for one page scrolling website or single page web app. [ Demo] [ Download] Sticky Header + Smooth Scroll + Scrollspy = Stoocky Page. A versatile jQuery plugin helps you create easy-to-navigate landing pages, portfolio websites, and …

Top 7: Best jQuery Image and Content Sliders Plugins
7. FlexSlider. Github. Flexslider is an awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin. it was built to serve up the best responsive jQuery slider around and builds a few implementations of responsive sliders of different web projects. FlexSlider has been verified in Safari 4+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10+, and IE7+. iOS and Android ...

21 jQuery Calendars
Zabuto Calendar. This library is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that lets you add a month calendar to your web page. You can customize the display of the calendar and view it in several languages. You are also able to show calendar events by using an AJAX request with JSON data and add a legend. You can add a function to the calendar to …

jQuery Tables: Plugins for Creating & Managing …
A filter function allows users to view only specific data in your table. To add a filter function to your jQuery table, you can use the DataTables plugin. The plugin includes a built-in filter ...

jQuery Plugin To Create Vertical Tabs
Download and include the tabs.js script after you have jQuery library installed. 2. Create tabbed panels and a list of vertical tabs as follow: 3. Initialize the plugin on document ready. 4. Style the tabbed interface whatever you like. This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by iuzhakov.

jQuery Lazy
What is Lazy? Lazy is a fast, feature-rich, extensible and lightweight delayed content loading plugin for jQuery & Zepto. It's designed to speed up page loading times and decrease traffic to your customers and users …

7 Best JavaScript Plugins To Print Specific Elements | jQuery …
5. Print Specified Area Of A Page - PrintArea. PrintArea is a jQuery Plugin that allows your visitors to a specific area of the page. [ Demo] [ Download] 6. Print Specific Content While Preserving Styling – Printout.js. A JavaScript library to print specific DOM elements while maintaining their visual aspect. [ Demo] [ Download]

100+ Best jQuery Map plugin with Demo examples
SmartMenu is a user-friendly, highly customizable and responsive jQuery mega menu plugin. It allows you to use multiple menus with different submenus. Features: Responsive design. Supports multiple instances. Horizontal (top, bottom) or Vertical (left, right) menu layouts. Mega / Flyout submenus.

10 Best Gantt Chart Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
Gantt is a jQuery plugin that helps you dynamically draw a customizable Gantt Chart to plan, coordinate, and track specific schedules/tasks in a horizontal bar chart. [ Demo] [ Download] Canvas-based Gantt Chart Plugin - jQuery simpleGantt.js. A lightweight and open-source jQuery plugin that helps developers generate simple, …

11 Best WordPress Header Plugins for Custom Headers …
4. Header Footer Code Manager. With over 300K active installations, Header Footer Code Manager is one of the best header plugins for WordPress. It provides an easy-to-use interface to add the snippets to the header and footer. Not to mention, it also allows snippet addition above or below your page content.

30+ jQuery Treeview Plugin & jQuery Tree with Example
Hummingbird is a tiny and fast jQuery Treeview Plugin. Features: Display hierarchical tree structures. Based on simple pseudo HTML lists or full HTML structures. Tri-state logic. Manual and programmatical check, uncheck, collapse, expand, etc. Supports n-tuple nodes, i.e. doubles, triplets, etc. Supports disabled nodes, checked or unchecked.

10 Best Text Animation Plugins In JavaScript/jQuery (2024 …
Airport-Like Text Flip Animation with jQuery and CSS3 - splitFlap. splitFlap is a jQuery plugin that flips text messages with sequential characters based on CSS3 transform and perspective properties. Similar to the airport flight board animation effect. [ Demo] [ Download] JavaScript Plugin For Customizable Terminal Text Effect - TypeIt.

Brilliant Free jQuery Image Gallery/Slider Plugins
Allows for displaying several images in one slider, many more than the typical jQuery plugin allows. On-site tutorial provides easy-to-follow installation instructions. Has multiple display options to choose from so as to fit horizontal and vertical image displays. 13. Parallax Slider.

jQuery and WordPress Slider Plugin
Master Slider. Everything you have ever wanted in an animated content and image slider, all packaged up into one awesome plugin! Build touch-friendly, cross-browser and animated content sliders with Master Slider, …

10 Best Tree View Plugins In JavaScript And Pure …
jsTree is a powerful jQuery plugin used to generate dynamic, interactive tree views (for example folder tree) with support for inline editing, drag'n'drop, checkboxes, keyboard navigation and more. [ …

35+ jQuery Custom Scrollbar Plugin with Demo Examples
Moreover, Optiscroll adds custom events and methods to extend browser scroll functionalities. Features: Lightweight and without dependencies. Highly optimized. Vertical and horizontal scrollbars support. Nested scrollbars support. Custom events. Animated scrollTo and scrollIntoView. Auto update on content/scroll area change.

200+ Best jQuery Grid Plugins with Demo
Pinto.js is a lightweight and customizable jQuery plugin for creating pinterest like responsive grid layout. Pinto.js is intended for easy use and is fully deployable within minutes. The minified ...
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