Evaluation of a Locust Beans Seed Dehulling Machine for …
A locust bean dehulling machine was fabricated and evaluated using locally available materials. The machine performs dual operations of removing the seed coats and cleaning. Components of the machine include the frame, hopper, dehulling chamber, water container, discharge outlets, set of gears and bearings in operation. In …

3D view of the designed locust bean seed dehuller
The local method of locust bean seed dehulling continues to inflict drudgery on the rural women whose livelihood depend on this business. Current research in developing machinery for processing ...

Currently, locust beans processing in Nigeria is done manually. This traditional method is ... a 746 W motor was selected for the machine. Design of the Power Transmission Shaft

Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Wet Legume Dehulling Machine
A locust bean dehulling machine was fabricated and evaluated using locally available materials. The machine performs dual operations of removing the seed coats and cleaning. ... (vigna unguiculata) related to design of processing machines, Pak. Journal of Agri., Agric Engineering & Vet Sci., 26 (2), 70-79, 2010. Reichert, R.D., Lorer, E.C. and ...

Design of a Motorized Dehulling and Centrifugational Cleaning Machine
A Motorized Dehulling and Centrifugational Cleaning Machine for Locust Beans was designed in this study. The inlet into the dehulling chamber is a hopper made with mild steel. The dehulling chamber consists of an auger shaft and abrasive barrel which leads directly to a vertically positioned hollow cylinder that serves as the cleaning unit. This …

Performance Testing of Small-Scale Equipment for Depulping Locust Bean …
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Table 1 revealed that locust bean processing and trading are predominantly a occupation; consequently 97.7% of respondents interviewed were females. The study also revealed that those between ages 41 and 50 years were 30.2%. Those in the category of 50 years and above were 26.79% while 22.1% of them had ages ranging from ...

Development of a Locust Bean Seed Dehulling Cum Washing Machine
Galvanized steel was used for the dehulling and washing chambers, while angular mild steel was used for the frame of the machine for rigidity and stability. 2.1.1. Machine operation The wet locust bean seeds dehulling machine dehulls and separates locust beans from its coat. These beans are first dehulled in the dehulling chamber.

Fig 6.19 Schematic of African Locust Bean Processing Machine 80 Fig 6.20 Dehulling Efficiency of the Machine at Different Steaming Time 80 Fig 6.21 Hydroclyone for Separating the Hulls from Locust ...

(PDF) Moisture-dependent physical properties of locust bean …
Seed moisture content is significant in the handling and processing of seeds. This work therefore determined the physical properties of Locust bean seeds as functions of seed moisture content in the moisture range of 5.9 – 28.2% dry basis. Mohsenin,

Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Wet Legume …
soaked in hot water for 30 minutes and 62.5% efficiency for 15 hours cooking period for locust beans, The de-huller was designed for feed rate of 500 seeds per second. Keywords: legume, dehulling, abrasive, strength, soaking period . Cite This Article: Egbe E.A.P., and Roland B.O., "Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Wet Legume Dehulling ...

Design, development, and evaluation of a motorized rice …
Locust beans dehulling machine was design, develop, and evaluated. ... This would, therefore, combat the challenges surrounding locust bean processing especially with the rural women dwellers and ...

Development of African Locust Bean (Parkia Biglobosa) Depulping Machine
It was discovered that the machine performance in terms of efficiency and throughput increases as the moisture content of the ALB increases while the specific mechanical energy decreases as the humidity content increases. The traditional method of using hands to depulp African Locust Bean (ALB) inside a flowing river led to the …

(PDF) Article ID: IJMET_10_03_028 Evaluation of a Locust Beans …
Therefore, there is the need to develop a small mechanical device for small scale locust bean processing This study will contribute greatly to existing knowledge on locust beans processing with a view of increasing its production and reduce wastage and increase quality of the locust beans and serve as a baseline for further research work ...

Design, development, and evaluation of locust bean seed …
Locust beans dehulling machine was design, develop, and evaluated. The machine was evaluated at different speed and boiling time for its performance efficiency. ... This would, therefore, combat the challenges surrounding locust bean processing especially with the rural women dwellers and commercial producers. The dehuller would, …

Modification and Performance Evaluation of …
The traditional method of processing locust bean including some other bean varieties is time consuming with lots of energy consumption and labour while mechanical method therefore reduces the human drudgery …

2.1.1. Machine operation The wet locust bean seeds dehulling machine dehulls and separates locust beans from its coat. These beans are first dehulled in the dehulling chamber. The dehulling shaft is powered by a 0.5hp electric motor which is connected to a gear reduction device to further reduce the dehulling and washing speed.

Locust bean seed dehulling machine (Okonkwo et al., 2018).
The boiling time samples were varied as follows: boiled for 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, and 4 h using pressure pots/jackets. Resultant boiled locust bean seeds were then cooled for 10 min and dehulled at 398 ...

A locust bean dehulling machine was fabricated and evaluated using locally available materials. The machine performs dual operations of removing the seed coats and cleaning. Components of the machine include the frame, hopper, dehulling chamber,

(PDF) Optimum Boiling Duration and Its Effect on Nutritional …
The data obtained in this study will be useful for the design of machines for processing, handling and transportation of locust bean seeds. ... Locust beans dehulling machine was design, develop ...

Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Manually Operated Locust Bean …
DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2018.56.63 Corpus ID: 55947977; Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Manually Operated Locust Bean Cubing Machine @article{Fadeyibi2018DesignFA, title={Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Manually Operated Locust Bean Cubing Machine}, author={Adeshina Fadeyibi and Mohammed Gana Yisa and Salman Abdul …

Effects of Drying On Some Engineering Properties of African Locust Bean …
The data obtained in this study will be useful for the design of machines for processing, handling and transportation of locust bean seeds Discover the world's research 25+ million members

Modification and Performance Evaluation of Locust Bean Dehulling Machine
A locust bean dehulling machine was modified and evaluate d while the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The average dehulling efficiencies of the circular-sieved machine for locust beans ...

Development of African Locust Bean (Parkia …
The machine has a capacity to depulp 10 kg of locust bean seed during a unit batch operation. Five levels of soaking time corresponding to five levels of locust bean moisture contents and five ...

Design, Construction and Assessment of African Locust …
locust bean locust bean locust bean If 0.00346m3 of locust bean was to be dehulled in one minute, therefore, the expression of the machine capacity in volume per hour is; m hr x C VPH 0.2075 / 1 0.00346 60 3 Similarly, the expression of the machine capacity in mass per hour is; C MPH 1156.85x0.2075 240.046kg/ hr Design of Machine Shaft a.

Processing of locust bean fruits: Challenges and prospects
INTRODUCTION. The African locust bean tree, Parkia biglobosa are perennial trees legumes which belongs to the sub-family mimosoideae and family leguminosae (now family fabaceae). They grow in the savannah region of West Africa up to the southern edge of the Sahel zone 13° (Campbell-platt, 1980). A matured locust bean tree (20 - 30 years) can ...

10: Processing Procedure for Production of Major African Locust Bean
African Locust Bean Seed Processing: Prospects, Status and Challenges. xiii: 100 pp. ISBN 978-978-923-050-5 | | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. Fig 1 - uploaded by Kayode ...

Development of a Concentric Cylinder Locust Bean Dehuller
A locust bean steaming, dehulling and separating machine was designed in this study by simulating the traditional processing operations and the result indicated increase in deh Hulling efficiency with increase in cooking time from 30 to 60 min while it dropped at 90 min. Expand. 17. ... Locust beans dehulling machine was design, develop, and ...

100. Simonyan, K.J. (2012). African Locust Bean …
African Locust Bean Seed Processing: Prospects, Status and Challenges. xiii: 100 pp. ISBN 978-978-923-050-5 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Article PDF Available 100.

Adoption of improved processing technology among African locust bean …
The paper investigated the effect of socioeconomic and institutional factors on the adoption of improved locust bean processing technology in SouthWest, Nigeria. Specifically, the study described the socioeconomic characteristics of the locust bean ... cassava chips slicing machine, and storage in trenches and sawdust. ... Nigeria Study Design ...
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