Aggregate stability as an indicator of soil
Aggregate stability was determined by immersion in water and wet-sieving of 2-mm sieved, air-dried 0- to 10-cm soil samples, which actually tests aggregate resistance to slaking. Under simulated rainfall, runoff depth and soil loss after 30 min were negatively correlated with topsoil content in stable macroaggregates (>0.2 mm).

Ultrasonic dispersion of soil in water
The application of ultrasonic energy to soil-water suspensions for particle size analysis has been widely adopted and more recently applied to aggregate stability assessment. However, suspension properties have been reported to affect both the energy applied and the degree of aggregate breakdown. This paper investigates the effect of suspension …

Soil slaking assessment using image recognition
New methodology for the assessment of soil slaking in fast wetting conditions. The projected area of aggregates is measured with an image recognition algorithm. A 3 coefficients model was fitted to measure projected areas versus time. A fast, inexpensive and simple methodology for measuring aggregate stability.

Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and …
The relations between aggregate breakdown, crusting and water erosion are analysed, and existing methods for the assessment of aggregate stability are reviewed. A unified framework for the measurement of aggregate stability is proposed to assess a soil's susceptibility to crusting and erosion. It combines three treatments having various …

A Laser Diffractometry Technique for Determining the Soil …
Challenges such as methodology's adaptability to varied soil types and equipment remain areas for further exploration. Nevertheless, this study underscores the potential of SLD as an efficient and reliable technique for aggregate stability assessment in …

A multi-task transient stability assessment method adapted …
Meanwhile, most previous research studies neglected the assessment of the transient stability level. To address this, we propose a multi-task transient stability assessment (MTTSA) approach. In MTTSA, we introduce a multi-graph sample and aggregate-attention network (GraphSAGE-A) designed to capture stability features even amidst topology …

A Wet Sieving Apparatus for Determining Aggregate Stability of Soils
The equipment is a modification of the original design of Yoder (1936), and could be used to determine the aggregate stability of two soils simultaneously. The frequency of the oscillation of the ...

Recommended Measurements for Scaling Soil Health Assessment
Based on these results, SHI recommends three measurements to be widely applied across North America (and likely beyond). Those measurements include: soil organic carbon concentration. carbon mineralization potential. aggregate stability. Measurement. Method. Reflected Outcome. Organic Carbon Concentration.

Aggregate stability – Smallholder Soil Health Assessment
Gently pour the 70 g of soil onto the submerged mesh (Fig. 12). Leave the soil in the water to wet up and slake (break apart) the aggregates naturally for 5 minutes. Move sieve into and out of water 50 times in 2 minutes. This can be done using a 50 beat per minute metronome app on a cell phone, raising, then lowering the sieve with each beat.

An Improved Method for Quantifying Soil …
Soil aggregate stability influences biological activity and crop productivity by facilitating the movement of air and water (2; 16) and by reducing soil erosive and crusting potentials (21; 2).Among other …

Aggregate Stability and Water Retention Near Saturation Characteristics
Our objective was to evaluate the combined role of soil texture, aggregate size and application of a stabilizing agent on aggregate and structure stability indices (composite structure index [SI], the α and n parameters of the VG model and the S-index) by employing the high energy (0–5·0 J kg −1) moisture characteristic (HEMC) method. …

Le Bissonnais, Y. 1996. Aggregate stability and assessment …
Aggregate stability and assessment of crustability and erodibility: 1. theory and methodology. European Journal of Soil Science, 47, 425–437. Commentary on the impact of Le Bissonnais (1996): by F. Bartoli †, P. Hallett & O. Cerdan

Standard Operating Procedure Wet Aggregate Stability …
calculates the aggregate stability index using the following equation: 10= 𝐴0 𝐴600. [Eq.1] Where A 0 is the initial aggregate area, A 600 is the final aggregate area, and STAB 10 is the 10-minute stability index value. QA/QC 1. Assess coefficient of variation from triplicate petri dishes. If coefficient of variation is greater

Evaluation of SLAKES, a smartphone application for …
For the aggregate stability measurements, soil samples were collected from a depth of 0 to 10 cm with a shovel and transported to the lab, where they were air-dried. Aggregate stability was measured by both the SLAKES smartphone application (Fajardo & McBratney, 2019) and the CWAST (Schindelbeck et al., 2016). 2.2 SLAKES …

Mycorrhizal fungi increase plant nutrient uptake, aggregate stability
Results showed that the plant productivity and nutrient availability in soil and their subsequent uptake in AMF were significantly higher compared to the NAMF treatment (p < 0.01). We observed 17% increase in aggregate stability (measured as mean weight diameter) and 28% increase in organic carbon in AMF inoculated soil compared to NAMF.

A simultaneous model for ultrasonic aggregate stability assessment
The proposed model enables investigation of the stability, component PSD, and hierarchy of soil aggregates by simultaneously modeling total mass changes in any selected set of PSD partitions (i.e., [ x1, x2 ], [ x2, x3 ],…, [ xn − 1, xn ]) as ultrasonic energy is applied to a soil–water suspension. The goal of this development is to ...

Soil structural stability assessment with the fluidized bed, aggregate …
In this study, we found little correlation between fluidized bed results and aggregate stability tests (R 2 = 0.06), suggesting that these two soil strength assessment methods target different soil properties. The wet sieving aggregate stability test measures the degree of strength and cohesion linking individual particles into aggregates.

Vis-NIR spectroscopic assessment of soil aggregate stability …
The first approach relies on land use and soil properties. In the second approach aggregate stability is estimated by a model fitted with mid-infrared spectroscopic data. We tested the two approaches with a dataset composed of 202 soil samples from mainland France, in which aggregate stability was measured with a fast wetting test.

In soils exposed to rain, aggregate disintegration is the first process which leads to seal formation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relative importance of aggregate stability in seal formation. The effects of raindrops' impact energy, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), electrolyte concentration in the applied water, …

Soil aggregate stability: a review | Semantic Scholar
This paper reviews the different methods of measurement of soil aggregate stability used in the literature, paying attention to the conditions of sample collection in the field and sample preparation and treatmen's conditions. ABSTRACT Soil aggregate stability is a crucial soil property affecting soil sustainability and crop production. A …

Le Bissonnais, Y. 1996. Aggregate stability and assessment …
The fifth Landmark paper is Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability and erodibility .1. Theory and methodology by Le Bissonnais (1996). It has been cited 446 times and forms the basis of current measurement of soil aggregate stability in the laboratory. Le Bissonnais (1996) built on the concepts proposed by Hénin (1938) and ...

Soil slaking assessment using image recognition
1. Introduction. An aggregate is a group of primary particles that cohere to each other and their stability is a function of the binding forces between them that withstand after an applied disruptive event (Kemper and Rosenau, 1986).As reviewed by many authors e.g., (Tisdall and Oades, 1982, Kemper and Rosenau, 1986, Field et al., …

Aggregate stability kit for soil quality assessments
For the assessment of soil quality, aggregate stability tests should be developed to maximize sensitivity to soil changes as a result of management. Aggregates greater than 0.25 mm are considered macroaggregates, which are affected more readily by soil use and management than microaggregates, <0.25 mm (Tisdall, 1996).

Resource Concerns & Soil Health Indicators
In-Field Assessment Indicator: Aggregate Stability Description Soil aggregate stability is related to soil porosity and how well a soil can resist raindrop impact and erosion. Resource Concerns Addressed • Aggregate instability • Soil organic matter depletion • Soil organism habitat loss • Surface compaction or degradation In-field

Vis-NIR spectroscopic assessment of soil aggregate stability …
1. Introduction. Soil aggregate stability (AS) affects a wide array of physical and biogeochemical processes in agricultural environments and reflects a soil's ability to retain its structure against external forces (Amezketa, 1999).During erosion events, AS determines the susceptibility of soil aggregates to the kinetic impact of raindrops and the …

Aggregate stability and assessment of soil crustability …
Their relative importance depends on the nature of the rain, as well as on the soil's physical and chemical properties. The relations between aggregate breakdown, crusting and water erosion are analysed, and existing methods for the assessment of aggregate stability are reviewed. A unified framework for the measurement of aggregate stability ...

Aggregate stability and assessment of soil
Surface crusting results from aggregate breakdown under raindrop impact. It reduces the infiltration rate and may induce erosion by increasing runoff. Soil crustability and erodibility generally increase as organic carbon content decreases. Samples of topsoil were collected from fields cropped continuously for maize after land clearance at various dates. Organic …

(PDF) Aggregate stability as an indicator of soil susceptibility …
Aggregate stability was determined through immersion and subsequent wet-sieving of <2-mm air-dried soil samples into water, which actually tests aggregate resistance to slaking (Le Bissonnais, 1996).

Soil structural stability assessment with the fluidized bed, aggregate …
Soil structural stability assessment with the fluidized bed, aggregate stability, and rainfall simulation on long-term tillage and crop rotation systems. ... Soil aggregate stability was a function of the organic carbon profile of the soil surface layer (Fig. 5). Increase in organic matter had a beneficial impact on the size and proportion of ...

Le Bissonnais, Y. 1996. Aggregate stability and …
Aggregate stability and assessment of crustability and erodibility: 1. theory and methodology. European Journal of Soil Science, 47, 425–437. Commentary on the impact of Le Bissonnais (1996): by F. …
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