Effect of microbial-induced calcite precipitation on shear
Yet, they are often stored behind tailings' dams in a highly saturated state, posing significant environmental, social, and economical hazards. This study examines the application of a microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP) technique to improve the shear strength of gold mine tailings.
Innovation in Tailings Management | A Sustainable Mining …
Discover hydraulic dewatered stacking, a game-changing tailings technology that increases stability and water recovery, while enabling faster closure.
Tailings microbial community profile and prediction of its …
An in-depth understanding of the tailings microbiome and its metabolic capabilities can provide a direction for the management of tailings disposal sites and maximize their potential as secondary ...
Biochar mitigates bioavailability and environmental risks of …
These results contributed to the statistically significant reduction of the environmental risks in both mining tailings (6–17% in the underground mining tailings and 9–20% in the cyanidation mining tailings), which was emphasized by Pearson's correlation and multivariate analyzes.
The Tailings Center
Historically, tailings engineers have received on-the-job training in mine waste management. There is a critical need to build workforce capacity in tailings engineering education to meet mining industry's dramatically increased demand for specialized tailings engineers. There are at least 15,000 active and inactive TSFs globally.
The Impact of Mine Tailings on the Witwatersrand and the …
Water samples collected at the foot of the Princess gold mine tailings dump in Gauteng province and from downstream, before the drainage joins other water sources, also had high average gross alpha and beta activity and high average concentrations of …
Mining shouldn't be a dirty word: Why tailings and mine …
There are also national efforts to "re-mine" tailings from legacy mining sites. "A gold mining site from 150 years ago likely extracted the gold ore and disposed of the crushed rock. They may have disposed of valuable materials that are relevant today that were not at that time," said Bareither.
New Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management …
The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (the Standard) launched today, establishes the first global standard on tailings management that can be applied to existing and future tailings facilities, wherever they …
Gold mining tailing: Environmental availability of metals …
After the flotation the gold-bearing minerals collected go to the hydrometallurgical stage, the other particles are discarded along with the water in the tailings dam.
Bioremediation techniques for the treatment of mine tailings…
Mine tailings (MTs) are the materials dumped on a mining site after mineral extraction, containing scattered traces of residual minerals, dug-up soils, and a disturbed ecosystem. Abandoned and untreated MT can pose threats to the surrounding ecosystem due to the presence of various primary and secondary toxic components, …
The composition and state of gold tailings
Individual layers of deposited tailings are composed of mixtures of tailings sand (particles larger than 63 m) and tailings slimes (particles smaller than 63 m). The sands are shown in this study ...
The new gold mine? Mining waste with micro
There's a new gold rush, with tailings ponds replacing riverbeds as a metal source for modern-day prospectors.
(PDF) Reprocessing of Gango Gold Mine Tailings via …
The tailings at Gango contain substantial amount of gold with 7.37 g/t and 7.38 g/t at the surface and at 1m deep, respectively. Empirical data revealed that thiosulfate is a good lixiviant rivaling cyanide in leaching gold from the tailings.
Mine tailings: Waste not, want not
Mine tailings: Waste not, want not. Traditionally considered 'waste', tailings are just one of a number of by-products generated by the mining industry which are now being assessed for their economic value. For the uninitiated, tailings are created as ore is crushed, ground and treated to extract the valuable metals or minerals within.
Tailings of two cities: Juneau and Treadwell
After the mine tunnels caved and flooded 100 years ago, the town of Treadwell never recovered. The Alaska-Juneau Mine opened in 1897. By its close in 1944 due to manpower shortages, it had produced …
The 11 May 2024 tailings failure at Siana in the Philippines
The location of the tailings facilities is [9.542, 125.573]. There is some detailed information about the mine and the tailings facilities on the TVI website, including some photographs.
Mining Weekly
As gold mining is an expensive exercise, opportunities for low-cost gold production need to be found, which is spurring the retreatment of tailings, says State-owned Mintek's Minerals Processing ...
Tailings Storage Facilities | Sustainability | Gold Fields
Tailings differ from overburden: the waste rock or material that overlies an ore or mineral body and is displaced unprocessed and stockpiled separately (or co-disposed with tailings) during mining.
Arctic mines face thawing permafrost disaster
As the big thaw continues, more and more mines are likely to see water inundation and issues with their tailing's dams.
Environmental Impact Assessment of Mine Tailings Spill …
The generation of tailings in the world today is immense, since only ounces or pounds of metals are extracted for each ton of ore processed. In 2022, it was estimated that more than 14 billion metric tons of mining tailings were produced per year in the world. Currently, many environmental problems associated with tailings management in …
Geosciences | Free Full-Text | Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings…
In this scenario, recycling mine tailings can help reduce the number of tailings for disposal. Circular economy, recyclability, recycling, and reuse have been identified as emerging solutions that can drive the multidimensional aspects of sustainability in the mining and metal extraction industries.
Towards circular economy in mining: Opportunities and …
In South Africa, there is estimated to be 17.7 million tons of tailings from gold mining ( Breytenbach, 2017 ). In China, approximately 33,000 ha of land has been estimated to be affected by mining activities ( Chen et al., 2016 ), of which 13% by tailings dams ( Miao and Marrs, 2000 ).
Tailings are the waste materials left after the target mineral is extracted from ore. They consist of crushed rock; water; trace quantities of metals such as copper, mercury, cadmium, zinc; and additives used …
Spatial distribution and risk assessment of pollutants in a tailings …
Cyanide and potentially toxic elements in tailings from gold mining can cause serious pollution, and harm the surrounding environment through rainfall seepage and leakage from tailings ponds. In this study, 40 surface soil samples were collected from the Liujiadian tailings pond basin in Pinggu District, Beijing, and the contents of …
rms of both industry and societal expectations. A rethink is also required about the way in which many view tailings management in terms of economics, relying on a net present value (NPV) approach with a high discount factor, rather than a whole-of-life economics approach. There is scope for the further development and implementation of new …
This researcher found billions in 'invisible' gold in Jo'burg's mine …
This researcher found billions in 'invisible' gold in Jo'burg's mine dumps. Meet the young geometallurgist, Steve Chingwaru, who has uncovered a $24bn gold resource – 420 tonnes – in ...
Visualizing the size of mine tailings
Researchers know there remains economic value in tailings. Natural Resources Canada estimated that there is $10B in total metal value in Canadian gold mining waste.
An underexploited invisible gold resource in the Archean
The tailings dumps originating from gold mining in South Africa's Witwatersrand still contain notable gold endowments. Most tailings reprocessing operations target a native gold fraction using ...
The Role of Arsenic in the Mining Industry
The Role of Arsenic in the Mining Industry. The purpose of this briefing is to provide a general overview about the occurrences of arsenic, its economic uses, and its environmental and health impacts. SME through this discussion presents information to inform and engage in meaningful dialogue about safety and best practices, including …
Towards safer, more sustainable handling of mine tailings
Towards safer, more sustainable handling of mine tailings. Our industry analysis tells us that the practice of dewatering tailings is still limited to few areas globally. Only ~5% of tailings generated in 2018 were dewatered into thickened, paste, or dry tailing. We estimate that by 2025 the share of generated tailings that are dewatered will ...
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