TSI Oil Filter Crusher, Model# TC-15
The TSI Oil Filter Crusher is the workhorse of oil filter crushers with 38,000 lbs. of crushing force. This model crushes up to 4 filters at a time or paint/solvent containers in …

Ranger RP-20FC Installation And Operation Manual
View and Download Ranger RP-20FC installation and operation manual online. Oil Filter Crusher. RP-20FC industrial equipment pdf manual download.

Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher Machine | Mechanic …
Recover oil from filters with the Ranger RP-20FC crusher machine. This model comes with a rugged metal stand included and up to 10 tons of air pressure.

With this kit you can convert from manual to automatic operation. Allows operator to push start button and crush filter without holding the button down. (See Figure A). SAFETY: …

Model SB-300
Oil Filter Baler Model SB-300 by OBERG® Filter Crushers. The Model SB-300 Oil Filter Baler is built for continual use by commercial processors of used oil filters. It is made to accommodate high volume processors. Producing over 170,000 lbs of main ram force, the SB-300 turns filters into a tight, dense brick that can be sold to a scrap metal ...

Use the Jack Handle of the Air/Hydraulic Jack to manually lower the Filter Crushing Head (13) onto the oil filter until the filter is crushed to within 25% of its original height.

Ranger RP-20FC Installation And Operation Manual
Page 1 Oil Filter Crusher Installation and Operation Manual Manual P/N 5900011 — Manual Revision B1 — February 2021 Model: • RP-20FC Designed and engineered by BendPak Inc. in Southern California, USA. Made in China. ⚠ entire Read the contents of this manual prior to setup or operation.

This will allow the Springs (5) to again raise the Crush-ing Head (13) so you can remove the crushed oil filter. (See assy. diagram and air/Hydraulic jack Owner's manual.)

Super 6PJ-VC Model Crusher – TeeMark Manufacturing, Inc.
Crusher – SDS. The Super 6PJ-VC pierces, drains, crushes and ejects cans, pails and aerosols at a rate of up to 180 containers per hour! The Super 6PJ-VC offers features not found anywhere else in the industry. It captures VOC's and propellants and keeps them out of the work area and environment, this eliminates the need for respirators.

Microsoft Word
The installation must provide for the easy removal of the catch basin as sludge and semi-solid residue from oil filters may accumulate. The catch basin requires periodic cleaning to remove solid residues.

Oil Filter Crushers
Ranger's oil filter crushers are designed to quickly and efficiently reduce even your toughest oil filters to 25% of their original sizes in seconds, removing 95% of the sludge trapped inside.

Model D-60 Drum Crusher
Drum Crushers by OBERG® Filter Crushers. The Model D-60 flattens 55-gallon drums to approximately 1/7th of their original height. The operation process is simple, as follows: Open DC door and insert drum. Close and secure DC door. Switch controls "ON". Press-and-release "START" button (this causes the platen to descend against the drum ...

Model SB-600
The Model SB-600 Oil Filter Baler is built for continual use by commercial processors of used oil filters. It is made to accommodate high volume processors and can process 17-19 drums per hour / continuous feeding. The SB-600 turns filters into tight, dense bricks that can be sold to a scrap metal dealer or given to a steel mill for recycling.

Ranger RP-50FC Oil Filter Crusher with Stand
The super-sized RP-50FC industrial oil filter crusher applies 25 tons of electric-hydraulic pressing power to flatten just about any used oil filter to 20% of its original size, all while removing 95% of the residual oil. Filters up to 15.25" long and …

Oil Filter Crushers
7 products. Oil filter crushers and industrial oil filter crushers reduce old oil filters to about 20% of their original size and force up to 95% of the old oil and sludge out. These crushers help garages and repair shops meet EPA standards for reducing oil-borne wastes. These crushers smash filters up to 16".

Installation and Operation Manual
This manual describes the RP-20FC, which is an Oil Filter Crusher from BendPak Ranger, which applies up to 10 tons of air-operated pressure to flatten just about any used oil …

Oil Filter Crushers
Oil filter crushers are a great way to help your shop save money and keep your space clean. This item will help every shop stay clean, and not waste oil filters. Most filters can remove about 90-95 percent of the oil, which reduces the mess significantly. Then you can sell that scrap metal to help your business stay profitable. Getting your own oil filter …

Filter Crushers
On mining sites, workshops or bus depots, the Filter Crusher reduces the amount of waste for transport and eliminates accidental oil spills of remaining oil stored in the filter canisters. The Crusher works by separating the oil from the canister and filter media, and storing them in separate drums ready for collection.

Ranger RP-50FC Installation And Operation Manual
Page 1 High-Speed Oil Filter Crusher Installation and Operation Manual Revision B — March 2017 — Manual P/N 5900392 Model: • RP-50FC ⚠ Always operate this equipment as directed; failure to do so may DANGER cause injury or death. Read the entire contents of this manual prior to installation or operation.

25-Ton Capacity Heavy-Duty Oil Filter Crusher
25-Ton Capacity Heavy-Duty Oil Filter Crusher. Handles the big filters (up to 6" dia. and 12-1/2" long) found in trucks, construction equipment, farm implements, etc. May also be used for automotive and light truck filters. It does it all!

TC-6 15 16 Ops-Manual_2012-oct-18.pub
This operation manual includes primary part identification and instruction for all three models of TSI's oil filter crushers.

Manual Oil Filter Crusher
Oil Filter Crushers, Tank Monitors and Tank Gauges. Oil Filter Crushers, Tank Overflow Monitors & Oil Level Gauges: Order Any Item By Phone Also, Call 630-678-9010 …. Download 007 Monitor Installation Manual.

Bedford - P- 300 - High Capacity Truck, Heavy Equipment, Industrial Oil Filter Crusher by Bedford Industries, Inc.. The Model P-300 is the largest of our vertically oriented crushers.

Automotive & Commercial Filter Crushers
The AFC-9 and CFC-16 heavy duty QuickPack® spin-on oil filter crushers feature air operation, providing long lasting maintenance free operation and a significant cost-savings over more expensive electric powered units.

Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher
The Ranger RP-20FC oil filter crusher applies 10 tons of air-operated pressure to just about any used oil filter or can. Reduce filters to 20% - 25% of their original size and remove 95% of the oil. An integrated collection chamber, collector downspout and included stand make oil recovery a cinch.

Ranger RP-20FC Industrial 10-Ton Oil Filter /
The Ranger RP-20FC Oil Filter Crusher applies 10 tons of pure, air-operated pressure to just about any used oil filter or can, easily reducing it to 20% - 25% of its original size and removing 95% of the oil. An integrated collection chamber and collector downspout makes oil recovery a cinch. At the drastically reduced size, cans and oil ...

View and Download Lincoln D Series owner's/operator's manual online. OIL FILTER CRUSHER. D Series industrial equipment pdf manual download. Also for: 4163.

Cylinders, Recycling, Machinery
We manufacture oil filter crusher machines, also known as the Kruncher. industrial equipment repair hydraulic cylinder machine shop

TSI Oil Filter Crusher, Model# TC-15
The TSI Oil Filter Crusher is the workhorse of oil filter crushers with 38,000 lbs. of crushing force. This model crushes up to 4 filters at a time or paint/solvent containers in the 9in. x 16in. crush chamber. The door safety switch makes a safe operating unit for high-volume shops and fleet maintenance facilities where EPA and recycling ...
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